Releases: fluxer/katana
Changes to ariya-icons since 2022-12-02:
- generic: correct comment in index file
Changes to kdelibs since 2022-12-02:
- cmake: CMake warning fix
- cmake: add FindLibmicrohttpd module to the list of modules that are not installed
- cmake: add only the installation modules path to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH
- cmake: bootstrap build fix
- cmake: check for ddjvuapi quietly from DjVuLibre module
- cmake: consistent environment variable for FFmpegThumbnailer header and library path
- cmake: correct kde4_translate() macro documentation
- cmake: do not install the WebP module
- cmake: move bootstrap-related variables out of KDE4Internal module
- cmake: new LibGit2 module
- cmake: remove LibMms module
- cmake: remove now redundant LibKonq module and update KDE4Workspace module
- cmake: specify the input as dependency from kde4_translate() macro
- generic: ODR fixes
- generic: add comment about ptsname_r() check
- generic: adjust expected tests data
- generic: adjust to Katie changes
- generic: adjust to QUrl changes
- generic: build fix
- generic: bump minimum Katie version requirement to 4.13.0
- generic: call QCoreApplication::applicationName() as static method
- generic: call klauncher methods asynchronously from KToolInvocation
- generic: consistent RFC references
- generic: consistent headers inclusion
- generic: copyright KDELibs4Config.cmake to me
- generic: correct locale installation directory variable
- generic: define KDE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_AREA in the main build file for each library
- generic: define NDEBUG when not building for debugging
- generic: do not include quiet packages in the feature summary
- generic: documentation update
- generic: drop KFile::Tree and KFile::DetailTree modes
- generic: drop floppy support
- generic: drop locolor support
- generic: drop sub-URL support
- generic: drop support for sequenced thumbnails
- generic: drop text-to-speech support
- generic: drop uninstall target script
- generic: format kimageio and krecentdirs source/header files
- generic: headers inclusions review
- generic: include KDE4Defaults before creating script
- generic: merge KDELibs4ToolsTargets and KDELibs4LibraryTargets
- generic: move stuff from KDE4Internal module to KDELibs4Config
- generic: purge most manual tests
- generic: remove KCalendarSystem leftovers
- generic: remove QT_KATIE definition checks
- generic: remove binary compat bits
- generic: remove bogus KMultiTabBarInternal and KACLListView reimplementations
- generic: remove build variable used to specify library type
- generic: remove compat build variables
- generic: remove irrelevant TODO files
- generic: remove redundant IN_IDE_PARSER definition checks
- generic: remove redundant X11 checks and headers inclusions
- generic: remove redundant build varibles
- generic: remove redundant fixx11h header inclusions
- generic: remove unused KIO protocol input/output information
- generic: remove unused QPL license
- generic: remove unused X-KDE-autostart-after feature
- generic: remove/replace references to KDE4Internal module
- generic: replace use of QTime as timer with QElapsedTimer
- generic: set Katie and X11 package properties
- generic: store KIO slaves listing capability as boolean
- generic: unblock signals when setting handlers for them
- generic: update enchant link
- generic: update references to shared data directory
- includes: add KPowerManager header
- includes: remove headers for gone classes
- includes: remove headers for kdbgstream and kndbgstream
- interfaces: drop templates selection feature
- interfaces: remove terminal example
- interfaces: remove unused KTextEditor::LoadSaveFilterCheckPlugin class
- interfaces: remove unused KTextEditor::MessageInterface member
- interfaces: remove unused LoadSaveFilterCheckPlugin member
- interfaces: remove unused and non-operational KRegExpEditorInterface
- interfaces: remove unused smart KTextEditor interface classes
- interfaces: simplify templates handling and implement loginname
- kdeclarative: QImage binding optimization
- kdeclarative: correct QImage binding function names
- kdeclarative: correct copyright for QImage binding
- kdeclarative: implement width() and height() getters for QImage
- kdeclarative: initialization optimization
- kdeclarative: log script engine exceptions as debug messages
- kdeclarative: minimal QImage type binding
- kdeclarative: re-use engine variable
- kdeclarative: remove duplicate include directory
- kdeclarative: remove stub and unused KDeclarative::runtimePlatform() method
- kdeclarative: remove unused KDeclarativePrivate::initialized member
- kdeclarative: remove unused macros and wrappers in backportglobal header
- kdeclarative: rename image binding function
- kdecore use the new QUrl::AddTrailingSlash enum
- kdecore: KAuthorization documentation correction
- kdecore: KAuthorization documentation update
- kdecore: KAuthorization optimization
- kdecore: KCharsets optimizations
- kdecore: KDeviceDatabase optimization
- kdecore: KDirWatch rewrite
- kdecore: KLocale::translateRaw() and KLocale::translateQt() optimizations
- kdecore: KLocale::translateRaw() methods optimization
- kdecore: KLockFile optimization
- kdecore: KMimeType::is() optimization
- kdecore: KMimeType::isBinaryData() optimization
- kdecore: KMimeTypeFactory::allMimeTypes() optimization
- kdecore: KMimeTypeFactory::entryOffset() optimization
- kdecore: KMimeTypePrivate::ensureXmlDataLoaded() optimization
- kdecore: KMimeTypeRepository::parseMagicFile() optimization
- kdecore: KServiceTypePrivate::m_strComment member no longer has to be mutable
- kdecore: KTemporaryFile optimization
- kdecore: KTemporaryFile::filePath() optimization
- kdecore: KTimeZone documentation update
- kdecore: KTimeZone review
- kdecore: KToolInvocation review
- kdecore: KUrl optimizations
- kdecore: KUrl rewrite to output encoded strings
- kdecore: KUrl test-anew
- kdecore: KUrl::List from QList optimization
- kdecore: KUrl::List to QList conversion optimization
- kdecore: KUrl::equals() rework to use KUrl::url() for the comparison
- kdecore: KUrl::url() optimization
- kdecore: KUserGroup::userNames() optimization
- kdecore: MIME magic file parsing optimization
- kdecore: PCI IDs database update
- kdecore: PCI and USB IDs database update
- kdecore: USB IDs database update
- kdecore: add FIXME for KUrl::isRelativeUrl()
- kdecore: add KUrl query and fragment test
- kdecore: add comment about the re-construction of the URL in KUrlTest::testHash()
- kdecore: add compile-time definition to dump catalogs when translations is not found
- kdecore: add debug area for ark
- kdecore: add debug area for gwenview
- kdecore: add debug area for kemu
- kdecore: add debug area for kfreespace
- kdecore: add debug area for kgreeter
- kdecore: add debug area for ksnapshot
- kdecore: add missing QMutableListIterator template argument in KLocale::removeCatalog()
- kdecore: adjust the KService test to KLocale changes
- kdecore: adjust to KDED favicons module changes
- kdecore: append trailing slash from kPathDirectory() function
- kdecore: assume strings passed to KUrl constructors are percentage-encoded
- kdecore: build fix for the case when tests are enabled
- kdecore: cache the debug area devices as KDebugConfig member
- kdecore: call KLocalizedString::notifyCatalogsUpdated() only when the catalogs were actually updated
- kdecore: call QBuffer constructor in KSycocaBufferDevice
- kdecore: change locale language from KLocale::reparseConfiguration() of default KLocale objects
- kdecore: check if debug messages are disabled globally from KDebugConfig::areaDevice()
- kdecore: check if the time zone file exists from KTimeZone::isValid()
- kdecore: clarification on the note in KUrl test
- kdecore: compare the clean paths of local file URLs
- kdecore: compat bits for KLocale::formatNumber()
- kdecore: compiler warning fix
- kdecore: compiler warnings fix
- kdecore: const-ify KMimeTypePrivate::m_path member
- kdecore: const-ify variables in KLocale::translateRaw() methods
- kdecore: convert the QString to QByteArray only once in KGlobalPrivate::initFakeComponent()
- kdecore: copyright KSystemTimeZones, KTimeZone and the tests for the classes to me
- kdecore: correct millisecond(s) spelling
- kdecore: de-virtualize KDateTimeFormatter, KDateTimeParser and KDayPeriod
- kdecore: deal with KMimeType TODO
- kdecore: deep-copy the patterns in KMimeTypeRepository::findFromOtherPatternList()
- kdecore: different take on KUrl::upUrl()
- kdecore: disable KLOCALE_DUMP_UNTRANSLATED by default
- kdecore: disable KUrl test
- kdecore: disable copying of KServiceTypeTrader via Q_DISABLE_COPY() macro
- kdecore: discard leap second adjustments, standard/wall and UTC/local time indicators timezone data
- kdecore: do not append trailing slash to the path if the path is / from KDirWatch::addDir()
- kdecore: do not assume translations are installed in KLocale test case
- kdecore: do not block while parsing files in KDeviceDatabase
- kdecore: do not change the scheme from KUrl::cleanPath()
- kdecore: do not check if the file exists from KAutostart::isServiceRegistered()
- kdecore: do not insert and remove catalogs from KPluginFactory
- kdecore: do not insert duplicate catalogs into KLocale
- kdecore: do not insert invalid catalogs into KLocale
- kdecore: do not mangle KTraderParse into the default namespace
- kdecore: do not prettify the URL in KUrl::pathOrUrl()
- kde...
Changes to ariya-icons since 2021-08-13:
- none
Changes to kdelibs since 2021-08-13:
- assume tcsetpgrp() is available
- cmake: add GeoClue module
- cmake: add gobject-2.0 library to GLIB2_LIBRARIES
- cmake: add LightDM module
- cmake: always set CMake executable and library output directory variables
- cmake: check if vendor is Solaris regardless if krb5-config is found or not
- cmake: CMake warning fix
- cmake: correct pkg-config module check for curl
- cmake: correct Poppler module copyright
- cmake: do not attempt to install non-existing GSSAPI module
- cmake: install script input file
- cmake: make authorization checks independant
- cmake: new Kmod module
- cmake: remove documentation for non-existing kde4_auth_install_action() macro
- cmake: remove now unused GeoClue module
- cmake: remove now unused Gpgme module
- cmake: remove now unused HUNSPELL module
- cmake: remove now unused LibGcrypt module
- cmake: remove now unused modules
- cmake: remove now unused NetworkManager module
- cmake: remove now unused OpenGLES module
- cmake: remove now unused PAM and UnixAuth modules
- cmake: remove now unused PopplerQt4 module
- cmake: remove reference to kephal
- cmake: remove unused XCB libraries checks
- cmake: reset required variables before using and after overriding them
- cmake: try pkg-config lookup first from FFmpeg module
- cmake: uninstall target fix
- cmake: workaround incorrect version in MPV pkg-config file
- generic: add Katie image format MIME type
- generic: AppVeyor and CodeQL dependencies update [ci skip]
- generic: AppVeyor dependencies update
- generic: assume S_ISSOCK is defined [ci reset]
- generic: assume vsnprintf() is present
- generic: change default font families to DejaVu Sans and DejaVu Sans Mono
- generic: CodeQL action dependencies update
- generic: CodeQL dependencies update
- generic: deal with TODO related to CMP0005
- generic: do not convert lists to sets
- generic: do not use static buffers
- generic: drop KIO HTTP(S) support
- generic: drop SSL configuration support
- generic: drop support for emoticons
- generic: drop support for file metadata writing
- generic: drop support for webdav protocol
- generic: drop TCP slave support and now unused SSL-related metadata
- generic: execute tests via script
- generic: fix and adjust some tests
- generic: fix build with older versions of FFmpeg by referencing meta-headers
- generic: fix regression since d20002f957ba090a1eda820af6ccbd7228efd8b0
- generic: get rid of KGLobal::staticQString()
- generic: install graphic interface headers for solid
- generic: load SVG images as any other format
- generic: minor documentation corrections
- generic: port KIO to KPasswdStore and drop kwallet and kwasswdserver
- generic: prioritize single glob MIME type match, magic after like the reference implementation
- generic: reimplement kdnssd library
- generic: reimplement power manager
- generic: remove code for features that Katie does not support
- generic: remove duplicate getgrouplist() function check
- generic: remove now unused http/webdav slave bits
- generic: remove now unused posix_openpt() availability check
- generic: remove Qt support leftovers [ci reset]
- generic: remove reference to unmaintained KIO protocols
- generic: remove unused configuration checks
- generic: remove unused dot files [ci skip]
- generic: remove unused global SOCKS-related settings
- generic: remove unused header inclusions
- generic: remove unused metainfo KIO slave and MetaInfoJob KIO class
- generic: rename KIconEffect::shadowBlur() method and use it in Plasma::PaintUtils::shadowBlur()
- generic: replace custom Curl module with CMake provided one
- generic: replace QDesktopServices with QStandardPaths and bump minimum Katie version required
- generic: replace QLinkedList with QList
- generic: replace qsnprintf() with snprintf() calls
- generic: rewind password and group databases before query
- generic: version bump
- includes: add camel case headers for KExiv2 and KPasswdStore classes
- includes: do not install alias for non-existing accessmanager header
- includes: remove fancy KFileMetaInfoGroup header for non-existing class
- includes: remove KHE leftovers
- interfaces: remove hex editor interface
- kdecore: add SteelSeries Rival 110 Gaming Mouse to the USB database
- kdecore: add Xperia Z to USB IDs database
- kdecore: adjust KService tests to recent changes
- kdecore: check if directory is already watched in KDirWatch::addDir()
- kdecore: correct default magic priority value
- kdecore: de-virtualize KStandardDirs destructor
- kdecore: disable copying of KStandardDirs via Q_DISABLE_COPY() macro
- kdecore: do not cache icon requests from KMimeType::favIconForUrl()
- kdecore: extend the upstream PCI and USB databases
- kdecore: fix KJob test
- kdecore: fix KLockFile test
- kdecore: fix regression since c92d1b598d422639f1008ef018391bb4b48769f2 and adjust KMimeType test
- kdecore: fix strings concat for options with default value
- kdecore: format and indent
- kdecore: include paths header if present on the system
- kdecore: KDeviceDatabase documentation update
- kdecore: KDeviceDatabase rewrite and test for it
- kdecore: magic and glob match for MIME type shall have 100 accuracy, single glob match 50
- kdecore: more USB IDs
- kdecore: move variable to the scope it is used in
- kdecore: musl libc crash workaround
- kdecore: new KDeviceDatabase class
- kdecore: pad the IDs even when they start with "0x" from KDeviceDatabase methods
- kdecore: PCI and USB IDs database update
- kdecore: plug KTraderParse memory leak
- kdecore: plug KUrlMimeTest memory leak
- kdecore: plug memory leak in KFilterTest
- kdecore: plug memory leak in KLocaleTest
- kdecore: plug Test_KLockFile memory leak
- kdecore: prioritize magic check in KMimeType::findByUrl()
- kdecore: rebrand command line options strings
- kdecore: remove obsolete Solaris workaround
- kdecore: remove redundant return statement in KSaveFile::setFileName()
- kdecore: remove unused and private KConfigPrivate::mappingsRegistered member
- kdecore: remove unused KConfig::checkUpdate() method
- kdecore: rename internal KDeviceDatabase struct members to match what data they represent
- kdecore: replace use of internal definition
- kdecore: testing build type fix
- kdecore: use Q_OS_SOLARIS definition for Solaris OS checks
- kdecore: workaround for
- kded: rework sycoca database recreation
- kdeui: add definitions for default fonts
- kdeui: adjust to Katie changes
- kdeui: do not check icon name when setting icon by pixmap in KStatusNotifierItem::setIconByPixmap()
- kdeui: ensure icon image used to paint overlay is in format supported by QPainter
- kdeui: fix crash in case the font has no styles
- kdeui: make shadow blur effect function public
- kdeui: move default switch case to bottom in qIconModeToKIconState() function
- kdeui: prepare for Katie changes
- kdeui: reduce the size of default fonts table data
- kdeui: remove opengl support leftovers
- kdeui: remove redundant return statement in KMessageBox::about()
- kdeui: remove reference to no-op QFontDatabase::isBitmapScalable() method
- kdeui: remove unused header inclusions in kaboutapplicationpersonmodel_p source file
- kdeui: remove unused KViewStateMaintainer and KViewStateSaver
- kdeui: remove unused QNetworkReply header inclusion
- kdeui: remove unused virtual KMainWindow::queryExit() method
- kdeui: replace QConicalGradient with QRadialGradient
- kdeui: replace use of obsolete QFontMetrics::charWidth() with QFontMetrics::width()
- kdeui: typo
- kdeui: use QFontDatabase::hasFamily() to check if font is installed
- kfile: deal with TODO related to moving private class from kio to kfile library
- kfile: revert f59ad04f659cd679238c593c4aab6dc8bba1650d
- kimgio: add missing MIME types for magick plugin
- kimgio: adjust to Katie changes
- kimgio: catch exceptions thrown by ImageMagick during probing via coder info
- kimgio: check how many bytes were written to the device
- kimgio: convert the image to 32-bit format before processing its data
- kimgio: default to best quality
- kimgio: ensure same types are compared in magick plugin
- kimgio: handle animations in magick plugin
- kimgio: handle BMP, JPEG, TIFF and TGA formats via magick plugin
- kimgio: handle GIF format via magick plugin
- kimgio: handle PBM, PGM, PPM and XBM via magick plugin
- kimgio: minor magick plugin review
- kimgio: probe file extension if device is QFile in magick plugin
- kimgio: read resource image files as blob
- kimgio: use WEBP_MAX_DIMENSION definitions to check WebP limitation
- kimgio: workaround for icons that works for any device
- kimgio: workaround for some ImageMagick coders failing to load from blob
- kinit: adjust to Katie changes
- kinit: change process title only via setproctitle()
- kio: actually return translated key from KFileMetaInfoItem::name()
- kio: add extractor plugins to list instead of removing
- kio: add the URL modification time to the thumbnail filename
- kio: add TODO for KImageIO methods [ci reset]
- kio: assume KMimeType::allMimeTypes() does not have duplicates in FFmpeg metadata plugin
- kio: assume KMimeType::findByUrl() can do better in normal mode in KFileItem::mimeTypePtr()
- kio: avoid KUrl to QString and then implicit KUrl conversion in KFileMetaDataProvider::label()
- kio: bootstrap build fix
- kio: build fix for the case when Strigi is not found or dis...
4.20.0: packaging: kde-extraapps footprint files update
Changes to ariya-icons since 2020-02-06:
- cmake: bump version to 4.19.0
- generic: CMake warning fix
- generic: drop CPack support
Changes to kdelibs since 2020-02-06:
- cmake: add FFmpegThumbnailer module
- cmake: add Gphoto2 module
- cmake: add LibATASmart module
- cmake: add LibDRM module
- cmake: add LibTorrent module
- cmake: add Strigi module
- cmake: amend dependencies variables only if package itself is found
- cmake: correct modules installation directory
- cmake: correct Taglib module variable
- cmake: define NDEBUG for non-debug builds
- cmake: do not install ACL, Avahi, DNSSD and ENCHANT modules
- cmake: do not install UDev module
- cmake: drop support for static and shared plugins
- cmake: fix regression since 126f6a9bd79eef1bdb1a18ba4ee70a2fa93de9ed
- cmake: indent FindUDev module
- cmake: indent PAM module
- cmake: MacroLogFeature rewrite
- cmake: modules review
- cmake: move GIO, IBus and SCIM modules from kde-extraapps
- cmake: move RPATH related variables setup to KDE4Defaults
- cmake: query pkg-config from LibGcrypt module
- cmake: remove accidently commited change
- cmake: remove CMAKE_C_FLAGS override from LIBPARTED module
- cmake: remove compatibility bits
- cmake: remove definitions already defined by Katie
- cmake: remove disabled code for cross-compiling
- cmake: remove MNG format support from KDE4_INSTALL_ICONS() macro
- cmake: remove now unused Alsa module
- cmake: remove now unused Canberra module
- cmake: remove now unused Eigen3 module
- cmake: remove now unused FLAC++ module
- cmake: remove now unused GObject module
- cmake: remove now unused LibAttica module
- cmake: remove now unused modules
- cmake: remove now unused PulseAudio module
- cmake: remove QCA2 module
- cmake: remove Qt support leftovers
- cmake: remove QT_VISIBILITY_AVAILABLE check
- cmake: remove reference to check_installed_exports_file file
- cmake: remove reference to kde4_create_manpage() macro
- cmake: remove reference to KDE4Workspace installation paths
- cmake: remove unsupported platforms leftovers
- cmake: remove unused BlueZ module
- cmake: remove unused DBus and MySQL modules
- cmake: remove unused Eigen2 module
- cmake: remove unused kde4_create_manpage() macro
- cmake: remove unused Kipi module
- cmake: remove unused LCMS2 module
- cmake: remove unused LibGPS module
- cmake: remove unused LibXKlavier module
- cmake: remove unused MacroLogFeature module
- cmake: remove unused MacroWriteBasicCMakeVersionFile module
- cmake: remove unused modules
- cmake: remove unused PkgConfigGetVar module
- cmake: remove unused SLP module
- cmake: remove unused Sqlite module
- cmake: remove unused SubversionLibrary module
- cmake: remove unused systeminfo file
- cmake: remove unused variables in KDE4Defaults
- cmake: remove unused Xmms module
- cmake: replace use of CHECK_POINTER_MEMBER() with CHECK_STRUCT_MEMBER()
- cmake: require Katie v4.9.2 or newer
- cmake: require PAM include directory for configure check
- cmake: review CMake modules rewritten by me
- cmake: review modules rewritten so far by me
- cmake: rewrite Alsa module
- cmake: rewrite Avhi and EPub modules
- cmake: rewrite Canberra and Fontconfig modules
- cmake: rewrite Eigen3 and Exiv2 modules
- cmake: rewrite ENCHANT and Taglib modules
- cmake: rewrite GMP, MPFR, MPV and Sqlite modules
- cmake: rewrite HUNSPELL module
- cmake: rewrite LibAttica, LibLZMA, LibSSH, Mtp and RAW1394 modules
- cmake: rewrite LibGcrypt and LibKonq modules
- cmake: rewrite LibGPS and Speechd modules
- cmake: rewrite LibMms and LibSpectre modules
- cmake: rewrite PAM module
- cmake: rewrite PCIUTILS module
- cmake: rewrite PulseAudio module
- cmake: rewrite Qalculate module
- cmake: set CMAKE_NO_SYSTEM_FROM_IMPORTED to ON from KDE4Defaults
- cmake: set library version to .
- cmake: set version variables to non-PC_ prefixed
- cmake: set visibility preset to hidden
- cmake: support different Attica versions
- cmake: update installation paths documentation in FinKDE4Internal module
- cmake: update KDE4Workspace module documentation [ci skip]
- cmake: use identical _KDE4_PLATFORM_DEFINITIONS for all compilers on GNU/Linux host
- cmake: use PATH_SUFFIXES for DNSSD header lookup
- cmake: workaround lack of default search paths on BSD
- generic: add AppVeyor config
- generic: add CodeQL analysis action
- generic: add new signal to solid device manager
- generic: adjust to Katie changes
- generic: adjust to OpenEXR v3.0+ changes
- generic: AppVeyor cache reset [ci reset]
- generic: assume definitions defined in kdemacros header are not defined
- generic: avoid global static KStandardDirs instance access
- generic: bump minimim shared-mime-info requirement to v0.70
- generic: bump version to 4.19.0
- generic: bump version to 4.20.0
- generic: CodeQL warning fixes
- generic: compiler warning fixes
- generic: correct codec names in KMimeTypeRepository::parents() and KIconLoaderGlobalData::parseGenericIconsFiles()
- generic: correct X11 cursor extension information
- generic: disable failing JS analysis
- generic: do not assume certain systems have utmpx
- generic: do not rely on login()/loginx() and logout()/logoutx()
- generic: do not remove CMake export files
- generic: do not run tests in AppVeyor
- generic: DragonFly BSD build fixes
- generic: drop libutempter support
- generic: drop support for libutil with mismatching utmp/utmpx struct
- generic: drop support for operating systems Katie does not support
- generic: enable svgthumbnail by default
- generic: Exiv2 is now optional
- generic: fix most of the overlinking issues
- generic: fix possible PID clamping
- generic: fix PTY login on NetBSD
- generic: fix xdgdata-mime resource support
- generic: get rid of Kross
- generic: handle optical drive/disc as block devices
- generic: Hurd build fixes
- generic: install libcdio in CodeQL and AppVeyor environments
- generic: introduce KStandardDirs::findRootExe() and use it
- generic: make use of Katie's OS definitions
- generic: move configuration files creation after package lookups
- generic: move find_package() calls to top-level build file
- generic: purge Qt support with fire
- generic: query enabled by default thumbnail creators plugins
- generic: regenerate parsers
- generic: remove check for _getpty()
- generic: remove CPack and CTest config files
- generic: remove dead code
- generic: remove KFilePlugin class leftovers
- generic: remove kfmclient reference
- generic: remove KService profile feature
- generic: remove man and info KIO slaves leftovers
- generic: remove most compiler checks
- generic: remove obsolete resource types support
- generic: remove pkgconfig files
- generic: remove qt3 support leftovers
- generic: remove redundant srand()/qsrand() calls
- generic: remove some compatibility bits
- generic: remove some redundant environment variable queries
- generic: remove unused definitions from config-prefix header
- generic: remove unused kcddb library
- generic: remove unused KDE4_KPTY_BUILT_WITH_UTEMPTER from KDE4Config CMake file
- generic: remove unused KPart extentions support
- generic: remove unused OCS features
- generic: remove unused sources
- generic: remove unused termios header check
- generic: remove use of getpt()
- generic: replace cmake_push_check_state() and cmake_pop_check_state() with cmake_reset_check_state()
- generic: replace installation paths with KDE4_ prefixed
- generic: replace internal with Katie definition checks or remove them completely
- generic: replace Q_NULLPTR with nullptr
- generic: replace recursive QMutex-es with std::recursive_mutex-es [ci reset]
- generic: replace use of CheckStructMember with CheckStructHasMember
- generic: replace use of MacroPushRequiredVars CMake module with CMakePushCheckState
- generic: review configuration checks
- generic: rewrite LibRaw CMake module
- generic: rewrite UDev module and require v143+
- generic: simplify CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME match
- generic: static analyzer warning fixes
- generic: test build fixes
- generic: update AppVeyor dependencies
- generic: use file strategy for ksycoca by default
- generic: use the version from verification data for plugins
- generic: use ttyname_r() if available
- generic: use ut_user utmp/utmpx member if available
- interfaces: do not attempt to load non-existing ktexteditorkabcbridge library
- interfaces: example build fix
- interfaces: remove unused instant messanger proxy interface
- interfaces: remove unused KTextEditor::SmartInterface::smartMutex()
- kate: CMake moc-ing warning fix
- kdcraw: now unused, removing it
- kdecore: add additional constructor and validation method to conversion classes
- kdecore: add fallback for language to code query
- kdecore: add installation-prefixed directories to pkgconfig paths in mimeDataBaseVersion()
- kdecore: add test for some conversion classes
- kdecore: add warning for KCharsets::descriptionForEncoding()
- kdecore: add warning to KSaveFile documentation [ci skip]
- kdecore: adjust expected data in KStandarddirsTest::testFindAllResources()
- kdecore: adjust expected data in test case
- kdecore: adjust KConfigGroup macros to KDebug changes
- kdecore: adjust KMimeType test case to icon theme changes
- kdecore: adjust KMimeTypeTest::testParseMagicFile() test data to Katie changes
- kdecore: attempt to add file back to the watch on remove events
- kdecore: avoid multiple UTF-8 conversions in QSpellEnchantDict
- kdecore: avoid QString ...
Changes to ariya-icons since 2015-11-02:
- cmake: add proper CPack config
- cmake: bump version to 4.19.0
- generic: add config file for CPack
- generic: optimize png images with pngquant
- handle files that are de-optimized
- Revert "generic: optimize png images with optipng"
Changes to kdelibs since 2015-11-02:
- cmake: actually define KDEBINDIR for tests
- cmake: add default flags for MinSizeRel build type
- cmake: add FLAC++ module for audio thumbnailers
- cmake: add JSON module
- cmake: add option for building against katie
- cmake: add PolkitQt-1 module
- cmake: adjust paths so that plugins can be found by QLibrary
- cmake: cleanup kde4_add_widget macro
- cmake: cleanup KDE4Internal module
- cmake: deal with CMP0071 policy warnings
- cmake: detect Katie specific DBusMenuQt library
- cmake: detect Katie version of QCA
- cmake: do not add feature info for Katie
- cmake: do not attempt to install gone CheckPrototypeExists
- cmake: do not define definitions for "fast" operators
- cmake: do not enforce QT_NO_STL from KDE4_DEFINITIONS
- cmake: do not override paths from KDE4Config when not bootstrapping
- cmake: drop custom build flags setup
- cmake: drop custom CUPS module, minor modules cleanup while at it
- cmake: drop custom Flex module
- cmake: drop redudant Gettext module
- cmake: enable Katie by default
- cmake: enhance Enchant module to detect v2.0 or newer
- cmake: fix detection of newer Hunspell
- cmake: fix detection of QCA Katie build
- cmake: fix detection of recent NetworkManager versions detection
- cmake: fix dev warning in kde4_cmake_uninstall
- cmake: fix Exiv2 version detection
- cmake: fix if/endif tag mismatch
- cmake: fix if/endif tag mismatch, regression since 824d6f11
- cmake: fix installation
- cmake: fix Katie always being prefered over Qt4
- cmake: fix KATIE_FOUND always being set to FALSE
- cmake: fix KDE4Workspace detection
- cmake: fix taglib detection when minimum version requested
- cmake: fixup uninstall target since 70211711
- cmake: import LibGPS module from kde-workspace
- cmake: import modules from kde-workspace
- cmake: improve detection of Hunspell
- cmake: improve Gpgme module
- cmake: improve Xkb detection
- cmake: indent and improve GSSAPI CMake module
- cmake: install Sudo module
- cmake: make it possible to automatically skip optional directories
- cmake: make targets created by gettext module random to solve CMP0002
- cmake: reinstate Katie support
- cmake: rely only on pkg-config files to find Taglib
- cmake: remove duplicate condition from uninstall script
- cmake: remove FAM module leftover
- cmake: remove KDE3 compatibility from KDE4Macros
- cmake: remove redundant modules
- cmake: remove redundant Poppler module
- cmake: remove reference to CLN from Qalculate module
- cmake: remove unused MusicBrainz CMake module
- cmake: remove X11 module
- cmake: remove XKB module
- cmake: replace FindUSB with FindLibUSB
- cmake: setup phonon as found if origin is Katie
- cmake: support phonon shipped with Katie
- cmake: take orevious declarations of CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH into account
- cmake: that duplicate condition was used as NOT
- cmake: the XCB module is needed by kde-workspace (kwin)
- cmake: use SET_PACKAGE_PROPERTIES instead of SET_PACKAGE_INFO in MacroLogFeature
- cmake: cleanup exported libraries entries
- dnssd: fix build against Katie
- generic: add back khtml and kjs with some changes
- generic: add Kate project file
- generic: adjust plugin installation paths
- generic: adjust some tests to recent changes
- generic: adjust to Katie changes
- generic: adjust to KStandardDirs changes
- generic: avoid use of legacy QString::null, QString::Null, QChar::Null and QChar::null
- generic: build khtml only of qtwebkit is not found
- generic: build system cleanups
- generic: bump version to 4.19.0
- generic: cleanup configuration checks
- generic: cleanup kdemacros header
- generic: deal with some unused variables in parsers/lexers
- generic: drop Phonon in favour of MPV and custom player classes
- generic: fix bootstrap build with testing enabled
- generic: fix build against Katie
- generic: fix build of tests against Katie
- generic: fix build with QT_NO_IMAGE_TEXT defined
- generic: fix detection of trunc()
- generic: fix indentation compiler warnings
- generic: fix .kateproject format
- generic: fix khtml build regression
- generic: fix some compiler warnings
- generic: fix some compiler warnings due to 9ff99942
- generic: fix some tests build after 1f34f5ad
- generic: get rid of CheckPrototypeExists macro
- generic: get rid of kdefakes
- generic: get rid of KImageCache and KSharedDataCache
- generic: get rid of KJS and KHTML for good
- generic: get rid of KLibrary
- generic: get rid of KLocalSocket and KTcpSocket
- generic: get rid of KMenuBar
- generic: get rid of KTextBrowser
- generic: get rid of KXUtils
- generic: get rid of KZoneAllocator
- generic: get rid of mmap use from sycoca
- generic: get rid of redundant KMimeTypeValidator and KStringListValidator
- generic: get rid of the effects watcher specific to Plasma
- generic: get rid of the QStringBuilder requirement
- generic: get rid of TopMenu window mask
- generic: implement KSettings class
- generic: implement special qml debugger handling for Katie
- generic: install export files in modern location
- generic: install khtmlrc even if webkit support is prefered
- generic: KApplication cleanup
- generic: lookup libdbusmenu-qt via macro_optional_find_package()
- generic: make Enchant required
- generic: make KJS KHTML exclusive
- generic: make libdbusmenu-qt optional
- generic: make MPV recommended not required
- generic: make some stat calls 64-bit aware
- generic: make Strigi recommended
- generic: make ThreadWeaver use KDebug to ease debugging
- generic: make use of KSettings where possible
- generic: make use of QHostInfo::localHostName()
- generic: make use of qrand(), cleanup some checks in KDirOperator
- generic: make webkit optional
- generic: mark Perl as runtime dependency
- generic: merge kdefakes into kdecore
- generic: misc cleanups
- generic: move kdesudo to kde-baseapps
- generic: namespaced Qt4/Katie build fixes
- generic: obsolete code removal
- generic: oops, fix khtmlrc installation
- generic: regenerate parsers
- generic: register types required by properties
- generic: reimplement KDirWatch
- generic: remove compat KLibFactory
- generic: remove D-Bus crash handler from core
- generic: remove Java and image plugins for khtml
- generic: remove kascii
- generic: remove KDED/KCM compatility bits
- generic: remove now redundant check for FAM
- generic: remove now redundant QT_KATIE guards
- generic: remove redudndant kdelnk checks
- generic: remove redundant classes
- generic: remove redundant config-compiler build header
- generic: remove redundant KHBox and KVBox headers inclusions
- generic: remove redundant KParts::ComponentFactory
- generic: remove redundant kssl bits
- generic: remove some binary compatibility bits
- generic: remove unused functions, members and methods
- generic: remove unused KBugReport
- generic: remove unused KCharSelect class
- generic: remove use of Q_NOREPLY, it is no-op
- generic: replace KDE macros with Qt alternatives
- generic: replace kdesu with kdesudo
- generic: replace KProcess with QProcess where feasable
- generic: replace obsolete Qt::MidButton with Qt::MiddleButton
- generic: replace QLatin1Literal with QLatin1String
- generic: replace QThreadStorage with thread_local where possible
- generic: replace socklen_t/kde_socklen_t with QT_SOCKLEN_T
- generic: require filename and mode to be passed to KSettings constructor
- generic: set non-KDE4 prefix paths for compatibility in KDE4Config
- generic: set stream versions to 4.8
- generic: store all configuration paths in KDE4Config
- generic: unplugify sonnet and use Enchant explicitly
- generic: use CMake export header generator
- generic: use QAtomicInt/QAtomicPointer instead of QBasicAtomicInt/QBasicAtomicPointer
- generic: use QCryptographicHash instead of KMD5
- generic: use QFilesystemWatcher instead of inotify directly
- generic: various cleanups
- includes: add fancy header for KAudioPlayer
- includes: do not attempt to install now gone fancy headers
- includes: get rid of redundant KDeviceListModel and KStatusBarOfflineIndicator
- includes: remove fancy header for gone non-fancy one
- includes: remove gone fancy headers entries
- includes: remove obsolete ConversionCheck facny headers
- includes: review checkobsolete script
- includes: update script for obsolete headers check
- interfaces: add dummy source file for kspeech
- interfaces: fix some compiler warnings
- kcddb: update expected data of AsyncCDDBLookupTest::testLookup() test case
- kdcraw: fix issue #17
- kdeclarative: fix linking against Katie
- kdeclarative: fix path to test file
- kdeclarative: reuse warning message for null engine
- kdeclarative: setup the debugger from setupBindings() when build against Katie
- kdeclarative: simplify debugger enabling
- kdeclarative: the test is manual, use the proper macro
- kdeclarative: use scriptools instead of qml debugger when build against Katie
- kdeclerative: replace qVaraintFromValue() with QVariant::fromValue()
- kdecore: adjust expected data of KLocaleTest::languages() test case
- kdecore: adjust kservice test to recent changes
- kdecore: adjust tests to recent changes
- kdecore: adjust to Katie...
Changes to ariya-icons since 2015-07-13:
- cmake: add proper CPack config
- generic: add config file for CPack
- generic: optimize png images with optipng
- generic: optimize png images with pngquant
- generic: remove redundant CONTIRBUTING file
- generic: rewrite cmake file
- Revert "generic: optimize png images with optipng"
Changes to kdelibs since 2015-07-13:
- cmake: add experimental katie module
- cmake: add QJSON module
- cmake: bring back kde_install_ts_files macro, adjusted for use withing Git repo
- cmake: bump minimum required cmake version to 3.0.2
- cmake: do not attempt to install no longer existing modules
- cmake: do not strip test from test name in kde4_add_test()
- cmake: drop custom CUPS module, minor modules cleanup while at it
- cmake: drop custom Flex module
- cmake: drop custom Gettext module
- cmake: drop windows _KDE4_ADD_MANIFEST macro
- cmake: fix regression since e7133114
- cmake: import modules from kde-workspace
- cmake: import various modules
- cmake: improve Katie module compat
- cmake: install FindUDev module
- cmake: MacroEnsureVersion no longer exists
- cmake: make Katie module set QT_LIBRARIES when compat requested
- cmake: make NetworkManager module check for libnm-glib
- cmake: make targets created by gettext module random to solve CMP0002
- cmake: minor KDE4_INSTALL_TS_FILES macro cleanup
- cmake: remove FindKTp module
- cmake: remove kutils library entry from KDE4Internal module
- cmake: remove now redundant modules
- cmake: remove obsolete modules
- cmake: restore FindQt4 module from the kdelibs tree
- cmake: revert qt4 module replacement
- cmake: take orevious declarations of CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH into account
- cmake: use FindXCB module from kde-workspace
- experimental: declare kdeclarative library as stable
- experimental: remove libkdeclarative leftovers
- generic: add cpack config file
- generic: add minimal CTestConfig
- generic: append git revision to KDE_VERSION_STRING if possible
- generic: build system cleanups
- generic: cleanup headers inclusions
- generic: cleanup remains of deprecated DocPath
- generic: cleanups remains of custom apps resources support
- generic: cleanups remains of kdeinit-wrapped executables
- generic: code shrinks
- generic: drop KEncodingProber
- generic: drop Q_CC_MSVC conditionals
- generic: drop unused custom types
- generic: export kcddb, kcompactdisc, kdcraw and kexiv2 libraries as part of kdelibs
- generic: headers inclusion cleanup
- generic: import kimio plugin for webp format from kde-workspace repo
- generic: import libkcddb and libkcompactdics
- generic: major build system cleanup
- generic: make changes required for building against Katie
- generic: misc cleanups
- generic: mostly build system cleanups
- generic: mostly win cruft removal
- generic: optimize png images with optipng
- generic: optimize standard directories lookup
- generic: port some functionality to XCB
- generic: prepare for release, minor build system cleanups
- generic: proper support for icon and caption in .desktop files
- generic: remove code for Qt4 versions older than 4.8
- generic: remove platform cmake file and other non-relevant to the project files
- generic: remove redundant copying files
- generic: rename merged libraries directories for consistency
- generic: stop using obsolete code paths
- generic: update CTest and CPack configs
- generic: write KDE4_INSTALL_DIR value to what was actually set
- include: drop some (now) redundant fancy headers
- includes: remove obsolete fancy headers
- interfaces: fix terminal example
- interfaces: interfaces: merge all CodeCompletionModelControllerInterface APIs into single one
- interfaces: merge all TerminalInterface APIs into single one
- kdecore: adjust kdebug and kdesktopfile tests
- kdecore: change kstandarddirs documentation to match defaults
- kdecore: disable all debug output by default
- kdecore: disable karchivetest for now
- kdecore: drop deprecated functionalityy from kcalendarsystem
- kdecore: fix build of kstandarddirs test
- kdecore: fix crashes due to bogus check in bzip2 filter
- kdecore: fix kservice test
- kdecore: fix kstandarddirs test, kconf_update is not longer supported
- kdecore: fix regression in url handing since 69f2daf7
- kdecore: fixup kurl test after the automated cleanup
- kdecore: generate entities as C++ code
- kdecore: limit standard directories cache to 10000 entries
- kdecore: minor karchive test cleanup, test still hangs
- kdecore: misc cleanups
- kdecore: oops, fix variable reference
- kdecore: regenerate kentities
- kdecore: remove deprecated debug definitions
- kdecore: remove deprecated kshared typedef
- kdecore: remove redundant resolveSymbol() from klibrary
- kdecore: remove unused setFracDigits() from klocale
- kdecore: remove unused WrongSyntax from kdebug
- kdecore: reserve memory for the KStandardDirs cache
- kdecore: simplify KStandardDirs::exists()
- kdecore: support uid and gid attributes for ar archives
- kded: actually monitor for hostname changes
- kded: drop legacy code
- kded: fix regression since 361cc4b2
- kded: get rid of useless string manipulation in KSycocaResourceList
- kded: remove legacy code from menu parser
- kded: remove remains of kconf_update
- kdesu: fix hang on wrong password when sudo is used
- kdesu: minor cleanup
- kdesu: remove irrelevant kdesud daemon path check
- kdesu: stop using deprecated k_lineinfo
- kdeui: adjust kglobalsettings and kiconloader tests
- kdeui: adjust kuniqueapplication test
- kdeui: apply some code style to window management files
- kdeui: check if icon passed to apps via --icon is valid and fallback if not
- kdeui: code shrinks
- kdeui: drop kde3 shortcuts support
- kdeui: drop unfinished kservice support
- kdeui: drop unused and deprecated KFloatValidator
- kdeui: fix kiconloader test, adjust to recent KStandardDirs::realPath() changes
- kdeui: fix placeholder in about dialog
- kdeui: fix redefinition warning for tests
- kdeui: fix some tests and skip others
- kdeui: KDEWIN32_LIBRARIES and KDEWIN_LIBRARIES are no longer set
- kdeui: make use of ret in compositingActive()
- kdeui: merge all KCategoryDrawer APIs into single one
- kdeui: merge NETWinInfo2 and NETWinInfo classes
- kdeui: prevent segmentation fault due to failed XOpenDisplay()
- kdeui: reduse size of images used in about dialogs
- kdeui: remove dead code, followup on 16daf623
- kdeui: remove double 'about' in about dialog
- kdeui: remove unused private variable in KCharSelectTable
- kdeui: sort locales by country code in KLanguageButton widget
- kdewebkit: call reserve() before appending fonts on reset
- kdewidgets: make it work with katie
- kexiv2: inline size(), it just calls count()
- kfile: code shrinks
- kfile: minor code shrink
- kfile: minor library shrink
- kfile: remove deprecated updatePreviews method
- kimgio: adjust to recent webp MIME type change
- kinit: drop legacy code
- kinit: let the compiler optimize-out the passed value
- kinit: minor code shrink
- kinit: remove bogus wrapper
- kinit: remove remains of mac/win cruft, follow up on 4a7ee7d5
- kio: bump kmetainformationrc version
- kio: check return codes for methods called in ksslkeygen
- kio: do not show some metadata fields by default
- kio: fix an issue with the metadata displaying
- kio: fix crash due to exposing inconsistent views of internal data
- kio: fix hang in kdirlister test
- kio: fix regression in directory lister since 21ad0df4
- kio: make checkDesktopFile in kfileitem operational
- kio: make good use of the translator in the metadata provider
- kio: minor metadata provider cleanup
- kio: remove dummy kfileitemactionplugin
- kio: remove unused enumerators from kdirlister
- kio: restore kfileitemactionplugin service file
- kioslave: constify iterator value in cookie server
- kioslave: drop kfm compat code
- kioslave: remove windows workaround from http slave
- kparts: code shrinks
- kparts: make mainwindow header guard less generic
- kpty: declare KPtyPrivate and KPtyDevicePrivate as class rather than struct
- kutils: add doxygen file back
- kutils: cleanup remains of deprecated DocPath
- kutils: remove deprecated library
- kutils: remove mac and win pollers
- kutils: remove redundant headers inclusion in kcm proxy
- libkcddb: disable bogus asyncmusicbrainztest test for now
- libkcddb: fix bootstrap build
- libkcddb: fix build
- libkcompactdisc: fix bootstrap build
- libkcompactdisc: fix deprecation warning emmited during build
- libkdcraw: make libraw interface library
- mimetypes: translate web archive to Bulgarian
- plasma: drop deprecated setContentsPrefix()
- plasma: link to kcmutils rather than (now gone) kutils
- plasma: link to kdeclarative
- plasma: minor cleanup
- plasma: minor containment restoration optimization
- plasma: minor frame optimizations
- plasma: remove now redundant methods for remote applets
- plasma: remove redundant custom animation group
- plasma: remove TrustLevel enumerators, follow up on ca50f743
- plasma: reserve table size equal to the query size in storage retriever
- plasm: drop animations support
- README: replace with generic one
- solid: build static library only when tests are to be run
- solid: regenerate lexer and parser
Changes to kde-baseapps since 2015-07-13:
- dolphin: adjust to recent changes
- dolphin: fix launch from menu for non-KDE desktop environments
- dolphin: set remote file size limmit to 1MB by default
- generic: adjust to TerminalInterface changes
- generic: build system cleanups
- generic: fix tests after the build system cleanup
- generic: make changes required for building against katie
- generic: misc cleanups
- generic: move plasma folderview applet to kde-workspace repo
- generic: optimize png images with optipng
- generic: proper support for icon and caption in .desktop files
- generic: stop us...
Changes to ariya-icons since 2015-03-02:
- none
Changes to kdelibs since 2015-03-02:
- cmake: cleanup KDE4Macros module
- cmake: fix Kexiv2 detection via pkg-config
- cmake: look for qmake last in FindQt4 module
- cmake: partially revert 9add78ad
- cmake: stop using deprecated PKGCONFIG macro in FindKexiv2 module
- dnssd: fixup build
- experimental: make the test use modern import statement
- experimental: stop looking for platform components
- generic: adjust libkdcraw and libkexiv2 for in tree build
- generic: bump version to 4.17.0
- generic: change standard paths
- generic: cleanup after the revert madness
- generic: cleanup libkdcraw and libkexiv CMakeLists files
- generic: deal with LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES, cmake >=2.8.11 required now
- generic: drop kconf_update and support for it in kded
- generic: drop ksvgrenderer
- generic: drop most of the KIOSK functionality
- generic: import libkdcraw and libkexiv2, minor cleanup
- generic: make libkexiv2 and libkdcraw look for internal KDE
- generic: normalize include guards
- generic: partitially revert 22db5ad6
- generic: remove redudant virtual_hook definitions
- generic: stop using kdeinit for main applications
- includes: resolve conflicts due to revert
- kdecore: fixup kstandarddirs
- kdecore: misc cleanups
- kdecore: remove redudant support for kde4rc and system.kdeglobals configs
- kdecore: remove unused DNotify enumerator from kdirwatch
- kdecore: stop looking for kde4 prefix services, kde3 is long gone
- kded: link to kdecore instead of kio as kio library is not used
- kded: partitially revert 68d04274
- kdesu: make the optional sudo support obvious
- kdeui: fix a compiler warning
- kdeui: remove support for override/unmanaged window type
- kdeui: remove support for override/unmanaged window type (part 2)
- kinit: adjust to libraries versioning (dcdbb65d and f0d85e45)
- kinit: cleanup remains of win and mac support
- kinit: do not preload libraries
- kio: bring back the metadata helpers (without Nepomuk)
- kio: cleanup kfile
- kio: file metadata cleanup and fixup
- kio: fix regressions since 5333e991 which caused crashes
- kio: improve samba detection
- kio: make use of CA Root Certificates bundle from cURL project
- kio: remove now redudant declaration of properties() in kfilemetainfoitem
- kio: use one less lookup for kioexec
- kparts: remove now bogus and redudant generic factory
- kpty: use tcgetattr & tcsetattr if available
- libkexiv: add to default install target
- plasma: fix a compiler warning
- plasma: remove applets publishing support
- plasma: remove leftovers from GLApplet
- plasma: remove redudant contentsHash method
- plasma: remove redudant KDNSSD linking entry
- plasma: remove redudant wheelEvent
- plasma: support only desktop plasmoid packages
- solid: make CPU features backend C++11 standard compliant
Changes to kde-baseapps since 2015-03-02:
- dolphin: adjust to the recent file metadata changes
- dolphin: drop support for blurred tooltips
- dolphin: fixup build
- dolphin: fixup the embed terminal panel
- generic: adjust standard paths and drop some KAuthorization checks
- generic: deal with LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES
- generic: normalize include guards
- generic: partitially revert 7861f8ef
- generic: stop using kdeinit for main applications
- kate: fixup pate addon
- kate: fixup the embed terminal addon
- kate: make the examples use modern import statement
- konqueror: make adblock update script Python 3 compatible
- konqueror: minor headers inclusion cleanup
- konqueror: remove redudant resources check previously used in the preloader
- konqueror: update adblock subscriptions
- konsole: do not set 'lib' prefix for the Konsole part
- konsole: drop 'lib' prefix from library name in konsolepart.desktop
- konsole: make use of shortcut provided by KPluginFactory in the tests
Changes to kde-workspace since 2015-03-02:
- drkonqi: do not append the backtrace to the URL
- drkonqi: drop unnessecary libraries linking entries
- generic: cleanups
- generic: deal with LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES
- generic: drop most of the KIOSK functionality
- generic: drop scripting support from ksysguard and its library
- generic: fixup
- generic: minor cleanups
- generic: misc cleanups
- generic: normalize include guards
- generic: remove KDE prefix from header inclusions
- generic: remove some unused private definitions
- generic: remove support for custom fonts directory
- generic: remove support for override/unmanaged window type (part 3)
- generic: stop using kdeinit for main applications
- kcontrol: fix a compiler warning
- kcontrol: fix warning about existing layout in keyboard KCM UI
- kcontrol: simplify XKB rules finding logic, based on review 124215
- kcontrol: tweak colors on Oxygen color scheme
- kdesu: do not assign string for error message, just pass along
- kdm: add JWM xsession file
- kdm: add MATE xsession file
- kdm: adjust genkdmconf dirs lookup
- kdm: drop standard greeter
- kdm: partitially revert 24a7aa94
- kioslave: introduce support for sections to man pages slave
- krunner: fixup build due to ksysguard scripting support drop
- ksplash: make the minimalistic theme use modern import statement
- ksysguard: change worksheet interval to 1sec
- kwalletd: fix a compiler warning
- kwalletmanager: make the configurator set proper defaults
- kwin: drop support for alternative name
- kwin: drop support for build without decoration support
- kwin: remove bogus buddy assignment from kcm for compositing
- kwin: remove dropped effects remains
- kwin: remove redudant loadScriptedEffect()
- kwin: remove support for override/unmanaged window type
- kwin: remove support for override/unmanaged window type (part 2)
- plasma: drop touch platform components
- plasma: fix bootstrap build failure because of homerun
- plasma: fix compiler warnings
- plasma: make the device notifier use modern import statement
- plasma: remove pacakges authorization code leftover
Changes to kde-extraapps since 2015-03-02:
- about-distro: cleanup
- about-distro: remove inclusion of now gone header
- akregator: add config-metakit.h template
- akregator: drop migration code
- akregator: update config-metakit.h template
- akregator: update Metakit to
- amarok: build fixes
- amarok: remove old and redudant files
- bluedevil: add success page files missed during the sync with upstream
- bluedevil: sync with upstream (v2.1.1)
- add missing echo
- dragon: remove non-required plasma library linking entry
- generic: add kdeplasma-addons to top-level CMakeFiles
- generic: drop use of Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS
- generic: misc cleanups
- generic: remove KDE prefix from header inclusions
- generic: updated dbus interfaces
- import plasma-nm with minor changes
- kcalc: stop using kdeinit for main application
- kdenetwork-filesharing: enable guest checkbox only when it makes sense
- kdeplasma-addons: fix build failures caused by recent cleanups
- kdeplasma-addons: fix build of qalculate applet
- kdeplasma-addons: remove Nepomuk support of comic applet
- kget: increase transfer events timer to 1000ms (1sec)
- kgpg: partly support the new IMPORT_RES information from GnuPG 2.1
- kgpg: simplify code
- kgpg: update list of keyservers
- kmix: fix a compiler warning
- kmix: fixup kmixremote script syntax
- kmix: stop using kdeinit for main applications
- krdc: make use of shortcut provided by KPluginFactory
- ksystemlog: remove custom package script and bogus target for it
- kuassel: adjust to recent override/unmanaged windows change
- kuassel: fixup build
- kuassel: use i18n properly
- kvkbd: remove unused mapped variable
- libktorrent: do not force unbuffered mode on the torrent stream
- miniboost: update to 1.57
- okular: do not show welcome message
- okular: remove ActiveApp support files
- plasma-nm: adjustments and build fixes
- plasma-nm: sync with upstream (v0.9.3.6)
- yakuake: drop config update files
- yakuake: import with changes to build and work
- yakuake: remove GHNS button from appearance settings
Changes to kde-l10n since 2015-03-02:
- bg: minor ksmserver and kstart translations update
- bg: minor translation updates
- generic: regenerate
- generic: remove appdata translations
Changes to ariya-icons since 2015-01-29:
- none
Changes to kdelibs since 2015-01-29:
- cmake: cleanup
- cmake: remove automoc4 macros and package lookup
- cmake: remove deprecated kde4automoc support
- generic: bump version to 4.16.0
- generic: kill deprecated cruft with fire
- generic: minor corrections
- generic: remove Nepomuk support leftovers
- generic: remove deprecated API
- generic: use CMake moc instead of automoc4 by default
- includes: do not install fancy headers for deprecated API (now gone)
- kdecore: fix installation issue caused by the cleanup
- kdecore: fixup install that broke on API cleanup
- kdecore: make sure KShell::splitArgs does not split quoted arguments
- kdecore: make the standarddirs test check for KDE4Macros.cmake not FindSoprano.cmake now that Soprano is no longer dependency
- kdecore: regen and make the kiotrader lexer compatible with Bison 3.x
- kdecore: regen kiotrader lexer files
- kdecore: remove redudant moc file inclusion
- kdewebkit: remove redudant macro inclusions, package lookup and definitions from kdewebkitpart CMake file
- kio: remove inclusion of headers gone with the deprecation cleanup
- kioslave: install domain_info into kwebkitpart data directory
- kioslave: remove unused variables
- kparts: adjust to use KPluginFactory instead of the now gone KLibFactory
- plasma: include kpluginfactory header in packagestructure header
- plasma: normalize versioning
Changes to kde-baseapps since 2015-01-29:
- dolphin: allow enabling thumbnailers by default via X-KDE-PluginInfo-EnabledByDefault
- dolphin: include all neccessary headers for dropbox plugin, fixes build with CMake automoc
- dolphin: remove jpegrotatedthumbnail previwer migration code
- dolphin: rework search functionality
- generic: adjust for use with CMake moc
- generic: do not install service file for khtml
- generic: remove check for old releases unconditionlising some code
- generic: remove inclusion of deprecated headers
- kate: fix crash when snippets action is triggered
- kate: make it possible to build separately
- kate: replace deprecated slot usage to fix issue when build with KDE_NO_DEPRECATED
- konq-plugins: avoid domain redirection and fix page translation (regression since the cleanup)
- konq-plugins: minor babelfish cleanup
- konqueror: open the home Katana homepage from webbrowsing profile
- konqueror: remove redudant autoconf configure script for the preloader
- konqueror: remove unused private fileds
Changes to kde-workspace since 2015-01-29:
- drkonqi: cleanup and simplify
- drkonqi: make use of QString().arg() to assemble the final bug address
- generic: adjust for use with CMake moc
- generic: cleanup oxygen
- generic: remove Nepomuk support leftovers
- generic: remove check for old releases unconditionlising some code
- generic: remove inclusion of deprecated headers and adjust
- generic: remove khelpcenter sub-directory entry added during testing
- generic: remove support for animations from oxygen library, oxygen kstyle and kwin oxygen client
- kdeeject: modernize
- kdm: do no insert the now redudant kcmbackground catalog
- kdm: remove amaterus session file
- kdm: remove cwwm session file
- kdm: remove now redudant UseTheme key from default config
- kdm: remove phluid session entry
- kdm: use themes explicitly
- kioslave: add /share/info to info slave config
- kioslave: add man slave for UNIX manual pages
- kioslave: improve man slave
- kmenuedit: fix actions not being triggered
- ksmserver: remove QImageBlitz dependency
- ksplash: fix memory leak, minor code style correction
- kstyles: fix a oxygen graient regression
- kstyles: remove opacity support from oxygen
- kstyles: remove redudant kcfg entry from oxygen
- kstyles: restore some code that should not have been removed during the oxygen cleanup
- kwin: change oxygen frame border to BorderDefault
- kwin: disable oxygen animations by default, they are not cheap
- kwin: remove services code for no longer existing switcher effects
- libs: remove unused private stsFile from kdm library
- plasma: add some most of the homerun fixes back
- plasma: fixup fullscreen homerun package due to the fixes cleanup
- plasma: import and use homerun applet as default launcher
- plasma: remove baloo and nepomuk code from homerun applet
Changes to kde-extraapps since 2015-01-29:
- amarok: adjust labels blacklist settings UI so it works when KDE build with KDE_NO_DEPRECATED
- amarok: cleanup and fixup
- amarok: import from Git HEAD
- amarok: remove KNewStuff cruft
- amarok: remove fastforward imported for amarok 1.4
- amarok: remove kconf_update files
- amarok: remove nepomuk collection support
- ark: handle abosolute path entries properly
- generic: adjust for CMake moc
- generic: do not enforce tests build
- generic: enable video, picture and documents thumbnails by default
- generic: housekeeping
- generic: remove check for old releases unconditionlising some code
- generic: replace now gone KGenericFactory with KPluginFactory
- gwenview: remove redudant rating code
- gwenview: remove redudant tag code
- gwenview: remove tag edit action
- juk: remove it from the repo
- kget: do not install service file for khtml
- kget: fix infinite notification when all tasks finish
- kmix: make kmixremote sh compatible
- kuassel: minor cleanup
- kuassel: pop features log only when cmake not called on top-level
- okular: use new Phonon API
- thumbnailers: add audio thumbnailer as optinal sub-directory to CMake file
- thumbnailers: import audio thumbnailer
Changes to kde-l10n since 2015-01-29:
- bg: update KGet translation
- bg: update kcmkded, kcmkeyboard, kcmopengl, kcmusb and kdeqt translations
- generic: cleanup and organize sr sub-locales
- generic: do not enforce tests build
- generic: move sr sub-locales to top-level directory
- generic: remove now redudant kcmbackground translations
- generic: update translations from fresh POTs
- sr: install icons into ariya icons directory
Changes to ariya-icons since 2015-01-19:
- none
Changes to kdelibs since 2015-01-19:
- dnssd: fix compiler warning
- generic: bump version in status message printed from FindKDE4Internal CMake module
- generic: bump version to 4.15.0
- generic: drop doxygen files
- generic: drop perl scripts which are redudant
- generic: minor KDE4Macros cleanup and remove deprecated MacroKAuth CMake module
- generic: minor cleanup
- generic: normalize libraries versioning
- kdecore: add support for CP949 to KCharsets
- kdecore: cleanup debug areas and add entry for kuassel
- kdeui: drop support for _KDE_NET_WM_ACTIVITIES
- kdeui: export the switchApplicationLanguage action making it public
- kinit: prevent compiler warning by conditionally defining s_DBusStartupTypeToString
- kio: minor code style corrections
- kio: remove cygwin and mac code from kopenssl
Changes to kde-baseapps since 2015-01-19:
- dolphin: change default icon mode icon size to large
- dolphin: change default places panel icon size to small-medium
- dolphin: drop redudant and failing tests
- dolphin: reduce rolesInfoMap
- dolphin: replace deprecated setUrl with setLocationUrl
- generic: drop doxygen files
- generic: normalize libraries versioning
- generic: require KDE 4.14.3 at minimum
- konq-plugins: complete the code map of babelfish
- konq-plugins: use country flag icons when present in babelfish
- konqueror: fix struct <-> class compiler warning
- konqueror: updted adblock subscriptions and added helper script for doing this
Changes to kde-workspace since 2015-01-19:
- drkonqi: fill in the backtrace and use Markdown syntax for the report
- generic: drop doxygen files
- generic: normalize libraries versioning
- generic: replace KDE4WORKSPACE_VERSION with KDE_VERSION_STRING and friends where appropariate
- generic: replace WORKSPACE_VERSION_STRING reference, follow up on last commit
- kcontrol: comment out unused lDelay to prevent compiler warning
- kcontrol: make the KCM cursors UI more consistent with other modules
- kcontrol: remove bell, the access module is supirior
- kcontrol: remove unused variables from knotify module
- khotkeys: fix struct <-> class compiler warning
- klipper: fix struct <-> class warning
- krunner: fix struct <-> class compiler warning
- krunner: remove unused X_DIFF and Y_DIFF variables
- kscreensaver: drop doxygen files
- kscreensaver: remove embedded doxygen mainpage from asciiquarium header
- kscreensaver: remove kde3to4 porting script
- ksysguard: fix struct <-> class warning
- kwalletd: fix assignment comparison compiler warning
- kwin: drop wayland support
- kwin: minor code style corrections
- kwin: remove ActivitiesMode related code
- plasma: minor default layout config cleanup
- startkde: drop reference to simple ksplash
Changes to kde-extraapps since 2015-01-19:
- akregator: add icon to copy link address action
- akregator: make it possible to build separately
- akregator: make the selection action work again (regression since the bloat trim)
- akregator: remove executable bits from metakit files (blame upstream for shipping them like this)
- akregator: updated metakit to
- ffmpegthumbnailer: fix struct <-> class warning
- filelight: fix struct <-> cast warning
- generic: drop doxygen files
- generic: normalize libraries versioning
- generic: require KDE 4.14.3 at minimum
- gwenview: use KDE version instead of custom one
- kgpg: fix importing keys using GnuPG 2.1
- kuassel: cleanup
- kuassel: fixup build when CMake invoced on top-level
- kuassel: implement standard KDE actions in help menu
- kuassel: implement tooltips
- kuassel: load the translations via KGlobal
- kuassel: make the "What's this?" action work
- kuassel: make use of QKeySequence::Quit
- kuassel: make use of target_link_libraries(), minor string sanitization
- kuassel: pics and build cleanup
- kuassel: port translations support to KLocale
- kuassel: remove code for migration from very old releases
- kuassel: remove leftover logger code
- kuassel: remove mac and windows code
- kuassel: remove redudant shortcuts and key sequences source files
- kuassel: replace custom logger with KDE debbuging infrastructure
- kuassel: set window titles of hotlist and messagemodel debug tools
- kvkbd: initial import from Git HEAD
- libktorrent: remove deprecated API usage fixing build when KDE_NO_DEPRECATED is used
- lokalize: fix a compiler warning
- lokalize: include the new header, followup on last commit
- lokalize: replace deprecated API fixing build when KDE_NO_DEPRECATED is used
- okular: replace deprecated API fixing build when KDE_NO_DEPRECATED is used
- print-manager: replace deprecated API fixing build when KDE_NO_DEPRECATED is used
- skanlite: replace deprecated API fixing build when KDE_NO_DEPRECATED is used
- thumbnailers: import po thunmbnaier
Changes to kde-l10n since 2015-01-19:
- bg: initial kuassel translation (very incomplete)
- bg: update kuassel translation
- bg: updated kcm-about-distro, konsole, partitionmanager and akregator translations
- generic: remove kcmbell translations
- generic: remove obsolete translations
- generic: update babelfish translations from fresh POT
First stable release of Katana
Changes to ariya-icons since 2015-01-13:
- none
Changes to kdelibs since 2015-01-13:
- plasma: save applets configuration into the main component config if possible
- fix some compiler warnings
- fix virtual overload warning
- fix a compiler warning in kcmdlineargs test
- improve the compression filters API
- remove the fancy plasma context header
- partitially revert 92c0cae and remove some activities related cruft
- remove unused application_zip from ktar
- remove custom Window Manager activities definitions
Changes to kde-baseapps since 2015-01-13:
- none
Changes to kde-workspace since 2015-01-13:
- plasma: force save into local directory
- plasma: fixup layout saving
- plasm: use plasma-desktoprc instead of plasma-default-layoutrc from config dir instead of appdata dir
- phonon: remove kconf update file
- plasma: drop code for upgrading from pre plasma-desktop days
- plasma: minor defaults cleanup
- plasma: adjust default width and height for wallapers
- plasma: remove quick-launchers from default layout
- kwin: drop screenshot effect
- plasma: drop hardcoded default launchers, there are other means to specify those
- plasma: remove template loading leftovers
- plasma: drop layout templates support
- kwin: remove unused CLUT_DATA_SIZE and CLUT_ELEMENT_SIZE along with it
- phonon: fix a compiler warning
- kcontrol: improve categorization
- plasma: fixup and cleanup
- plasma: remove acitivities related containment switch action code
- taskmanager: drop activities related code
- remove redudant plasma context header inclusions
- activities cleanup
- fix some struct <-> class warnings
- fix a typo
- remove Window Manager activities related code
- kcontrol: add new-line ad the end of the first copyright owner in kdebug
- kwin: drop flipswitch effect
- kwin: remove now obsolete coverswitch configuration options
- plasma: add 1280x720 sized wallpapers (16:9)
- more hot-new-stuff cleanup
- plasma: remove extra wallapers
Changes to kde-extraapps since 2015-01-13:
- kcalc: remove kconf update file
- okular: remove kconf update file
- kdeplasma-addons: adust for use in katana (raw)
- initial import of kde-plasma-addons (4.14.3)
Changes to kde-l10n since 2015-01-13:
- remove kscd translations
- remove plasma activities related translations
- organize according to new sub-project structure, part 1
- merged kdeadmin into kde-extraapps translations
- added back akregator translations
- updated kget Bulgarian translation
- update Bulgarian translations here and there
- remove now obsolete kcm-kwin-scripts and plasma-remote-helper translations
- update kcm_kdebugconfig translations from fresh POT and some Bulgarian translations
- updated Bulgarian translation of solid
- updated Bulgarian translation of babelfish
- update kwin effects translations from fresh POT
Fifth release candidate of Katana
Changes to ariya-icons since 2015-01-01:
- none
Changes to kdelibs since 2015-01-01:
- fixup due to attica support drop
- remove knewstuff leftovers
- remove knewstuff fancy headers
- remove knewstuff related cruft from plasma
- remove attica related cruft from kdeui
- remove knewstuff
- change moto
- SVN_SILENT made messages (after extraction)
- make KGlobal reference counting thread safe.
- Use QSslCertificate's fromDevice instead fromPath to import certificates.
- Don't exclude /dev/shm from the possible directories to watch
- Define _DEFAULT_SOURCE together with _BSD_SOURCE.
- Don't report gphoto devices that are child of gphoto devices
- kio: remove fake MIME types from protocols (based on upstream 8e7c42a
Changes to kde-baseapps since 2015-01-01:
- remove knewstuff cruft
Changes to kde-workspace since 2015-01-01:
- kdm: fixup kcm module
- kwalletd: pull upstream changes
- remove some hot-new-stuff button leftovers
- fixup ksysguard
- hot-new-stuff buttons removal
- remove knewstuff cruft
- kio-sftp: Fix short read receiving files.
- kio-sftp: Use prefixed function for ssh_channel_poll().
- kwin: remove coverswitch, cube, fallapart and magiclamp kwin effects
- kio-nfs: added support for NFSv3, major refactoring, fixed bugs (upstream b5ecb7a and 37ee11f)
- knotify: make changing the volume on notifications optional and disabled by default
- welcome Lithuania to the euro users (upstream 9236eed and d8e2b2c)
- kdesu: use QFile::decodeName for command in KDEsuDialog to fix encoding
- kioslave: CVE-2014-8600 patch (backport)
- minor mac cruft cleanup
Changes to kde-extraapps since 2015-01-01:
- libksane: fixup Messages script
- ark: adjust for use with the CMake bundled libarchive module
- ark: remove now unnecessary include
- krdc: remove extra kDebug statement.
- krdc: properly handle connection errors with xfreerdp > 1.0
- krdc: support for FreeRDP 1.0.2 and newer. Including 1.1 and 1.2.
- ark: simplify the session restoration logic
- ark: stop leaking pointers when we do not enter the main app loop.
- ark: normalize all signal connections
- ark: drop libarchive cmake module and unconditionalize some features
- okular: use new API for phonon call in snapshot taker
- fix the lookup for boost headers in /usr/local
Changes to kde-l10n since 2015-01-01:
- updated translations from fresh POTs
- remove attica and khotnewstuff translations