This file provides information on how to get help and support for this project.
If you encounter a bug or issue with the project, please follow these steps to report it:
- Check Existing Issues: Before reporting a new issue, please check the issues page to see if the problem has already been reported.
- Create a New Issue: If your issue is not listed, create a new issue on the issues page.
Here are some common questions and answers:
How do I contribute to the project?
- Check the contribution guide.
What coding standards should I follow?
- Please follow the guidelines outlined in our Coding Style Guide. It includes rules for code formatting, indentation, commit message conventions, and more.
To propose a new feature or improvement:
- Check Existing Requests: Look at the issues page to see if the feature has already been requested.
- Create a New Feature Request: If not, create a new issue using the feature request template and describe the proposed feature or enhancement.
For technical support, you can:
- Join the Discussions: Participate in the project discussions on GitHub Discussions to get help and share ideas.
- Consult the Documentation: Refer to the documentation for detailed information about the project.
For additional assistance or to contact the maintainers, you can:
- Open an Issue: Use the issues page to ask questions or seek help.
- Email: Reach out via email to
This document may be updated as necessary to provide the most current support information.