This simulator is developed to evaluate TBDD. It has a graphical user interface that provides details of simulations execution and other pieces of information.
Developed by Fisseha Teju Wedaj et al. (
The main windows graphical user interface (GUI) designs and implementations can be found at: The Cells, spanning tree and Regions constructions are the backbones of this protocol, and they are located at: Sensor nodes are given roles depending on their location. The role designation implemented at: The mobility model for the mobile sink can be found at: Finally, the data routing illustration implemented at:, while Region's information broadcasting is implemented at:
1- Open TBDD.csproj or TBDD.sln in the Toolkit folder. If the toolkit can’t run pleases refer to
2- Click start to run the program.
3- Import the required network topology, from File-> Import Topology.
3- Set the experiment settings, after clicking Experiment, and click Start.
4- After the scenario is run, results are obtained from Show Results ->