Numerical Methods I – Project 2 Report
Report Content:
Programming Fourier Series Form
Programming Simpson’s Approach
Programming Trapezoidal Rule’s Approach
Programming Fourier Series Form:
A helper function is programmed, which evaluates the following expression:
Given the sequences ak, bk for k=0 to n (a0 is arbitrary), n, and x, the function evaluates the expression, see below the used function (used in both Simpson’s and Trap scripts).
- Programming Simpson’s Approach:
The script is composed of the following steps:
- Initializing the variable h which holds the partitions width.
- Initializing the variable fx, holds our function’s value on the points of the partitions a+ih.
- Looping to implement Simpson’s rule, the image shown below.
The code can be found below:
- Programming Trapezoidal Rule’s Approach:
The script is composed of the following steps:
- Initializing the variable h which holds the partitions width.
- Initializing the variable fx, holds our function’s value on the points of the partitions a+ih.
- Looping to implement Trapezoidal rule, the image shown below.
The code can be found below:
- Testing:
A test for the function f(x)=x is performed, integrating from 0 to 1, with number of partitions N=26, and Fourier Series of order n=30.
As can be concluded by the answers of the scripts, comparing them to the expected answer of 0.5, both approaches gave accurate reliable results.
The following is the test script:
And the following is the result of running the script:
- Conclusion
I would like to say that both the Simpson’s and Trapezoidal approaches were efficient and gave approximately the same result for the same number of partitions.