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LOGO Transport for London Unified flowground Connector


A generated flowground connector for the Transport for London Unified API (version v1).

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Generated at: 2019-05-07T17:44:22+03:00

API Description

Our unified API brings together data across all modes of transport into a single RESTful API. This API provides access to the most highly requested realtime and status infomation across all the modes of transport, in a single and consistent way. Access to the developer documentation is available at


Supported authorization schemes:

  • API Key- API Key


Gets all accident details for accidents occuring in the specified year

Tags: AccidentStats

Input Parameters

  • year - required - The year for which to filter the accidents on.

Gets air quality data feed

Tags: AirQuality

Gets all bike point locations. The Place object has an addtionalProperties array which contains the nbBikes, nbDocks and nbSpaces

> numbers which give the status of the BikePoint. A mismatch in these numbers i.e. nbDocks - (nbBikes + nbSpaces) != 0 indicates broken docks.

Tags: BikePoint

Search for bike stations by their name, a bike point's name often contains information about the name of the street

> or nearby landmarks, for example. Note that the search result does not contain the PlaceProperties i.e. the status
> or occupancy of the BikePoint, to get that information you should retrieve the BikePoint by its id on /BikePoint/id.

Tags: BikePoint

Input Parameters

  • query - required - The search term e.g. "St. James"

Gets the bike point with the given id.

Tags: BikePoint

Input Parameters

  • id - required - A bike point id (a list of ids can be obtained from the above BikePoint call)

Gets taxis and minicabs contact information

Tags: Cabwise

Input Parameters

  • lat - required - Latitude
  • lon - required - Longitude
  • optype - optional - Operator Type e.g Minicab, Executive, Limousine
  • wc - optional - Wheelchair accessible
  • radius - optional - The radius of the bounding circle in metres
  • name - optional - Trading name of operating company
  • maxResults - optional - An optional parameter to limit the number of results return. Default and maximum is 20.
  • legacyFormat - optional - Legacy Format
  • forceXml - optional - Force Xml
  • twentyFourSevenOnly - optional - Twenty Four Seven Only

Perform a Journey Planner search from the parameters specified in simple types

Tags: Journey

Input Parameters

  • from - required - Origin of the journey. Can be WGS84 coordinates expressed as "lat,long", a UK postcode, a Naptan (StopPoint) id, an ICS StopId, or a free-text string (will cause disambiguation unless it exactly matches a point of interest name).
  • to - required - Destination of the journey. Can be WGS84 coordinates expressed as "lat,long", a UK postcode, a Naptan (StopPoint) id, an ICS StopId, or a free-text string (will cause disambiguation unless it exactly matches a point of interest name).
  • via - optional - Travel through point on the journey. Can be WGS84 coordinates expressed as "lat,long", a UK postcode, a Naptan (StopPoint) id, an ICS StopId, or a free-text string (will cause disambiguation unless it exactly matches a point of interest name).
  • nationalSearch - optional - Does the journey cover stops outside London? eg. "nationalSearch=true"
  • date - optional - The date must be in yyyyMMdd format
  • time - optional - The time must be in HHmm format
  • timeIs - optional - Does the time given relate to arrival or leaving time? Possible options: "departing" | "arriving" Possible values: Arriving, Departing.
  • journeyPreference - optional - The journey preference eg possible options: "leastinterchange" | "leasttime" | "leastwalking" Possible values: LeastInterchange, LeastTime, LeastWalking.
  • mode - optional - The mode must be a comma separated list of modes. eg possible options: "public-bus,overground,train,tube,coach,dlr,cablecar,tram,river,walking,cycle"
  • accessibilityPreference - optional - The accessibility preference must be a comma separated list eg. "noSolidStairs,noEscalators,noElevators,stepFreeToVehicle,stepFreeToPlatform"
  • fromName - optional - An optional name to associate with the origin of the journey in the results.
  • toName - optional - An optional name to associate with the destination of the journey in the results.
  • viaName - optional - An optional name to associate with the via point of the journey in the results.
  • maxTransferMinutes - optional - The max walking time in minutes for transfer eg. "120"
  • maxWalkingMinutes - optional - The max walking time in minutes for journeys eg. "120"
  • walkingSpeed - optional - The walking speed. eg possible options: "slow" | "average" | "fast". Possible values: Slow, Average, Fast.
  • cyclePreference - optional - The cycle preference. eg possible options: "allTheWay" | "leaveAtStation" | "takeOnTransport" | "cycleHire" Possible values: None, LeaveAtStation, TakeOnTransport, AllTheWay, CycleHire.
  • adjustment - optional - Time adjustment command. eg possible options: "TripFirst" | "TripLast"
  • bikeProficiency - optional - A comma separated list of cycling proficiency levels. eg possible options: "easy,moderate,fast"
  • alternativeCycle - optional - Option to determine whether to return alternative cycling journey
  • alternativeWalking - optional - Option to determine whether to return alternative walking journey
  • applyHtmlMarkup - optional - Flag to determine whether certain text (e.g. walking instructions) should be output with HTML tags or not.
  • useMultiModalCall - optional - A boolean to indicate whether or not to return 3 public transport journeys, a bus journey, a cycle hire journey, a personal cycle journey and a walking journey
  • walkingOptimization - optional - A boolean to indicate whether to optimize journeys using walking
  • taxiOnlyTrip - optional - A boolean to indicate whether to return one or more taxi journeys. Note, setting this to true will override "useMultiModalCall".

Gets a list of all of the available journey planner modes

Tags: Journey

Gets a list of valid disruption categories

Tags: Line

Gets a list of valid modes

Tags: Line

Gets a list of valid ServiceTypes to filter on

Tags: Line

Gets a list of valid severity codes

Tags: Line

Gets lines that serve the given modes.

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • modes - required - A comma-separated list of modes e.g. tube,dlr

Get disruptions for all lines of the given modes.

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • modes - required - A comma-separated list of modes e.g. tube,dlr

Gets all lines and their valid routes for given modes, including the name and id of the originating and terminating stops for each route

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • modes - required - A comma-separated list of modes e.g. tube,dlr
  • serviceTypes - optional - A comma seperated list of service types to filter on. Supported values: Regular, Night. Defaulted to 'Regular' if not specified

Gets the line status of for all lines for the given modes

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • modes - required - A comma-separated list of modes to filter by. e.g. tube,dlr
  • detail - optional - Include details of the disruptions that are causing the line status including the affected stops and routes

Get all valid routes for all lines, including the name and id of the originating and terminating stops for each route.

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • serviceTypes - optional - A comma seperated list of service types to filter on. Supported values: Regular, Night. Defaulted to 'Regular' if not specified

Search for lines or routes matching the query string

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • query - required - Search term e.g victoria
  • modes - optional - Optionally filter by the specified modes
  • serviceTypes - optional - A comma seperated list of service types to filter on. Supported values: Regular, Night. Defaulted to 'Regular' if not specified

Gets the line status for all lines with a given severity

> A list of valid severity codes can be obtained from a call to Line/Meta/Severity

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • severity - required - The level of severity (eg: a number from 0 to 14)

Gets lines that match the specified line ids.

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - A comma-separated list of line ids e.g. victoria,circle,N133. Max. approx. 20 ids.

Get the list of arrival predictions for given line ids based at the given stop

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - A comma-separated list of line ids e.g. victoria,circle,N133. Max. approx. 20 ids.
  • stopPointId - required - Optional. Id of stop to get arrival predictions for (station naptan code e.g. 940GZZLUASL, you can use /StopPoint/Search/{query} endpoint to find a stop point id from a station name)
  • direction - optional - Optional. The direction of travel. Can be inbound or outbound or all. If left blank, and destinationStopId is set, will default to all Possible values: inbound, outbound, all.
  • destinationStationId - optional - Optional. Id of destination stop

Get disruptions for the given line ids

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - A comma-separated list of line ids e.g. victoria,circle,N133. Max. approx. 20 ids.

Get all valid routes for given line ids, including the name and id of the originating and terminating stops for each route.

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - A comma-separated list of line ids e.g. victoria,circle,N133. Max. approx. 20 ids.
  • serviceTypes - optional - A comma seperated list of service types to filter on. Supported values: Regular, Night. Defaulted to 'Regular' if not specified

Gets the line status of for given line ids e.g Minor Delays

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - A comma-separated list of line ids e.g. victoria,circle,N133. Max. approx. 20 ids.
  • detail - optional - Include details of the disruptions that are causing the line status including the affected stops and routes

Gets the line status for given line ids during the provided dates e.g Minor Delays

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - A comma-separated list of line ids e.g. victoria,circle,N133. Max. approx. 20 ids.
  • detail - optional - Include details of the disruptions that are causing the line status including the affected stops and routes
  • startDate - required
  • endDate - required
  • dateRange.startDate - optional
  • dateRange.endDate - optional
  • StartDate - required
  • EndDate - required

Gets all valid routes for given line id, including the sequence of stops on each route.

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • id - required - A single line id e.g. victoria
  • direction - required - The direction of travel. Can be inbound or outbound. Possible values: inbound, outbound, all.
  • serviceTypes - optional - A comma seperated list of service types to filter on. Supported values: Regular, Night. Defaulted to 'Regular' if not specified
  • excludeCrowding - optional - That excludes crowding from line disruptions. Can be true or false.

Gets a list of the stations that serve the given line id

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • id - required - A single line id e.g. victoria
  • tflOperatedNationalRailStationsOnly - optional - If the national-rail line is requested, this flag will filter the national rail stations so that only those operated by TfL are returned

Gets the timetable for a specified station on the give line

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • fromStopPointId - required - The originating station's stop point id (station naptan code e.g. 940GZZLUASL, you can use /StopPoint/Search/{query} endpoint to find a stop point id from a station name)
  • id - required - A single line id e.g. victoria

Gets the timetable for a specified station on the give line with specified destination

Tags: Line

Input Parameters

  • fromStopPointId - required - The originating station's stop point id (station naptan code e.g. 940GZZLUASL, you can use /StopPoint/Search/{query} endpoint to find a stop point id from a station name)
  • id - required - A single line id e.g. victoria
  • toStopPointId - required - The destination stations's Naptan code

Returns the service type active for a mode.

> Currently only supports tube

Tags: Mode

Gets the next arrival predictions for all stops of a given mode

Tags: Mode

Input Parameters

  • mode - required - A mode name e.g. tube, dlr
  • count - optional - A number of arrivals to return for each stop, -1 to return all available.

Get the occupancy for bike points.

Tags: Occupancy

Input Parameters

  • ids - required

Gets the occupancy for all car parks that have occupancy data

Tags: Occupancy

Gets the occupancy for a car park with a given id

Tags: Occupancy

Input Parameters

  • id - required

Gets the occupancy for all charge connectors

Tags: Occupancy

Gets the occupancy for a charge connectors with a given id (sourceSystemPlaceId)

Tags: Occupancy

Input Parameters

  • ids - required

Gets the places that lie within the bounding box defined by the lat/lon of its north-west and south-east corners. Optionally filters

> on type and can strip properties for a smaller payload.

Tags: Place

Input Parameters

  • categories - optional - an optional list of comma separated property categories to return in the Place's property bag. If null or empty, all categories of property are returned. Pass the keyword "none" to return no properties (a valid list of categories can be obtained from the /Place/Meta/categories endpoint)
  • includeChildren - optional - Defaults to false. If true child places e.g. individual charging stations at a charge point while be included, otherwise just the URLs of any child places will be returned
  • type - optional - place types to filter on, or null to return all types
  • activeOnly - optional - An optional parameter to limit the results to active records only (Currently only the 'VariableMessageSign' place type is supported)
  • bbBoxpoints.swLat - required
  • bbBoxpoints.swLon - required
  • bbBoxpoints.neLat - required
  • bbBoxpoints.neLon - required

Gets the set of streets associated with a post code.

Tags: Place

Input Parameters

  • postcode - required
  • postcodeInput.postcode - optional
  • Postcode - required

Gets a list of all of the available place property categories and keys.

Tags: Place

Gets a list of the available types of Place.

Tags: Place

Gets all places that matches the given query

Tags: Place

Input Parameters

  • name - required - The name of the place, you can use the /Place/Types/{types} endpoint to get a list of places for a given type including their names.
  • types - optional - A comma-separated list of the types to return. Max. approx 12 types.

Gets all places of a given type

Tags: Place

Input Parameters

  • types - required - A comma-separated list of the types to return. Max. approx 12 types. A valid list of place types can be obtained from the /Place/Meta/placeTypes endpoint.
  • activeOnly - optional - An optional parameter to limit the results to active records only (Currently only the 'VariableMessageSign' place type is supported)

Gets the place with the given id.

Tags: Place

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The id of the place, you can use the /Place/Types/{types} endpoint to get a list of places for a given type including their ids
  • includeChildren - optional - Defaults to false. If true child places e.g. individual charging stations at a charge point while be included, otherwise just the URLs of any child places will be returned

Gets any places of the given type whose geography intersects the given latitude and longitude. In practice this means the Place

> must be polygonal e.g. a BoroughBoundary.

Tags: Place

Input Parameters

  • type - required - The place type (a valid list of place types can be obtained from the /Place/Meta/placeTypes endpoint)
  • lat - required
  • lon - required
  • - required
  • location.lon - required
  • Lat - required
  • Lon - required

Gets the place overlay for a given set of co-ordinates and a given width/height.

Tags: Place

Input Parameters

  • z - required - The zoom level
  • type - required - The place type (a valid list of place types can be obtained from the /Place/Meta/placeTypes endpoint)
  • width - required - The width of the requested overlay.
  • height - required - The height of the requested overlay.
  • lat - required
  • lon - required
  • - required
  • location.lon - required
  • Lat - required
  • Lon - required

Gets all roads managed by TfL

Tags: Road

Gets a list of valid RoadDisruption categories

Tags: Road

Gets a list of valid RoadDisruption severity codes

Tags: Road

Gets a list of active disruptions filtered by disruption Ids.

Tags: Road

Input Parameters

  • disruptionIds - required - Comma-separated list of disruption identifiers to filter by.
  • stripContent - optional - Optional, defaults to false. When true, removes every property/node except for id, point, severity, severityDescription, startDate, endDate, corridor details, location and comments.

Gets a list of disrupted streets. If no date filters are provided, current disruptions are returned.

Tags: Road

Input Parameters

  • startDate - required - Optional, the start time to filter on.
  • endDate - required - Optional, The end time to filter on.

Gets the road with the specified id (e.g. A1)

Tags: Road

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - Comma-separated list of road identifiers e.g. "A406, A2" (a full list of supported road identifiers can be found at the /Road/ endpoint)

Get active disruptions, filtered by road ids

Tags: Road

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - Comma-separated list of road identifiers e.g. "A406, A2" use all for all to ignore id filter (a full list of supported road identifiers can be found at the /Road/ endpoint)
  • stripContent - optional - Optional, defaults to false. When true, removes every property/node except for id, point, severity, severityDescription, startDate, endDate, corridor details, location, comments and streets
  • severities - optional - an optional list of Severity names to filter on (a valid list of severities can be obtained from the /Road/Meta/severities endpoint)
  • categories - optional - an optional list of category names to filter on (a valid list of categories can be obtained from the /Road/Meta/categories endpoint)
  • closures - optional - Optional, defaults to true. When true, always includes disruptions that have road closures, regardless of the severity filter. When false, the severity filter works as normal.

Gets the specified roads with the status aggregated over the date range specified, or now until the end of today if no dates are passed.

Tags: Road

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - Comma-separated list of road identifiers e.g. "A406, A2" or use "all" to ignore id filter (a full list of supported road identifiers can be found at the /Road/ endpoint)
  • dateRangeNullable.startDate - optional
  • dateRangeNullable.endDate - optional

Search the site for occurrences of the query string. The maximum number of results returned is equal to the maximum page size

> of 100. To return subsequent pages, use the paginated overload.

Tags: Search

Input Parameters

  • query - required - The search query

Searches the bus schedules folder on S3 for a given bus number.

Tags: Search

Input Parameters

  • query - required - The search query

Gets the available search categories.

Tags: Search

Gets the available searchProvider names.

Tags: Search

Gets the available sorting options.

Tags: Search

Gets a list of StopPoints within {radius} by the specified criteria

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • stopTypes - required - a list of stopTypes that should be returned (a list of valid stop types can be obtained from the StopPoint/meta/stoptypes endpoint)
  • radius - optional - the radius of the bounding circle in metres (default : 200)
  • useStopPointHierarchy - optional - Re-arrange the output into a parent/child hierarchy
  • modes - optional - the list of modes to search (comma separated mode names e.g. tube,dlr)
  • categories - optional - an optional list of comma separated property categories to return in the StopPoint's property bag. If null or empty, all categories of property are returned. Pass the keyword "none" to return no properties (a valid list of categories can be obtained from the /StopPoint/Meta/categories endpoint)
  • returnLines - optional - true to return the lines that each stop point serves as a nested resource
  • - required
  • location.lon - required

Gets the list of available StopPoint additional information categories

Tags: StopPoint

Gets the list of available StopPoint modes

Tags: StopPoint

Gets the list of available StopPoint types

Tags: StopPoint

Gets a list of StopPoints filtered by the modes available at that StopPoint.

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • modes - required - A comma-seperated list of modes e.g. tube,dlr
  • page - optional - The data set page to return. Page 1 equates to the first 1000 stop points, page 2 equates to 1001-2000 etc. Must be entered for bus mode as data set is too large.

Gets a distinct list of disrupted stop points for the given modes

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • modes - required - A comma-seperated list of modes e.g. tube,dlr
  • includeRouteBlockedStops - optional

Search StopPoints by their common name, or their 5-digit Countdown Bus Stop Code.

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • query - required - The query string, case-insensitive. Leading and trailing wildcards are applied automatically.
  • modes - optional - An optional, parameter separated list of the modes to filter by
  • faresOnly - optional - True to only return stations in that have Fares data available for single fares to another station.
  • maxResults - optional - An optional result limit, defaulting to and with a maximum of 50. Since children of the stop point heirarchy are returned for matches, it is possible that the flattened result set will contain more than 50 items.
  • lines - optional - An optional, parameter separated list of the lines to filter by
  • includeHubs - optional - If true, returns results including HUBs.
  • tflOperatedNationalRailStationsOnly - optional - If the national-rail mode is included, this flag will filter the national rail stations so that only those operated by TfL are returned

Search StopPoints by their common name, or their 5-digit Countdown Bus Stop Code.

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • query - required - The query string, case-insensitive. Leading and trailing wildcards are applied automatically.
  • modes - optional - An optional, parameter separated list of the modes to filter by
  • faresOnly - optional - True to only return stations in that have Fares data available for single fares to another station.
  • maxResults - optional - An optional result limit, defaulting to and with a maximum of 50. Since children of the stop point heirarchy are returned for matches, it is possible that the flattened result set will contain more than 50 items.
  • lines - optional - An optional, parameter separated list of the lines to filter by
  • includeHubs - optional - If true, returns results including HUBs.
  • tflOperatedNationalRailStationsOnly - optional - If the national-rail mode is included, this flag will filter the national rail stations so that only those operated by TfL are returned

Gets the service types for a given stoppoint

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The Naptan id of the stop
  • lineIds - optional - The lines which contain the given Naptan id (all lines relevant to the given stoppoint if empty)
  • modes - optional - The modes which the lines are relevant to (all if empty)

Gets a StopPoint for a given sms code.

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • id - required - A 5-digit Countdown Bus Stop Code e.g. 73241, 50435, 56334.
  • output - optional - If set to "web", a 302 redirect to relevant website bus stop page is returned. Valid values are : web. All other values are ignored.

Gets all stop points of a given type

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • types - required - A comma-separated list of the types to return. Max. approx. 12 types. A list of valid stop types can be obtained from the StopPoint/meta/stoptypes endpoint.

Gets all the stop points of given type(s) with a page number

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • types - required
  • page - required

Gets a list of StopPoints corresponding to the given list of stop ids.

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - A comma-separated list of stop point ids (station naptan code e.g. 940GZZLUASL). Max. approx. 20 ids. You can use /StopPoint/Search/{query} endpoint to find a stop point id from a station name.
  • includeCrowdingData - optional - Include the crowding data (static). To Filter further use: /StopPoint/{ids}/Crowding/{line}

Gets all disruptions for the specified StopPointId, plus disruptions for any child Naptan records it may have.

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - A comma-seperated list of stop point ids. Max. approx. 20 ids. You can use /StopPoint/Search/{query} endpoint to find a stop point id from a station name.
  • getFamily - optional - Specify true to return disruptions for entire family, or false to return disruptions for just this stop point. Defaults to false.
  • includeRouteBlockedStops - optional
  • flattenResponse - optional - Specify true to associate all disruptions with parent stop point. (Only applicable when getFamily is true).

Gets the list of arrival predictions for the given stop point id

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • id - required - A StopPoint id (station naptan code e.g. 940GZZLUASL, you can use /StopPoint/Search/{query} endpoint to find a stop point id from a station name)

Gets Stopoints that are reachable from a station/line combination.

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The id (station naptan code e.g. 940GZZLUASL, you can use /StopPoint/Search/{query} endpoint to find a stop point id from a station name) of the stop point to filter by
  • lineId - required - Line id of the line to filter by (e.g. victoria)
  • serviceTypes - optional - A comma-separated list of service types to filter on. If not specified. Supported values: Regular, Night. Defaulted to 'Regular' if not specified

Gets all the Crowding data (static) for the StopPointId, plus crowding data for a given line and optionally a particular direction.

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The Naptan id of the stop
  • line - required - A particular line e.g. victoria, circle, northern etc.
  • direction - required - The direction of travel. Can be inbound or outbound. Possible values: inbound, outbound, all.

Returns the canonical direction, "inbound" or "outbound", for a given pair of stop point Ids in the direction from -> to.

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • id - required - Originating stop id (station naptan code e.g. 940GZZLUASL, you can use /StopPoint/Search/{query} endpoint to find a stop point id from a station name)
  • toStopPointId - required - Destination stop id (station naptan code e.g. 940GZZLUASL, you can use /StopPoint/Search/{query} endpoint to find a stop point id from a station name)
  • lineId - optional - Optional line id filter e.g. victoria

Returns the route sections for all the lines that service the given stop point ids

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • id - required - A stop point id (station naptan codes e.g. 940GZZLUASL, you can use /StopPoint/Search/{query} endpoint to find a stop point id from a station name)
  • serviceTypes - optional - A comma-separated list of service types to filter on. If not specified. Supported values: Regular, Night. Defaulted to 'Regular' if not specified

Get a list of places corresponding to a given id and place types.

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • id - required - A naptan id for a stop point (station naptan code e.g. 940GZZLUASL).
  • placeTypes - required - A comcomma-separated value representing the place types.

Get car parks corresponding to the given stop point id.

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • stopPointId - required - stopPointId is required to get the car parks.

Gets a list of taxi ranks corresponding to the given stop point id.

Tags: StopPoint

Input Parameters

  • stopPointId - required - stopPointId is required to get the taxi ranks.

Gets the TravelTime overlay.

Tags: TravelTime

Input Parameters

  • z - required - The zoom level.
  • pinLat - required - The latitude of the pin.
  • pinLon - required - The longitude of the pin.
  • mapCenterLat - required - The map center latitude.
  • mapCenterLon - required - The map center longitude.
  • scenarioTitle - required - The title of the scenario.
  • timeOfDayId - required - The id for the time of day (AM/INTER/PM)
  • modeId - required - The id of the mode.
  • width - required - The width of the requested overlay.
  • height - required - The height of the requested overlay.
  • direction - required - The direction of travel. Possible values: Average, From, To.
  • travelTimeInterval - required - The total minutes between the travel time bands
  • compareType - required
  • compareValue - required

Gets the TravelTime overlay.

Tags: TravelTime

Input Parameters

  • z - required - The zoom level.
  • pinLat - required - The latitude of the pin.
  • pinLon - required - The longitude of the pin.
  • mapCenterLat - required - The map center latitude.
  • mapCenterLon - required - The map center longitude.
  • scenarioTitle - required - The title of the scenario.
  • timeOfDayId - required - The id for the time of day (AM/INTER/PM)
  • modeId - required - The id of the mode.
  • width - required - The width of the requested overlay.
  • height - required - The height of the requested overlay.
  • direction - required - The direction of travel. Possible values: Average, From, To.
  • travelTimeInterval - required - The total minutes between the travel time bands

Gets the Emissions Surcharge compliance for the Vehicle

Tags: Vehicle

Input Parameters

  • vrm - required - The Vehicle Registration Mark

Gets the Ulez Surcharge compliance for the Vehicle

Tags: Vehicle

Input Parameters

  • vrm - required - The Vehicle Registration Mark

Gets the predictions for a given list of vehicle Id's.

Tags: Vehicle

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - A comma-separated list of vehicle ids e.g. LX58CFV,LX11AZB,LX58CFE. Max approx. 25 ids.


flowground :- Telekom iPaaS / tfl-gov-uk-connector
Copyright © 2019, Deutsche Telekom AG

All files of this connector are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details see the file LICENSE on the toplevel directory.


Generated flowground connector - tfl-gov-uk



Apache-2.0, Unknown licenses found

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