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Real world comparison

flyinggorilla edited this page Jan 4, 2021 · 1 revision

Let's compare this simulator with real-world trim settings recommended by the Pro's like Mischa Heemskerk who also builds the [DNA F1x][dnaf1x] catamaran (yes, by now it's obvious, thats the boat I am sailing).

Here is Mischa's table:

true wind speed 0-6kn 7-11kn 12-15kn 16kn+ 0-7kn 7-9kn 10-16kn 17kn+
course upwind upwind upwind upwind downwind downwind downwind downwind
mast rotation [°] 50 30 25 20 70 30 40 50
cunningham mid light mid pull mid loose mid pull
traveller [cm] 0 0 0 5-10 max (80?) 10 20 30

Simulator with guesstimated boat speed (need a polar!)

This table is a big guesstimate right now as I need a polar diagram and more accurate real-world measurements of boat-speed and VMG vs. the rest of the settings.

true wind speed 0-6kn 7-11kn 12-15kn 16kn+ 0-7kn 7-9kn 10-16kn 17kn+
simulator view view view view view view view view
course upwind upwind upwind flying upwind foiling downwind downwind foiling downwind foiling downwind foiling
wind speed [kn] 4 9 14 20 5 8 14 20
heading [°] 45 45 45 50 135 130 140 150
boat speed [kn] 3 8 11 20 5 15 20 25
vmg [kn] 2.1 5.7 7.8 12.9 3.5 9.6 16.4 21.7
twist [°] 6 4 5 6 31 13.4 21 28
sail chord angle of attack [°] 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 15
apparent wind speed at mast top [kn] 6 16 23 36 4 12 12 13
mast rotation [°] 21 vs. 50 19 vs. 30 21 vs. 25 25 vs. 20 68 vs. 70 32 vs. 30 44 vs. 40 53 vs. 50
traveller [cm] 0 0 1 vs. 0 11 vs. 5-10 57 vs. max 6 vs. 10 16 vs. 20 24 vs. 30

When the table shows a vs. then it is simulator vs. Mischa's real-world-best-practice.

First conclusions: Calculations were based on 20° angle of apparent wind vs. sail chord. Adjusting angle of attack to 15° OR reducing the Hellman constant (for reduced wind-gradient) brings closer results. The result is close enough to get a rough feel, and wanting to get back on the water to try some trims in the real-world.

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