diff --git a/APD with_js_link bidirectional 1.jl b/APD with_js_link bidirectional 1.jl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a5e5fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/APD with_js_link bidirectional 1.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
+# v0.19.32
+using Markdown
+using InteractiveUtils
+# ╔═╡ 49786782-88c7-11ee-361d-9578fba566f6
+using Pkg
+# ╔═╡ 4b9adb89-a54b-4cba-9091-79c81168560d
+# ╔═╡ 3813b59a-0ca1-41c0-8d5d-559a5b7b1290
+using AbstractPlutoDingetjes
+# ╔═╡ 78a32b95-d502-4e96-b074-a1d07e5a51a5
+using HypertextLiteral
+# ╔═╡ 31c03827-9c7a-45ba-aec4-d45794f3e93f
+import AbstractPlutoDingetjes.Bonds.with_js_link
+# ╔═╡ 3b5f9c8b-200b-4f26-a48e-faf28a6bf80a
+# let
+# messages_to_js = Channel()
+# send_to_js(msg) = put!(messages_to_js, msg)
+# function get_next_message(_ignore)
+# take!(messages_to_js)
+# end
+# @async begin
+# sleep(5)
+# for i in 1:10
+# send_to_js(i)
+# sleep(.3)
+# end
+# end
+# @htl("""
+# """)
+# end
+# ╔═╡ 7db59ac0-2c7f-4be7-bdb7-19af83fe82eb
+ struct JSGeneratorFinish end
+ struct JSGenerator
+ APDlink
+ channel
+ end
+ Base.put!(jsg::JSGenerator, msg) = put!(jsg.channel, msg)
+ function Base.show(io::IO, m::MIME"text/javascript", wjl::JSGenerator)
+ write(io, """(() => {
+ let messages = async function* () {
+ while(true) {
+ let next = await """)
+ show(io, m, wjl.APDlink)
+ write(io, """();
+ if(next === `__jsgen_stop`) return;
+ yield next;
+ }
+ };
+ let gen = messages();
+ invalidation.then(async () => {
+ console.log("stopping! 1")
+ gen.return()
+ console.log("stopping! 2")
+ });
+ return gen;
+ })()""")
+ end
+# ╔═╡ 4d1057f7-c033-4bcb-9b81-a93d96c1a1f8
+ c = Channel(1)
+ put!(c, 1)
+ take!(c)
+# ╔═╡ 6cbae03c-087f-46fb-8577-8d2bcf7fbed6
+function link_from_julia()
+ messages_to_js = Channel()
+ running_ref = Ref{Bool}(true)
+ function get_next_message(_ignore)
+ if running_ref[]
+ # state[] *= "\nwaiting"
+ # @debug "waiting"
+ next = take!(messages_to_js)
+ # @info "done!" next
+ # state[] *= "\ndone $(next)"
+ if next === JSGeneratorFinish()
+ "__jsgen_stop"
+ else
+ next
+ end
+ else
+ "__jsgen_stop"
+ end
+ end
+ function stop_generator()
+ # @debug "stopping"
+ # state[] *= "\nstopping"
+ if running_ref[]
+ running_ref[] = false
+ # TODO if available
+ # TODO what if there are multiple clients connected?
+ put!(messages_to_js, JSGeneratorFinish())
+ # state[] *= "\nstopped"
+ end
+ end
+ js_generator = JSGenerator(
+ AbstractPlutoDingetjes.Display.with_js_link(get_next_message, stop_generator),
+ messages_to_js,
+ )
+ return js_generator
+# ╔═╡ 9b58eaa7-0cda-4e29-ab11-ed03f40a1c11
+state = Ref("")
+# ╔═╡ 7ece8b4f-d929-4629-b395-56c98bf14de9
+# let
+# link = link_from_julia()
+# @async begin
+# sleep(5)
+# for i in 1:10
+# put!(link, i)
+# sleep(.3)
+# end
+# end
+# @htl("""
+# """)
+# end
+# ╔═╡ 9edfc363-c5a9-43b1-94fc-2cd63171ba34
+state[] |> Text
+# ╔═╡ 24d5cf8a-439c-4b99-a8d6-2f03aefb9658
+# ╔═╡ cbf6498f-abcf-4d1e-9f03-364aad4d0db5
+WHCIH it should
+but right now the messages go "randomly" to one of the clients
+# ╔═╡ 3ff49038-6945-4eb4-8ac7-81ac7531572b
+# ╔═╡ 274f0781-26d5-49f6-8306-d81129b8afaf
+# ╔═╡ 9985a237-33bd-441f-afda-26c23d351dd5
+# ╔═╡ 964d0060-9ed0-4824-a92c-1ae20c25c288
+# ╔═╡ e041300e-a263-4eca-976a-0a00c25ae318
+# ╔═╡ 9542b8ab-c442-45c9-8f9e-6e710ed71bbb
+# ╔═╡ 24aad28b-8f4e-484f-8301-0c9205a40d66
+# ╔═╡ e9f1432c-2256-42ef-8a80-08d8b0f8b6a7
+# ╔═╡ af870486-fd6c-40cb-861a-1cf50aaed29b
+# ╔═╡ c30f2819-5c76-4ac7-b962-e7d465f652b9
+# ╔═╡ fbd43578-2061-4bf0-a87c-e193a42998ca
+# ╔═╡ 80d9b34a-a118-437d-954b-bec3be94273f
+# ╔═╡ Cell order:
+# ╠═49786782-88c7-11ee-361d-9578fba566f6
+# ╠═4b9adb89-a54b-4cba-9091-79c81168560d
+# ╠═3813b59a-0ca1-41c0-8d5d-559a5b7b1290
+# ╠═31c03827-9c7a-45ba-aec4-d45794f3e93f
+# ╠═78a32b95-d502-4e96-b074-a1d07e5a51a5
+# ╠═3b5f9c8b-200b-4f26-a48e-faf28a6bf80a
+# ╠═4d1057f7-c033-4bcb-9b81-a93d96c1a1f8
+# ╠═6cbae03c-087f-46fb-8577-8d2bcf7fbed6
+# ╠═7db59ac0-2c7f-4be7-bdb7-19af83fe82eb
+# ╠═9b58eaa7-0cda-4e29-ab11-ed03f40a1c11
+# ╠═7ece8b4f-d929-4629-b395-56c98bf14de9
+# ╠═9edfc363-c5a9-43b1-94fc-2cd63171ba34
+# ╠═24d5cf8a-439c-4b99-a8d6-2f03aefb9658
+# ╠═cbf6498f-abcf-4d1e-9f03-364aad4d0db5
+# ╠═3ff49038-6945-4eb4-8ac7-81ac7531572b
+# ╠═274f0781-26d5-49f6-8306-d81129b8afaf
+# ╠═9985a237-33bd-441f-afda-26c23d351dd5
+# ╠═964d0060-9ed0-4824-a92c-1ae20c25c288
+# ╠═e041300e-a263-4eca-976a-0a00c25ae318
+# ╠═9542b8ab-c442-45c9-8f9e-6e710ed71bbb
+# ╠═24aad28b-8f4e-484f-8301-0c9205a40d66
+# ╠═e9f1432c-2256-42ef-8a80-08d8b0f8b6a7
+# ╠═af870486-fd6c-40cb-861a-1cf50aaed29b
+# ╠═c30f2819-5c76-4ac7-b962-e7d465f652b9
+# ╠═fbd43578-2061-4bf0-a87c-e193a42998ca
+# ╠═80d9b34a-a118-437d-954b-bec3be94273f