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FICCC CTBF Weekly Newsletter (8/3/2020 - 8/9/2020)


感谢神!这个周六周慧姐妹要受洗归入主的名下了,由于疫情影响,受洗仪式安排如下: 时间:8月8号下午两点

地点:Paddle-N-More Myers Park(1 Lansing Park Rd, Lansing, NY 14882)

内容:受洗仪式大约一小时,我们团契会唱一首赞美诗歌【如鹿切慕溪水】。结束后,大家可自由活动,按照防疫部门要求可以进行自由聊天分享(例如戴口罩,保持 6 feet distance等)。

关于唱诗:诗歌链接 歌词:神啊我的心切慕祢,如鹿切慕溪水; (周慧独唱) 惟有祢是我心所愛,我渴慕來敬拜祢。 (姐妹们合唱) 祢是我的力量盾牌,我靈單單降服於祢;(全体合唱) 惟有你是我心所愛,我渴慕來敬拜祢。 (全体合唱) 唱诗按照防疫要求保持 12 feet distance。到时我们会有蓝牙speaker原声伴奏,跟着唱就可以。请大家提前熟悉一下歌词,到时候用自己手机查看歌词也可以。 谢谢大家!



  • 查经主题/ Topic of Bible study: 警戒判道的人; 希伯来书 5:11-6:12

  • 带领/Lead: David

  • Zoom meeting starts at 7 pm on Friday:

      Topic: CTBF Fellowship
      Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
      Join Zoom Meeting
      Meeting ID: 620 081 704
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      Meeting ID: 620 081 704
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Previous Newsletter

Prayer meeting:

  • Saturday prayer meeting at 8:00 pm:

      Password: 123
      Topic: CTBF Prayer Meeting
      Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
      Join Zoom Meeting
      Meeting ID: 969 8127 2574
      One tap mobile
      +16465189805,,96981272574# US (New York)
      +16468769923,,96981272574# US (New York)
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      +1 646 518 9805 US (New York)
      +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
      +1 470 381 2552 US (Atlanta)
      +1 786 635 1003 US (Miami)
      +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
      +1 470 250 9358 US (Atlanta)
      +1 602 753 0140 US (Phoenix)
      +1 651 372 8299 US
      +1 669 219 2599 US (San Jose)
      +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
      +1 720 928 9299 US (Denver)
      +1 971 247 1195 US (Portland)
      +1 253 215 8782 US
      +1 301 715 8592 US
      +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
      Meeting ID: 969 8127 2574
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      Meeting ID: 969 8127 2574
      Join by Skype for Business


  • Missions/World

      1) Pray for Stuart and Peggy as they continue their translation work: Stuart and Peggy are now based here in the US after being forced to leave their previous host country last year. Their work on translating the Bible into an East Asian dialect continues, and praise God that they have just finished their translation of the Psalms. Pray for the Lord’s grace that they might have reliable email communication with key colleagues as they continue to translate and go through the laborious process of consultant checks and editing.
      2) Pray for Derrick and Esther as they seek to return to Thailand: Derrick and Esther have been on home assignment in California since late March, since the pandemic accelerated their return to the US by 3 months. Now they are ready to head back to Thailand, but the government there has yet to indicate when it will allow foreigners to return. Expenses in California are fairly high, so they hope they can return soon. Let’s pray for the Lord to open the door for them to return to their mission ministry in northern Thailand, and in the meantime to abundantly provide for their financial needs. 
      3) Pray for Zheng Mingzhang and his wife Xiuhui as they minister in rural Taiwan: FICCC recently began supporting Zheng Mingzhang and his wife Xiuhui, who are former FICCC members now doing full-time ministry in rural Taiwan with an organization called Village Gospel Ministries. Pray that God gives them continued favor in the village where they minister, so that they will have many doors of opportunity to share the gospel. Let’s also ask the Lord to use the tutoring school they have started to turn the hearts of young students to Christ. 
      4) Pray for the Lord to use FICCC to reach Chinese living in Ithaca: There are a significant number of Chinese living in Ithaca who are not Christians, some of whom are open to the gospel, especially given the challenges created by the current pandemic. Pray that God would work in the hearts of these people that might be drawn to learn more about the gospel. Pray as well that members of FICCC would be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and have opportunities to invite them to join a fellowship meeting or Sunday worship.
      5) East Asia Cru staff in Ithaca:  Cru (formerly Campus Crusade) had over 200 staff serving in China who had to return to the United States due to COVID19.  They are not yet allowed to return, so Cru has been searching for places for these staff members to minister during the fall semester.  They have decided to send 8-10 staff members to serve in Ithaca - particularly ministering to college students.  FICCC is housing 6-8 of them either in the House of Joy or in the house of a family who will be in China during the fall semester.  These staff members will evangelize and disciple students - particularly among CCCF, BASIL, the English congregation, Cru and CBS.  Pray for wisdom in mobilizing them, pray for effective outreach and discipleship.  Cru is still searching for one more place to house either a couple or two single women.  Pray that they will find a place that is low rent and close to the Cornell campus.
  • Church

      1. Church reopening:  On July 18 our church board members decided to postpone until September 12 the decision to reopen the church.  This decision was based on wanting to wait to find out whether the arrival of Cornell students will result in an increase in positive cases of COVID19.  Pray that our board members will be both wise and bold in following God's guidance for the church reopening.  Pray that there will be no increase in positive cases so that our church can reopen soon.
      2. FICCC Coworkers Team and Leadership: Please pray for those that lead our church, that they would be joined in unity. Pray for ever increasing knowledge of God in their personal lives. Pray they will have strength for their tasks, and sensitivity to God's voice. Pray for clear vision for ministry, and helpers to carry out that vision. Pray for keen discernment between God's wisdom and human wisdom, and pray God would lead and direct their paths. Pray for health - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually - that they would be refreshed and not tired or discouraged in their service to the church. Pray for leaders to pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace. Pray for unity and understanding among family members, that they would not have resentment towards ministry work. Pray for their love of Jesus to grow deeper every day, and that they would keep Him as their first love and priority.
      3. New Students outreach: Due to Cornell University and Ithaca College COVID19 restrictions, it will be harder to reach out to new students.  Pray for creativity and wisdom in strategizing how to do this.  Pray that students will respond well to our outreach.  Pray that other students would take the initiative to seek out our church.  
      4. English Congregation: I.Discipleship groups:  Pray for wisdom for our shepherd/disciples as they determine how to lead their groups in the unknowns of whether they will meet online or in person.  Pray that in spite of the restrictions that they will be able to care well for the people in their groups (particularly the new students).  II.College Bible Study:  Our Summer College Bible Study will meet three more times and have lessons on how to deal with doubts, how to develop Christian community and how to interact with non-Christians.  Pray for Mark Dalthrop and Felicia Setiono that they will equip the college students to do those things in an effective way.  Pray that the students will take it to heart.
      5. Children Sunday School: Please pray that our children and their families are having wonderful bonding time in summer. Please also pray for new teachers who can teach next semester. May God provide enough teachers that are passionate of Christian education.
      6. Youth Ministry:  Pray for wisdom for when to reopen the youth ministry.  Pray for wisdom on how to help our youth grow spiritually while ministry is still online.
      7. Baptism on Saturday afternoon:  Praise the Lord that Sister Hui Zhou  (CTBF) will get baptized on this Saturday (8/8) in outside of church.  CTBF will present a song.  Pray for a joyful celebration.
      8. Adult Sunday School Teachers: According the decision in July 26 Chinese Coworker meeting, Church will open Adult Sunday School Class online in fall semester.  Pray for teachers who will be making the preparation in these few weeks before the classes begin on 9/6.
      9. Worship Service: Pray for the worship services this coming Sunday.  Let us come with a joyful heart and lift up our voices to glorify God.
      a. Speaker:  Bro. John Barwick will preach in the Chinese and English  Worship services on “Shaken World , Unshakable Faith” from Hebrews 12:25-29. Please pray for his sermon preparations. Let us also pray for our readiness to hear God’s Word and to respond to it.
      b. The people Who Serve: Pray for everyone who will be serving in the worship service.			
  • Individuals

      1. FICCC youth entering college:  Several FICCC youth will start attending college soon - Annie Wang to University of Pittsburg, Leland Xu to Rochester Institute of Technology, and Kelvin Wang, Alice Hu and Bella Hu to Cornell University.  Because of COVID19, they will not be able to experience fully what college students over the years have experienced.  But pray that they will find their joy in the Lord, that they will pursue excellence in their students for the glory of God and that they will seek out a Christian campus ministry and church.  Pray that they will become humble servants who will love the Lord, the lost and the local church for the rest of their lives.
      2. The Families leaving Ithaca in this month: Let us pray for quite a few families are moving away this month:
      A,  Fan Yang and Yuling Huang family is leaving for Seattle on 8/15. Fan Yang(CTBF) get a job in Seattle , He and Yuling with two kids and Fan’s Mom are leaving Ithaca  for Seattle on 8/15.
      B.  Haiyan He and Hepeng Jia family back to China on 8/12. Hepeng Jia has finished his phd study and got job in China. He and Haiyan (CTBF) with their son Daniel will travel back to China on 8/12.
      C,  Lishih and Wenming Luh:  Praise the Lord!  Luh’s will finish  their house sale closing  on 8/31, and leaving Ithaca for Maryland.
      3. Health Issues:  A few brothers and sisters in our church and Alumni  are having health issues that require more tests and follow-ups.  While health concern can make people feel that their lives are covered by dark cloud let us pray and ask God to strengthen their faith and help them remember that the shining sun is always there above the cloud.