Update to Gulp 4
add structure.scss with contents from nav.scss (removed) and header/footer parts of content.scss
remove support for post-thumbnails (when using Gutenberg, this is obsolete on pages)
add .taplink for touch-device-only links
add browser-check/output
add function to check the current staging environment
add option to toggle font-preloading on/off
add css file for compatibility classes and browser-hacks
remove page-section from content css file
add custom css for the columns-block
add custom css for the downloads-block
only show navigation if the Main-Menu exists
add center/left/right aligns for default Gutenberg Button-Block
minor gulp update
beautify php (thanks to @scherii )
remove obsolete function to allow SVG-uploads
rename Submenu to Footermenu
move general-containers to structure.scss
re-enable display of the admin bar (thanks to @Sigizmund2012) ]))
add missing or wrong curly braces, classes and values (thanks to Hongwei Tang)
add missing curly braces (thanks to @Sigizmund2012) ]))
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