POC Keycloak and Spring Security Oauth2 to secure WebApp Gestion Materiel
##Setting Up a Keycloak Server
1. Downloading and Installing Keycloak Server
We'll be using the standalone version.
Download the Keycloak Standalone server distribution from the official source. https://www.keycloak.org/downloads.html
Install : official doc
2. Creating a Realm call "GestionMaterielSpringKeycloak"
Navigate to the upper left corner to discover the Add realm button
3. Creating a Client call "login-webapp-gestionmateriel"
Leave all the defaults except the Valid Redirect URIs field.
This field should contain webapp Gestion Materiel URL(s) that will use this client for authentication :
4. Creating a Role call "admin"
5. Creating a User call "usertest1"
7. Assign the Role "admin" to our User "usertest1"
Java - 1.8.x or greater
Maven - 3.x.x
1. Clone the application
2. Build and run the app using maven
mvn package
java -jar target/*.jar
Alternatively, you can run the app directly without packaging like this -
mvn spring-boot:run
The app will start running at http://localhost:8282.
Account Keycloak Create
Login : usertest1
Password : usertest1
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