Deploy a single BYOL FortiGate in IBM Cloud using the Schematics service.
Note: For a local deployment a Gen 2 API key will be needed. For details see: IBM Gen 2 API key
This deployment requires that you already have the following already configured:
- Two subnets
- An ssh key
Terraform deploys the following components:
- A FortiGate BYOL instance with two NICs, one in each subnet
- A Floating Public IP address attached to the FortiGate
- A Logging disk
Note For Subnets, put the UUID of the subnet. Not the name
Apply the Plan.
Outputs, such as the Public IP and Default username and password can be found under the
View Log
link.See below for info on destroying the cluster.
Deploying This package from IBM Schematics is possible. To do so navigate to the Repo at and follow the steps below:
From the IBM console navitagte to Schematics.
Fill in the workspace info and create your workspace.
Copy the repo URL into repository URL field and then select Terraform version 0.13.
Add in and adjust any Variables as needed in the settings.
Apply the plan.
Outputs, such as the Public IP and Default username and password can be found under the
View Log
To destroy the cluster, click on Actions...
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