[clojure-mail "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
A clojure library mainly aimed at parsing, downloading and reading email from Gmail servers.
Possible uses for this library include machine learning corpus generation and command line mail clients.
In this example we'll log into a Gmail account and read messages from the inbox and spam folders.
;; Create your auth creds
(auth! "user@gmail.com" "password")
;; Create a mail store instance. This is your gateway to your gmail account.
(def store (gen-store))
;; Now we can get 5 messages from our inbox
(def my-messages (take 5 (get-inbox)))
;; And read the first message in our inbox
(msg/read-message (first (get-inbox)))
;; Get 5 messages from the spam folder
(map #(msg/read-message %)
(take 5 (get-spam)))
Get all headers from an email
;; Get an email message from our inbox
(def m (first (get-inbox)))
;; Returns all headers as a map
(msg/message-headers m)
;; Get the sender
(msg/sender m)
;; Get the from address
(msg/from m)
Fetch unread emails
(unread-messages "INBOX")
Copyright © 2012 FIXME
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.