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Community |
community |
geOrchestra is a community-driven project.
Anyone can contribute, and each contribution may be reused freely by everyone.
Contributions may take several forms:
- participation to the mailing lists,
- writing or improving the documentation,
- helping improve this website,
- creating bug reports and submitting enhancement requests,
- contributions to the code, either patches or "pull requests",
- funding for new features.
State level:
- Plurinational state of Bolivia with GeoBolivia
- Several national and international organisations in La Paz are currently testing geOrchestra. Have a look at the map.
Subnational level:
- Bretagne (France), with GeoBretagne partnership
- Aquitaine (France) with PIGMA project by GIP ATGeRI
- Picardie (France) with GéoPicardie project
- Alsace (France) with CIGAL partnership
- Auvergne (France) with Centre Régional Auvergnat de l'Information Géographique.
Urban area level:
- Rennes Métropole (France)
- Asociación de Municipios Productivos del Norte (Nicaragua)
- ViennAgglo (France)
- Le Puy en Velay (France)
Research and education:
- INRA at different places in France (Nancy, Rennes, Montpellier)
- UMR Théma (Besançon)
- UMS BBEES at the French "Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle", Paris
- UMR Sisyphe at "Université Pierre et Marie Curie", Paris.
- UMR Littoral, Environnement, Télédétection, Géomatique via indigeo
- TerraNIS, a French company specialized in the design, development and commercialization of geoinformation services in agriculture and environment domains.
... and many more we don't know about. Please contact us to register your geOrchestra !
The commiters list only gives a partial view.
The GitHub ecosystem allows wide contributions via the "Pull Request" principle. These contributions are always intensively reviewed and tested, eventually leading to their acceptance and integration ("merge").
We are always pleased to give a hand on the #georchestra channel (freenode IRC server).
The project runs two mailing lists, which you can freely join to ask for help:
- is the main mailing list for users and data admin as well,
- is the developpers and sysadmin mailing list
Use to reach the Project Steering Committee.
No support will be provided at this address.