This is the Aggie Simulation Tool Exhibiting Research on Importance Sampling in Markov Models, developed by Utah State University.
Copyright: Chris Winstead et al. 2019-- Lincense: GPL2
Supervisor: Chris Winstead, Associate Professessor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Utah State University.
Developers and Research Participants:
- Zinnia Mowri
- Tom Prouty
- Andrew Gerber
- Eric Reiss
- Daniel Crane
Tested on Ubuntu 23, Ubuntu 20 WSL, Centos 7, and Rocky 8.
- Install the following packages (package names for Debian/Ubuntu Based):
- openjdk-17-jdk (or 13; 17 preferred)
- build-essential
- gcc
- g++
- git
- make
- Clone this repository and run
to install Prism from source
- Run
./gradlew build
- Run
./gradlew -v
. Gradle should be 7, JVM should be 13-17 - Java version not available?
- Debian/Ubuntu Based: run
apt update
- Arch-based:
pacman -Syuu
- Debian/Ubuntu Based: run
- Error
Cannot find symbol ... Prism* ...
orpackage parser/prism does not exist
- Prism is not installed/compiled correctly
- Run
Algorithms are in the imsam
package (short for "Importance
Sampling") and are implemented in the class called ExtendedWSSA
. All
stochastic simulation methods are accessed via this command:
./bin/ simulate [OPTION]...
The particular choice of algorithm and its parameters are determined by command-line arguments and by defining special constants/labels in the PRISM model file.
Usage: | ./bin/ <command> [OPTION]... |
-v |
Verbose logging (Info level) |
-vv |
Verbose logging (Debug level) |
-vvv |
Verbose logging (Trace level) |
--quiet |
Suppress logging to console, except for errors |
--help (-h) |
Show usage information |
--raw |
Print raw output values (default: false) |
Arguments for stochastic simulation apply to all other simulation methods.
--Nruns N : Number of stochastic runs
--Tmax N : Maximum transitions before truncating
--const VAL : Model constant name=value
--model FILENAME : Prism model file name
The modulo heuristic provides accelerated simulation to estimate path completion time. This is helpful in CTMC models where a path can satisfy a temporal property with some probability (possibly a very small probability). Whereas SSA generates a 1/0 result for the temporal property, the modulo method returns a probability between 0 and 1.
Arguments relevant to the modulo heuristic are as follows:
--modulo : Use 'modulo' heuristic (default: false)
--gamma N : Stretch parameter for 'modulo' heuristic. (default: 100.0)
--numModuloSamples N : Number of samples to compute 'modulo' heuristic
(default: 1000)
--rho N : Stopping time parameter for 'modulo' heuristic.
(default: 100.0)
In the domain of Chemical Reaction Networks (CRN), a wSSA simulation can be configured by setting rate and propensity constants in the PRISM model file.
, ... define the rate constantsdelta1
, ... define the associated propensities
Some examples are provided in the models/
subdirectory. To pick one
includes the lines below which set
reaction rates and propensities:
const double k1=1.0;
const double k2=0.2;
const double k3=0.05;
const double delta1=1.0;
const double delta2=5.0;
const double delta3=50.0;
Simulated paths can be constrained by defining a constraint
label in
the PRISM model file. An example of this is in the file
which contains these lines:
const int maxConstraint=3;
label "constraint" = a+c<maxConstraint & b+c<maxConstraint;
The constraint
label is mandatory for any paths followed by the
simulator. If the constraint
is violated in some state during
simulation, then transitions entering that state are removed from the
model. This is useful for reducing the state space of a Markov model.