(Ambrose, Rigo, kromko, Randommisha13) Update Guns & Gears content to remaster
System Improvements
(Kulkodar) Add tooltips to the item sheet traits
(Supe) Remove expired copies of an effect when adding a new one
Bug Fixes
(Supe) Fix certain description overrides in some items like the spellcasting repertoire class feature
(Supe) Fix consumables retaining arrow stack behavior when changing from the ammo category
(Supe) Fix kingdom army stats being incorrect on levelup if there were temporary bonuses or penalties
Data Updates
(7H3LaughingMan) Correct critical failure persistant damage for Whispers of the Void
(Abaddon) Add change shape ability to ifrit
(Ambrose) Add effect to Bone Flense spell
(Ambrose) Add Grab action to Raja-Krodha
(Ambrose) Add missing details to Magus' Arcane Spellcasting class feature
(Ambrose) Add vitality weakness to Arms of the Drowned
(Ambrose) Correct action cost for Fire Scamp's Flame Breath action
(Ambrose) Correct rarity to Grub Gloves
(Ambrose) Fix Emotionally Unaware penalty so it doesn't apply on initiative rolls
(Ambrose) Update Aquatic Combat and Crystal Shards to match to match Player Core and errata
(Ambrose) Update Explosive Arrival automation and add area-damage
option to localization strings
(Ambrose) Update predicate for Daydream Trance
(Dire Weasel) Add automation for Frost Fair Yanyuedao
(Dire Weasel) Add some links and emphasis for harm and heal spells
(Dire Weasel) Adding missing 7th rank entries to Atmospheric Staff (Major)
(Dire Weasel) Fix action cost of Darkened Forest Form and Discomfiting Whispers
(kromko) Fix a few area-effect checks
(MrVauxs) Update Crunch to use DamageAlteration
(rectulo) Fix format of spell in rivethun devotion feat
(Rigo) Add missing prerequisite to Empiricist's Eye
(Rigo) Add spell effect for Scintillating Safeguard
(Rigo) Apply Flowing Spirit Strike's penalty to gleaming blade only
(Rigo) Implement 2/25 PFS Rulings & Clarifications
(Rigo) Link effect in Heroic Recovery's spellshape Item Alteration
(Rigo) Remove Dazzling Brilliance from variant glass golem
(Rigo) Restrict Regalia's flanking override to paragon Benefit
(SpartanCPA) Adjust aura for Warsworn
(SpartanCPA) Move DamageDice die size overrides to DamageAlteration
(Tikael) Fix Gate's Threshold localization
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