A project implemented by Spring Cloud and Netflix patterns to demonstrate microservice architecture.
- able to develop and design RESTful web services
- setup Centralized Microservice Configuration with Spring Cloud Config Server
- implement client side load balancing (Ribbon), Dynamic scaling(Eureka Naming Server) and an API Gateway (Zuul)
- implement Distributed tracing for microservices with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin
- implement Fault Tolerance for microservices with Zipkin
- Using Spring Cloud Bus to exchange messages about Configuration updates
- Simplify communication with other Microservices using Feign REST Client
- Java 8
- IntelliJIDEA
- RabbitMQ
Application Ports
- Limits Service 8080, 8081, ...
- Spring Cloud Config Server 8888
- Currency Exchange Service 8000, 8001, 8002, ..
- Currency Conversion Service 8100, 8101, 8102, ...
- Netflix Eureka Naming Server 8761
- Netflix Zuul API Gateway Server 8765
- Zipkin Distributed Tracing Server 9411