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Version 2.1.1 (09.01.2020)

🧐 What is WPSeed?

Planting trees? Why waste your time digging a hole each time when you can just plant a seed instead? Even better, you can use the same seed for every tree you're planting from now on. WPSeed is your blueprint for modern WordPress theme development.

Following the D.R.Y. principle, WPSeed comes with everything you'll need for 90% of your themes, but nothing more, keeping it clean and simple.

I’m putting a lot of time into maintaining WPSeed. So if you like it, please consider supporting it:

BMC Patreon

Table of contents

πŸ₯³ Features


WPSeed is made to work with the Gutenberg editor and has all the tools to adapt it to your needs.


Seriously. Your code will be cleaned, modernized, optimized, minified and previewed in real time.


The SCSS-code is cleanly structured, nested and supplemented with meaningful variables and mixins.


WPSeed comes with cachebusting out of the box. You don't have to setup anything.


You'll find the presets you actually need, so you don’t repeat yourself.


WPSeed comes with features like viewport-scaling, responsive logo breakpoint-mixins and much more.


Every file is built as minimal as possible to make sure you can add your custom code right away.

πŸ’š 100% FREE

WPSeed is 100% free and will always be.

🚦 Requirements

  • Node >= 10.0 – see
  • npm >=6.0 (npm install -g npm@latest) – see
  • php >= 7.1 – make sure short_open_tag is set to true on your VM/Webserver.
  • gulp >= 3.9.0 (npm install -g gulp) – see

πŸ“¦ Installation

  • Clone WPSeed $ git clone into your themes directory.
  • in the theme directory run npm install
  • in the theme directory run gulp
  • add your domain/ip to browsersync_proxy in gulpfile.js

πŸš€ Get Started

This is a quick TL;DR on how to get started, below you'll find detailed informations about the 🧠 Workflow, πŸ“š HTML Structure and the πŸ›  Development.

  • install the workflow-environment β†’ npm install
  • run gulp β†’ gulp && gulp watch
  • access your Browsersync-powered local website at localhost:3000 (or use your domain/ip to access it without Browsersync)
  • start developing your website
    • open functions/functions-setup.php and add your custom settings
    • open assets/styles/vars.scss and add your custom sizes, breakpoints, colors, and so on
    • add your templates inside templates/ or use wp-page.php with the Gutenberg-editor
    • add your custom css to assets/styles/content.scss and assets/styles/structure.scss
    • add your custom scripts to assets/scripts/functions.js

🧠 Workflow

Local TLD

  • you can use any TLD for local development. WPSeed assumes you're using .vm for "virtual machine". If you want to use a different TLD make sure to change .vm to your prefered TLD in gulpfile.js and functions-wpsetup.php. FYI: Browsersync sometimes has issues with .local.


WPSeed uses gulp to compile assets from assets to dist. Here's what it will do:

  • CSS: checks for errors, then adds browser-prefixes before cleaning, compiling, minifying and bundling all .scss-files into a cache-busted version of style.min.css
  • JavaScript: checks for errors, then concatinates and minifies all javascript files into script.min.js
  • Images: optimize all images using imagemin and move them to the dist (distribution) directory
  • Fonts: get all fonts inside assets/fonts/ and move them to the dist directory

Run gulp or gulp watch to execute the develoment workflow:

  • gulp β†’ run all tasks (see above) once.
  • gulp watch β†’ let gulp compile your files automatically whenever you've made changes to the associated files.
  • gulp is handling vendor-requirements (external tools/frameworks) by additionally compiling/bundling the files defined in gulp-vendors.json. So, if you add vendors, make sure to add them to gulp-vendors.json.

For more details on everything that is done (minifying, compiling, adding prefixes and much more) see gulpfile.js.


WPSeed uses npm to manage development-modules as well as frontend-modules. Everything in package.json will be installed on npm install. You'll find two categories inside it:

  • dependencies contains all modules that need to be loaded into the frontend of the website like css and javascript frameworks. Feel free to add/remove whatever you need. They're merged into the compiled files through gulp-vendors.json.
  • devDependencies contains only modules that are needed for the local development.
  • You'll never need to upload the npm-modules folder to your live-server.


You don't have to reload your browser when changing your CSS. Simply use the local address provided after executing gulp watch (usally localhost:3000) to access your website via Browsersync. Changes to your CSS are now injected to your browser in real time every time you save a file.


WPSeed uses modernizr to automatically detect the availability of next-generation web technologies. This is totally optional. You can safely ignored it if you don't need it.

  • install the modernizr command line config with npm install -g modernizr
  • create/download your custom modernizr config at and select the command line config download option. Move the downloaded modernizr-config.json into assets/scripts.
  • run modernizr -c assets/scripts/modernizr-config.json -d assets/scripts to generate your modernizr.js. This file will be compiled by gulp.
  • Note: If you don't want to use modernizr you can just ignore/delete the modernizr files in assets/scripts/ Everything will work perfectly fine without them.
  • Add the class modernizr-of to every image you're using the object-fit class with. If the current browser does not support the object-fit attribute, all images with the class modernizr-of will be replaced with a div with the image-url set to background to ensure browser-compatibility. Also make sure to add the background-position to the image so it can be use within the generated div.

πŸ“š HTML Structure

In WPSeed the following semantical structure is used on every site:

<header>           the page header containing the navigation and the logo
  <nav>            the main navigation
<main>             contains everything but navigation, footer and aside-elements
  <section>        serves as a structural container and/or fullwidth-background (repeatable)
    <article>      contains the content when the use of an article tag is semantically correct (repeatable)
<footer>           the page footer, can contain additional links and informations like address or logos

To be able to create simple containers within the Gutenberg editor check out WPSeed Container Block.

πŸ›  Development


  • All important files provide a description/version at the top. Make sure to read it first.
  • WPSeed creates cache-busting using gulp-rev. If you're working locally (using the .vm TLD) the non-busted stylesheet (style.min.css) is enqueued, to make sure browsersync runs as expected.
  • WPSeed knows the currently used browser and adds it as a class to the <html>-Tag. See compatibility.scss for details.

Important Files/Folders


functions-custom.php      space for your own custom functions
functions-dev.php         functions used for development purposes
functions-gutenberg.php   space for functions to create custom Gutenberg-blocks with ACF, contains a preset
functions-settings.php    theme-settings and general functions that normally don't need much editing
functions-setup.php       the starting point for setting up a new theme, most settings are here


# used for development
assets/styles/vars.scss         this is your starting-point, it manages scaling, colors, fonts and other presets.
assets/styles/content.scss      content related styles
assets/styles/structure.scss    contains everything that is not content related like (header, footer and main navigations)
assets/styles/fonts.scss        locally hosted fonts

# normally don't need changes
assets/styles/essentials.scss   required SASS functions and all presets for responsive
assets/styles/general.scss      defaults and presets, inherits most of the variables from vars.scss
assets/styles/bundle.scss       gathers all .scss files for compiling with gulp


assets/scrips/essentials.js   re-usable essential javascript/jQuery functions/variables
assets/scrips/functions.js    javascript/jQuery
modernizr-config.json         Modernizr configuration, see the "Modernizr" section above
modernizr.js                  Modernizr modules, see the "Modernizr" section above


The Wordpress default templates (like page.php, single.php) receive their content from the associated file inside the template folder. This way all templates are grouped together. index.php is forwarded to page.php to make it the default.

All templates should be seperated into two categories recognizable by their prefix:

  • temp: individual site templates (none by default, an example would be temp-contact.php)
  • wp: wordpress default templates.
  • block: custom Gutenberg-blocks created with ACF.
blocks/block-*          if you want to create custom Gutenberg-blocks using acf, create them here and add them in functions-gutenberg.php.
wp-home.php             WP blog default
wp-page.php             WP page default
wp-single.php           WP post default

Responsive/Fluid presets


By default, the layout will scale with the viewport-width as all units are rem based and html uses font-size as the root unit. This scaling can be configured at the SIZE/SCALING section in vars.scss. It is also possible to stop the scaling at a certain viewport-width. See instructions inside vars.scss.


defined by variables

  • The width of the two available variables mobile and desktop are defined in vars.scss. Usage (with default values):
  • min 800px @include desktop {...}
  • max 799px@include mobile {...}

defined by individual pixel widths

  • at least 750px: @include vpw_min(750px)
  • at most 500px: @include vpw_max(500px)
  • between 1000px and 1200px: vpw(1000px, 1200px)

defined by ascepct-ratio

  • at least 16:9: @include asr_min(16,9) { ... }
  • at most 4:3: @include asr_max(4,3) { ... }

defined by css-class the two available classes mobile and desktop perform as followed (with default values):

.desktop {
	// hidden while < 800px;
.mobile {
	// hidden while > 799;

πŸ– About

Author: Flurin DΓΌrst


Twitter: @flurinduerst

🀝 Contribution

Feel free to contact me if you have questions or need any advice.

βš–οΈ License

WPSeed is released under the MIT Public License.

Note: The "About" section in and the author (@author) notice in the file-headers shall not be edited or deleted without permission. For Details see License. Thank you.