🎓 Master’s student in Computer Engineering at the University of Padova.
💻 Passionate about Linear Optimization, Machine Learning and Parallelization Computing.
🌍 Based in Venice, Italy 🇮🇹.
- Languages: Python, Java, C/C++
- Frameworks & Libraries: Spark, Numpy, Matplotlib, MPI
- Tools & Platforms: Git, IBM ILOG CPLEX, SLURM scheduler
- Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL
- Advanced Algorithm Design
- Game Theory
- Graph Analysis
Parallel Bitonic Sorting: implementation of the Bitonic Sorting Algorithm in C using MPI on a virtual hypercube architecture.
Big Data Computing Projects: assignment repository for the Big Data Computing course at the University of Padova for the academic year 2023-2024.
- I love meditation and self-care 🍃, I'm obsessed with Karate 👊 and Japanese culture 🇯🇵.