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Alexander Benikowski edited this page Aug 29, 2021 · 39 revisions

Welcome to the openvr_fsr wiki!

Tested games

Game Engine dll location Works? Images to compare § Extra Notes
DCS World Custom? steamapps/common/DCSWorld/bin/ Yes %TODO% issue 14
Dirt 2 %TODO% %TODO% Yes* %TODO% very dark issue #10
Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Cobra steamapps\common\Elite Dangerous\Products\elite-dangerous-odyssey-64\Openvr\win64 Yes
Fallout 4 VR Creation Engine %TODO% Yes
House of the Dying Sun Unknown steamapps\common\DyingSun\dyingsun_Data\Plugins Partial Visuals and function are flawless but stick input appears to stop working when used. Unable to resolve via current troubleshooting.
IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad Digital Warfare steamapps\common\IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad\bin\game Yes If you experience double-vision when using, add the line "radius": 2 to openvr_mod.cfg within the FSR settings.
Kayak VR Unreal (gamedir)\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\OpenVR Yes
Medal of Honor Above and Beyond Unreal (gamedir)\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\OpenVR\OpenVRv1_5_17\Win64 Yes* UI elements are affected issue 32
Myst 2021 Unreal Engine 4 (gamedir)\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\OpenVR Yes
Project Wingman Unreal 4 steamapps/common/Project Wingman/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/OpenVR/OpenVRv1_5_17/Win64/ Yes %TODO%
Skyrim VR Creation Engine %TODO% Yes
Subnautica Unity (gamedir)\Subnautica_Data\Plugins Yes
X-plane 11 Custom, OpenCl & Vulkan steamapps/common/X-Plane 11/Resources/dlls/64 No XP11 Vulkan+VR is unstable so no results; Vulkan is not supported by the mod, so all it does is downscale the render resolution without the actual FSR upscale
Vox Machinae Unity steamapps\common\Vox Machinae\vm_Data\Plugins\x86_64 Yes If you experience double-vision when using, add the line "radius": 2 to openvr_mod.cfg within the FSR settings..
The Room VR --- --- Yes ---
Swordsman VR --- ViveApps\0b1cf65b-8d1d-4d4e-be9d-9f4b74050d1b\1626724819\WindowsNoEditor\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\OpenVR\OpenVRv1_5_17\Win64 Yes --- game location is for viveport.

[§] (TLDR: Please do not judge the quality of FSR solely by this mod :) ) Important Disclaimer: This is a best-community-effort experiment and hack to bring this upscaling technique to VR games that do not support it natively. Please understand that the approach taken here cannot guarantee the optimal quality that FSR might, in theory, be capable of. AMD has specific recommendations on where and how FSR should be placed in the render pipeline. Due to the nature of this generic hack, I (the mod creator) cannot guarantee nor control that all of these recommendations are actually met for any particular game. Please do not judge the quality of FSR solely by this mod :)

Tip for DCS World : There is a small caveat when using this driver/mod, in that it is only used by the game when started in SteamVR. Users of Oculus headsets will not see any enhancement because the driver/mod is simply not used. The solution is to start the game with the --force_steam_VR option.

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