Primary Authors: Antoine Lagier, Renaud Brosse
Reviewed and Contributed to by: tbc
This Charter sets forth the responsibilities and procedures for technical contribution to, and oversight of, the FinOps Foundation SIG French, which has been established as a Special Interest Group within the FinOps Foundation.
This Charter shall be reviewed yearly and approved by the TAC and the SAB (see below).
The mission of the F2 SIG French is to scale the Finops Foundation on French-speaking communities.
As such, its high-level mission is :
- Promote, contribute, adapt and translate the contents produced by and with the FinOps Foundation
- Produce studies, best practices, guides, use cases ansd others deliverables to help members in their FinOps approach
- Raise awareness/evangelize the French-speaking ecosystem (decision-makers, practitioners...) to the challenges of financial and environmental sobriety. Organize/reference FinOps trainings delivered by qualified external speakers.
- Animate a community of interest, allowing members to share their experiences during meetup and others events.
The SIG France meetup is available here on with more than 1,200 members on June 2022.
Geography: initially, France and all other French-speaking communities.
As a FinOps Foundation SIG, the activities of the French SIG are committed to respect the general-purpose missions of the FinOps Foundation SIGs :
- Clarify and inform. Provide valuable and objective information to the TAC, End Users and Projects of the FinOps Foundation regarding areas considered in-scope. Strengthen the project ecosystem to meet the needs of end users and project contributors. Educate and inform users with unbiased, effective, and practically useful information.
- Collaborate and interrelate. Effectively interface with other related groups internal and external to the FinOps Foundation and connect the dots to facilitate meaningful collaborative progression of relevant topics. Engage more communities and create an on-ramp to effective TAC contribution & recognition.
- Assist and attract projects. Helping to maintain the continued health of FinOps Foundation containers-related definitions. Focus attention and resources on helping foster project maturity, systematically across FinOps Foundation projects. Clarify relationship between projects, FinOps Foundation project staff, and community volunteers. Identify gaps in the landscape of FinOps Foundation containers definitions. Find and attract projects to fill these gaps through invitation to present, diligence on proposed projects, and in essence, act as a funnel for TAC project reviews in this area.
- Afford impartial stewardship. Provide and maintain a vendor neutral venue for relevant thought validation, discussion, and project feedback. Establish procedures to assist where necessary.
List of detailed activities:
- Engage the French Finops user communities by acting as a local Single Point of Contact, liaising with the TAC and other Finops Foundation groups for French-market related topics.
- Promote Finops and Finops Foundation activities in France.
- Educate and inform users with unbiased, effective, and practically useful information.
- Develop, Maintain and adapt French content into English, where relevant. Specifically, develop, maintain and promote the web-based best practice framework.
- Translate, adapt, develop, publish & promote French Finops contents.
- Ensure proper representation of French community members in the various FinOps Foundation projects, other specific SIGs and staff
- Reduce some project workload on TAC relating for Finops Foundation projects and goals towards French-speaking communities.
- Avoid creating a platform for politics between vendors.
- Provide a ladder for community members to get involved with the technical oversight of FinOps Foundation projects. As part of this, SIGs are expected to actively nurture diverse participation.
The French SIG has no direct authority over FinOps Foundation projects.
The French SIGs may choose to spawn focussed and time-limited working groups to achieve some of its responsibilities. Working groups should have a clearly documented charter, timeline (typically a few quarters at most), and set of deliverables.
Once the timeline has elapsed, or the deliverables delivered, the working group dissolves, or is explicitly re-chartered.
- Organize events online or offline : regular meetups, finops French summit, …
- Work and sharing meetings
- Training sessions
- Adaptation, translation and publication of Finops Foundation material in French
- Participate in other events to promote FinOps and FinOps Foundation
- Communicate through the F2 and websites, newsletters, press, social networks and other media.
- Maintain the website
- Provide up-to-date, high quality, unbiased and easy-to-consume French material to help end users to understand and effectively adopt cloud-native technologies and practises within the SIG’s area, for example:
- White papers, presentations, videos, or other forms of training clarifying terminology, comparisons of different approaches, available projects or products, common or recommended practises, trends, illustrative successes and failures, etc.
- As far as possible, information should be based on research and fact gathering, rather than pure marketing or speculation.
- Gather and synthetize useful French community end-user input and feedback regarding expectations, pain points, primary use cases etc...
- The French SIG will be an open organization with meetings, meeting agendas and notes, mailing lists, and other communications
- The mailing list, SIG meeting calendar, and other communication documents of the SIG will be openly published and maintained (see below last chapter)
This SIG follows the standard operating model provided by the TAC unless otherwise stated here.
Any person who is a member of the Finops Foundation is welcome to join the French SIG.
Members must adhere to the Finops Foundation ethics, code of conduct and respect the present charter.
The French SIG will enforce a strict “no sales pitch” code of conduct.
Participant diversity is strongly encouraged within the French SIG. The SIG chairs will actively encourage a diverse range of community members to take up named roles.
A variety of perspectives is strongly encouraged. To this end, a supermajority (⅔ or more) of chairs or a supermajority of tech leads from a single group of related companies, market segment, etc will be actively discouraged by the Management Comittee.
Members may:
- Participate and vote in the SIG instances.
- Become a candidate to any named roles, including chair
- Participate in any French SIG project or activity.
- Attend the SIG Chairs meetings
- Express themselves with total freedom of speech, within the code of conduct.
Members must:
- Participate in the French SIG activities and its development.
- Promote and respect the principles of the SIG, as defined in this charter/ReadMe.
- Abstain from any promotional, ideological, business, religious or political activity that is not motivated by the Finops Foundation and the French SIG objectives and activities
- Advise and inform the French SIG management Committee of any important information arising.
The chairs may vote to exclude members who:
- Have been absent or inactive for more than a year.
- Have violated the principles or code of conduct of the SIG. In particular any member entering into a self- or sales- promotion activity, or sales prospection, or otherwise using its access to members or the French SIGs resources for commercial activities will be excluded from the SIG and the case will be reported to the F2 TAC.
SIG Members will be assigned to one of the following three (3) colleges depending on their professional occupation:
- Clients
- Software Vendors & Service Providers
- Consultants
The Senior Advisory Board (SAB) is composed of 3 to 20 members, elected for 3 years among its members by the Management Committee upon nomination by any group member.
The SAB proposes the general orientations, editorial line, content policy and is the warrant of the value of the French SIG to its members and to the Finops Community.
As of 2022 June 23, the members of the SAB are:
- Marc Bernhard
- Claire Clauss
- Vincent Coudrin
- Luc Debray
- Herve Dumas
- Alain Duval
- Bruno Hourcan
- Tristan Labaume
- Thomas Rousseau
The French SIG Management Committee (MC) manages the operations of the French SIG, with oversight from the SAB and Finops Foundation TAC. It is composed of up to 13 members who are elected as Chairs plus the TAC liaison who is a de-facto member of the SIG MC.
Its duties are to :
- handle administrative functions,
- propose & enact policies, governance procedures,
- prepare the SAB meetings,
- manage the daily operations of the French SIG,
- collect & compile topics for the bimonthly SIG MC meeting agenda,
- chair the meeting,
- ensure that quality meeting minutes are published, and follow-up actions tracked and resolved.
A chair role may be held and performed by a tech lead, in cases where one person has the time and ability to perform both roles to the satisfaction of the TAC and SIG members.
When a consensus cannot be reached on any given decision, members of the SIG MC vote. Whenever the vote is tied, the Active Chairperson’s vote acts as a tied breaker.
The Active Chairperson rotates every 3 months.
The members of the Management Committee are:
- Alexandre Fedi, elected on December 16th 2021
- Antoine Lagier (also TAC Liaison), initial member on March 16th 2021
- Christophe Annereau, elected on June 23th 2022 in place of Frédéric Chomette
- Laurent Gauzi, initial member on March 16th 2021
- Laurent Favre, elected on June 23th 2022 in place of Aymeric Thas-Pinot
- Renaud Brosse, initial member on March 16th 2021
Former members of the MC are:
- Aymeric Thas-Pinot, initial member on March 16th 2021 until June 23th 2022.
- Frédéric Chomette, initial member on March 16th 2021 until June 23th 2022.
The Tech Leads:
- Leads projects in the SIG’s area.
- Has the time and ability to perform deep technical dives on projects. Projects may include formal FinOps Foundation projects or other projects in the area covered by the SIG.
- Named and defined by the SIG (e.g. scribe, PR lead, docs/training lead, etc)
- Approved by supermajority of the chairs.
The French SIG shall develop a “minimal viable” documented governance process that encourages community participation and clear guidelines to avoid biased decision-making (i.e this charter/readme).
All exceptions and disputes are handled by the French SIG MC, escalating to the TAC with FinOps Foundation Staff help if needed.
- Project committees will meet regularly, depending on their requirements, and periodically report the French SIG MC.
- The French SIG MC will meet bimonthly to manage the operational life of the SIG.
- The Senior Advisory Board will meet at least 4 times a year.
- A general assembly of the French SIG members may be organized from time to time to reflect on the SIG’s past activities and future directions.
- Any member of the French SIG can apply to the Management Committee. Applications will be validated by the MC according to the expertise and motivation of the candidates.
- Terms last for 2 years but staggered such that at least 1 of the chairs is able to maintain continuity
- The French SIG MC nominate Tech leads
- Tech leads are assigned following a majority vote of SIG Chairs
- SIG Chairs and Tech Leads may be unassigned from the SIG at any time following a majority vote of the TAC or SIG MC.
All functions are on a voluntary basis, and no member may receive retribution for his/her work. Expenses may be reimbursed upon prior approval by the SIG MC.
The SIG resources are derived from :
- Ad-hoc funding from the Finops Foundation
- Sponsorship of specific events by external companies, notably through the Linux Foundation “special projects” mechanism.
- Ticket sales of events the French SIG organizes.
- Manual donations
- Any other resources authorized by applicable laws.
The SIG MC will present a yearly financial report to the TAC and to the French SIG members for approval.
- Slack Channel (#sig-french)
- Repo:
- Initial overview of the French SIG during announcement
- Management Committee Meetings:
- Time: every thursday on odd weeks at 9:00 Paris Time
- Minutes: