- Updated packages;
- Updated the Angular builder;
- Updated the Angular CLI;
- Update Angular Material;
- Updated packages
- Updated apexcharts package;
###Updated packages apexcharts: 3.19.3 -> 3.26.0
- Updated auth page;
- Refactored code, fixed chat;
- Updated login page;
- Updated register page;
- Added delete confirmation popup;
- Updated the Angular builder;
- Updated the Angular CLI;
- Update Angular Material;
###Updated packages @angular/animations: 10.2.5 -> 11.2.12 @angular/cdk: 9.2.4 -> 11.2.11 @angular/common: 10.2.5 -> 11.2.12 @angular/compiler: 10.2.5 -> 11.2.12 @angular/core: 10.2.5 -> 11.2.12 @angular/forms: 10.2.5 -> 11.2.12 @angular/material: 9.2.4 -> 11.2.11 @angular/platform-browser: 10.2.5 -> 11.2.12 @angular/platform-browser-dynamic: 10.2.5 -> 11.2.12 @angular/router: 10.2.5 -> 11.2.12 @angular-devkit/build-angular: 0.1002.3 -> 0.1102.11 @angular/cli: 10.2.3 -> 11.2.11 @angular/compiler-cli: 10.2.5 -> 11.2.12 @angular/language-service: 10.2.5 -> 11.2.12 @types/jasmine: 3.5.14 -> 3.6.0 codelyzer: 5.1.2 -> 6.0.0 typescript: 4.0.7 -> 4.1.5
- Fix links in settings
- Updated documentation
- Change badge text in the sidebar
- Fix send message button in header
- Several fixes in user edit/add/list
- Update badges/buttons
- Change line color in timeline
- Fix images in search result
- Fix button in calendar
- Change collapse box shadow
- Fix titles in notification page
- Minor package updates
- Updated project documentation
- Updated styles in project.
- Added project