Converter from a Drush makefile to composer.json
It's very much in alpha and you should only use it at your own risk. You're very much likely to have to edit the composer.json afterwards.
Install this in your .drush folder:
$ git clone ~/.drush/m2c
$ drush cc drush
Then use the m2c command, specifying a makefile:
$ drush m2c path/to/drush-m2c/make_to_composer.drush path/to/makefile.make > path/to/composer.json
This will convert the makefile into a composer.json on standard output, so as you can see above we're piping that to an actual JSON file.
A limitation of installers is that it doesn't cope with building a runnable core-plus-contrib: your files will be in the following locations:
- modules/
- themes/
- profiles/
- libraries/
- vendor/drupal/drupal/ <- core
You will need to manually rearrange these files to get your build to work. However, this is a task that is very much suited to Drush instance:
This supports composer.json, in the above format, as of 7.x-1.2.
Patches can also be applied using the jpstacey/composer-patches Packagist project: