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A simple starter kit for Eleventy-based static sites for the Fluid Project.

Netlify Status

This repository contains the files needed to build Eleventy-based static sites for the Fluid Project. It includes support for internationalization; if your project does not require internationalization, use Trivet Monolingual instead.


You can use this repository as a template for a new site hosted on Netlify with Decap CMS pre-configured:

Deploy to Netlify

You can also use GitHub's template repository feature to create your own project based on Trivet Monolingual. From the repository homepage, click the "Use this template" button and then choose "Create a new repository".

You can also set up a new project locally using degit:

npx degit fluid-project/trivet YOUR-PROJECT-NAME


To run locally in development mode

  1. Install the required NPM packages: npm install
  2. Run Eleventy in development mode: npm start.

The website will be available at http://localhost:8080.

To build and serve using Docker

You can build and serve the website from a Docker container.

Once you have Docker installed, run the following commands to build a Docker image and start a container:

  • Build the image: docker build -t trivet .
  • Run the container: docker run --name trivet -p 8000:80 trivet

The website will be available at http://localhost:8000

If you make changes to the website, repeat the steps to build the image and start a new container.

To build for deployment to a personal web server

  1. Install the required NPM packages: npm install
  2. Run the build script: npm run build
  3. Upload the contents of the ./_site/ directory to the web root of your server.

If you make changes to the website, repeat step 2 to build the website and upload any changed files from the ./_site/ directory to the web root of your server.


  • Basic static site configuration for developing project websites and blogs.
  • Starter configuration for Decap CMS.
  • Integrated User Interface Options Preferences Editor.
  • Internationalization support.


Modifications can be made to any source file or directory except for the contents of the _site directory. The _site directory is not versioned since it contains the built website that Eleventy generates from the source files, and files in _site are overwritten at build time.

Working with Netlify CMS

The Decap CMS configuration can be edited in src/admin/config.yml. For full documentation, see the Decap CMS documentation.


Trivet includes internationalization support for English (Canada) and French (Canada). More languages can be added. If your project doesn't require internationalization,

Adding a language

To add a language, the following changes need to be made:

  1. Update the locales array of src/_data/config.json to add the new language. For example, to add German, you would add the IETF language code de-DE:

        "locales": [
    +       "de-DE",
  2. Add a new key to src/_data/site.json for the new language which provides the site metadata in the new language:

       "en-CA": {
          "name": "Trivet",
          "description": "Trivet is a simple starter kit for Eleventy-based static sites for the Fluid Project.",
          "url": "",
          "authorWebsite": "",
          "authorEmail": "",
          "authorName": "Fluid Project"
       "fr-CA": {
          "name": "Trivet",
          "description": "Trivet est un kit de démarrage simple pour les sites statiques basés sur Eleventy pour le projet Fluid.",
          "url": "",
          "authorWebsite": "",
          "authorEmail": "",
          "authorName": "Projet Fluid"
    -  }
    +  },   
    + "de-DE": {
    +     ...
    +  },
  3. Modify src/admin/config.yml to support the new language:

    - locales: [en-CA, fr-CA]
    + locales: [en-CA, fr-CA, de-DE]
  4. Update the eleventy-plugin-fluid configuration's supportedLanguages object in eleventy.config.js with the following data:

    • slug: a short form of the language code for use in URLs
    • uioSlug: a short form of the language code that corresponds to an available message bundle locale for Infusion's User Interface Options (if UIO is not localized in that language, you can omit this option)
    • dir: the direction of the language (ltr for left to right or rtl for right to left)
    • name: the localized language name (endonym), which will be used to link to content in that language
    eleventyConfig.addPlugin(fluidPlugin, {
       defaultLanguage: "en-CA",
       localesDirectory: "src/_locales",
       supportedLanguages: {
          "en-CA": {
             slug: "en",
             name: "English"
    +     "de-DE": {
    +        slug: "de",
    +        dir: "ltr",
    +        name: "Deutsch",
    +     },
          "fr-CA": {
             slug: "fr",
             name: "Français"

    You can change the site's default language by changing the the eleventy-plugin-fluid configuration's defaultLanguage string in eleventy.config.js to the IETF language code of the desired default language.

  5. Add directories in each collection for translated content. For example, you would add a directory called de-DE to src/collections/pages and src/collections/posts. Each de-DE directory will also need a directory data file called de-DE.11tydata.js. The contents should be identical to the default language directory's en-CA.11tydata.js file.

  6. Create a localized version of the posts archive page, following the example of src/collections/pages/fr-CA/

  7. Create a localized version of the 404 page, following the example of src/collections/pages/fr-CA/

  8. To ensure that the 404 page is displayed in the appropriate language, verify that a redirect block has been added to the netlify.toml file for each language following the examples. This feature is described in Netlify's redirects documentation.

For more information about how Decap CMS works with internationalized content, see the internationalization support documentation.

Disabling Internationalization

If you do not need internationalization support for all content on your site, it can be disabled for a specific collection or collections. If you don't need internationalization support at all, you should use Trivet Monolingual as the basis of your project instead.

Disabling Internationalization for a Specific Collection

If your site is translated into more than two languages but you aren't translating all your content, any empty collection will not be output by Eleventy. For example, if your site is configured to use en-CA, fr-CA and de-DE but you are not translating your posts into de-DE, you can leave the /src/collections/posts/de-DE directory empty and the German posts index page will not be built. However, if you want to disable all internationalization for a specific collection, you can do so in one of two ways.

Quick Method

  1. Deleting all directories but the default locale in the /src/collections/<collection>/ directory. For example, to disable localization for posts, delete the /src/collections/posts/fr-CA/ directory.

  2. Modify the src/admin/config.yml collection block's i18n and folder properties for the relevant collection. For example, to disable localization for posts, make the following changes in the posts block:

    - i18n: true
    + i18n: false
    - folder: "src/collections/posts/"
    + folder: "src/collections/posts/en-CA/" # Look for posts to edit in the default locale directory.

Advanced Method

  1. Modify the src/admin/config.yml collection block's i18n property for the relevant collection. For example, to disable localization for posts, make the following changes in the posts block:

    - i18n: true
    + i18n: false
  2. Remove all locale subdirectories of src/collections/posts, moving the en-CA (or other default language) subdirectory's contents (with the exception of the en-CA.11tydata.js file) up into src/collections/posts. You'll also need to make the following changes to the collection's directory data file, in this case src/collections/posts.11tydata.js:

    - const i18n = require("eleventy-plugin-i18n-gettext");
    const { generatePermalink } = require("eleventy-plugin-fluid");
    module.exports = {
        layout: "layouts/post",
        eleventyComputed: {
    +       locale: data => data.defaultLanguage,
    -       langDir: data => data.supportedLanguages[data.locale].dir,
    +       langDir: data => data.supportedLanguages[data.defaultLanguage].dir,
    -       permalink: data => {
    -           const locale = data.locale;
    -           return generatePermalink(data, "posts", i18n._(locale, "posts"));
    -       }
    +       permalink: data => generatePermalink(data, "posts")
  3. Disable localization of the index pages for the collection. In the case of posts, the configuration file creates indexes of posts in each language:

    // Custom collections
    const livePosts = post => <= now && !;
    siteConfig.locales.forEach(locale => {
        eleventyConfig.addCollection(`posts_${locale}`, collection => {
            return collection.getFilteredByGlob(`./src/collections/posts/${locale}/*.md`).filter(livePosts);
        // The following collection is used to create a collection of posts for the RSS feed.
        eleventyConfig.addCollection(`postFeed_${locale}`, collection => {
            return collection.getFilteredByGlob(`./src/collections/posts/${locale}/*.md`).filter(livePosts)
                .slice(0, siteConfig.maxPostsInFeed);

    You'll only need one index, so you can change this as follows:

    // Custom collections
    const livePosts = post => <= now && !;
    - siteConfig.locales.forEach(locale => {
    -   eleventyConfig.addCollection(`posts_${locale}`, collection => {
    -       return collection.getFilteredByGlob(`./src/collections/posts/${locale}/*.md`).filter(livePosts);
    -   });
    + eleventyConfig.addCollection("posts", collection => {
    +     return collection.getFilteredByGlob("./src/collections/posts/*.md").filter(livePosts);
    + });
    -   // The following collection is used to create a collection of posts for the RSS feed.
    -   eleventyConfig.addCollection(`postFeed_${locale}`, collection => {
    -       return collection.getFilteredByGlob(`./src/collections/posts/${locale}/*.md`).filter(livePosts)
    -           .reverse()
    -           .slice(0, siteConfig.maxPostsInFeed);
    -  });
    - });
    + // The following collection is used to create a collection of posts for the RSS feed.
    + eleventyConfig.addCollection("postFeed", collection => {
    +     return collection.getFilteredByGlob("./src/collections/posts/*.md").filter(livePosts)
    +         .reverse()
    +         .slice(0, siteConfig.maxPostsInFeed);
    + });

    Then you'll need to modify the page in all locales to reflect the new collection:

    - data: collections.posts_fr-CA
    + data: collections.posts
      size: 10
      alias: posts
  4. Lastly, for posts, you will also need to remove the localized feed by editing src/feed.njk:

    - pagination:
    -   data: config.locales
    -   size: 1
    -   alias: locale
    + locale: "{{ defaultLanguage }}"
    permalink: "{% if locale !== defaultLanguage %}/{{ supportedLanguages[locale].slug }}{% endif %}/feed.xml"
    eleventyExcludeFromCollections: true
    + collection: "postFeed"
    - {% set collection = "postFeed_" + language %}
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <feed xmlns="" xml:lang="{{ locale }}">
        <title>{{ site[locale].name }}</title>
    -   <subtitle>{% _ locale, "The most recent posts from %s", site[locale].name %}</subtitle>
    +   <subtitle>The most recent posts from {{ site[locale].name }}</subtitle>


Trivet is available under the New BSD License.

Third Party Software in Trivet

Trivet is based on other publicly available software, categorized by license:

MIT License