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update limit test asm
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강보원 authored and 강보원 committed Jan 22, 2025
1 parent 7b02ed4 commit ecdaf0e
Showing 1 changed file with 74 additions and 238 deletions.
312 changes: 74 additions & 238 deletions limit_test.asm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,241 +1,77 @@
; limit_test.asm
; NASM syntax x86-64 Windows

; 아직 미완


jsonData db '{"input":"string","replace-end":"string","replace-front":"string"}',0
jsonDataLen equ $ - jsonData - 1

httpRequestHeader db "POST /api/v1/korcen HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost:7777\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nContent-Length: 64\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n",0
httpRequestHeaderLen equ $ - httpRequestHeader -1

completeMsg db "200 HTTP POST Complete",10,0
wsaStartMsg db "WSAStartup successful",10,0
socketCreatedMsg db "Socket created",10,0
connectedMsg db "Connected to server",10,0
sendHeaderMsg db "HTTP header sent",10,0
sendJsonMsg db "JSON data sent",10,0
recvMsg db "Response received",10,0
connectFailedMsg db "Connect failed",10,0
sendFailedMsg db "Send failed",10,0
recvFailedMsg db "Recv failed",10,0
cleanupMsg db "WSACleanup called",10,0
exitErrorMsg db "WSAStartup failed",10,0

dw 2
dw 0x1E61
dd 0x0100007F
times 8 db 0

wsaData resb 104
sock resq 1
recvBuffer resb 4096

extern ExitProcess
extern WSAStartup
extern WSACleanup
extern socket
extern connect
extern send
extern recv
extern closesocket
extern printf

global main

mov ecx, 0x0202
lea rdx, [rel wsaData]
sub rsp, 40
call WSAStartup
add rsp, 40
cmp eax, 0
jne exit_error

lea rcx, [rel wsaStartMsg]
sub rsp, 40
call printf
add rsp, 40

mov r12d, 0

cmp r12d, 200
jge end_loop

mov ecx, 2
mov edx, 1
mov r8d, 6
sub rsp, 40
call socket
add rsp, 40
cmp rax, -1
je loop_continue
mov [rel sock], rax

lea rcx, [rel socketCreatedMsg]
sub rsp, 40
call printf
add rsp, 40

mov rax, [rel sock]
mov rcx, rax
lea rdx, [rel sockaddr_in]
mov r8d, 16
sub rsp, 40
call connect
add rsp, 40
cmp eax, -1
je connect_failed

lea rcx, [rel connectedMsg]
sub rsp, 40
call printf
add rsp, 40

mov rax, [rel sock]
mov rcx, rax
lea rdx, [rel httpRequestHeader]
mov r8d, httpRequestHeaderLen
mov r9d, 0
sub rsp, 40
call send
add rsp, 40
cmp eax, -1
je send_failed

lea rcx, [rel sendHeaderMsg]
sub rsp, 40
call printf
add rsp, 40

mov rax, [rel sock]
mov rcx, rax
lea rdx, [rel jsonData]
mov r8d, jsonDataLen
mov r9d, 0
sub rsp, 40
call send
add rsp, 40
cmp eax, -1
je send_failed

lea rcx, [rel sendJsonMsg]
sub rsp, 40
call printf
add rsp, 40

mov rax, [rel sock]
mov rcx, rax
lea rdx, [rel recvBuffer]
mov r8d, 4096
mov r9d, 0
sub rsp, 40
call recv
add rsp, 40
cmp eax, -1
je recv_failed

lea rcx, [rel recvMsg]
sub rsp, 40
call printf
add rsp, 40

mov rax, [rel sock]
mov rcx, rax
sub rsp, 40
call closesocket
add rsp, 40

inc r12d

jmp send_loop

lea rcx, [rel connectFailedMsg]
sub rsp, 40
call printf
add rsp, 40

mov rax, [rel sock]
mov rcx, rax
sub rsp, 40
call closesocket
add rsp, 40

inc r12d

jmp send_loop

lea rcx, [rel sendFailedMsg]
sub rsp, 40
call printf
add rsp, 40

mov rax, [rel sock]
mov rcx, rax
sub rsp, 40
call closesocket
add rsp, 40

inc r12d

jmp send_loop

lea rcx, [rel recvFailedMsg]
sub rsp, 40
call printf
add rsp, 40

mov rax, [rel sock]
mov rcx, rax
sub rsp, 40
call closesocket
add rsp, 40

inc r12d

jmp send_loop

inc r12d
jmp send_loop

sub rsp, 40
call WSACleanup
add rsp, 40

lea rcx, [rel cleanupMsg]
sub rsp, 40
call printf
add rsp, 40

lea rcx, [rel completeMsg]
sub rsp, 40
call printf
add rsp, 40

xor ecx, ecx
sub rsp, 40
call ExitProcess
add rsp, 40

lea rcx, [rel exitErrorMsg]
sub rsp, 40
call printf
add rsp, 40

mov ecx, 1
sub rsp, 40
call ExitProcess
add rsp, 40
; Made By Tjdmin1

section .data
url db "", 0
port dw 7777
http_request db "POST /api/v1/korcen HTTP/1.1", 0x0d, 0x0a
db "Host: localhost", 0x0d, 0x0a
db "Content-Type: application/json", 0x0d, 0x0a
db "Content-Length: 58", 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x0a
db '{"input":"string","replace-end":"string","replace-front":"string"}', 0

section .bss
response_buffer resb 1024
socket_fd resq 1
loop_count resq 1 ; 반복 카운트 저장소

section .text
global _start

mov qword [loop_count], 200 ; 초기 반복 횟수 설정

call send_request ; send_request 함수 호출

; 반복 횟수 감소
mov rax, [loop_count] ; loop_count 값을 rax로 로드
dec rax ; rax 감소
mov [loop_count], rax ; 감소된 값을 loop_count에 저장

cmp rax, 0 ; rax가 0인지 확인
jne .loop ; 0이 아니면 .loop로 이동

; 프로그램 종료
mov rax, 60 ; exit system call
xor rdi, rdi ; exit code 0

mov rax, 41 ; socket system call
xor rdi, rdi
xor rsi, rsi
xor rdx, rdx
mov [socket_fd], rax ; socket 파일 디스크립터 저장

mov rdi, [socket_fd] ; connect system call
lea rsi, [rel url]
mov rdx, 16
mov rax, 42

mov rdi, [socket_fd] ; send system call
lea rsi, [rel http_request]
mov rdx, 128
mov rax, 44

mov rdi, [socket_fd] ; recv system call
lea rsi, [response_buffer]
mov rdx, 1024
mov rax, 45

mov rdi, 1 ; write system call
lea rsi, [response_buffer]
mov rdx, rax
mov rax, 1

mov rdi, [socket_fd] ; close system call
mov rax, 3

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