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Bulk Acquisitions

Elazar Broad edited this page Dec 12, 2021 · 3 revisions


Bulk Acquisitions are an Endpoint Security (HX) API only feature that allows an analyst to run acquisitions at scale. In order to utilize this feature, the controller must be running with an HX_ADVANCED license.


Ensure that your acquisition script is prepared and that you've set the Background Scheduler Credentials.

Utilizing Bulk Acquisitions

From the HXTool main menu, select Acquisitions and then choose Bulk Acquisitions from the sub-menu. Click New Bulk Acquisition and you should see the following dialog:

  • Enter a name for your Bulk Acquisition job
  • Select a script, this can either be a script on your computer or one that has already been uploaded to HXTool
  • Select the host set which you'll be running the script against
  • Configure your desired schedule options
  • Optionally select a Task Profile

Click Submit - your Bulk Acquisition job should show within a several seconds.

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