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FICCC CTBF Weekly Newsletter (7/20/2020 - 7/26/2020)

  • 查经主题/ Topic of Bible study: 竭力进入安息 ; 希伯来书 4:1-13

  • 带领/Lead: Mao Huang

  • Zoom meeting starts at 7 pm on Friday:

      Topic: CTBF Fellowship
      Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
      Join Zoom Meeting
      Meeting ID: 620 081 704
      One tap mobile
      +16465189805,,620081704# US (New York)
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              +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
              +1 602 753 0140 US (Phoenix)
              +1 651 372 8299 US
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              +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
              +1 720 928 9299 US (Denver)
      Meeting ID: 620 081 704
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      Meeting ID: 620 081 704
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Previous Newsletter

Prayer meeting:

  • Saturday prayer meeting at 8:00 pm:

      Password: 123
      Topic: CTBF Prayer Meeting
      Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
      Join Zoom Meeting
      Meeting ID: 969 8127 2574
      One tap mobile
      +16465189805,,96981272574# US (New York)
      +16468769923,,96981272574# US (New York)
      Dial by your location
      +1 646 518 9805 US (New York)
      +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
      +1 470 381 2552 US (Atlanta)
      +1 786 635 1003 US (Miami)
      +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
      +1 470 250 9358 US (Atlanta)
      +1 602 753 0140 US (Phoenix)
      +1 651 372 8299 US
      +1 669 219 2599 US (San Jose)
      +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
      +1 720 928 9299 US (Denver)
      +1 971 247 1195 US (Portland)
      +1 253 215 8782 US
      +1 301 715 8592 US
      +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
      Meeting ID: 969 8127 2574
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       China) (Brazil) (Canada) (Japan)
      Meeting ID: 969 8127 2574
      Join by Skype for Business


  • Missions/World

      1) Pray for Stuart and Peggy as they prepare to move to Michigan: Stuart and Peggy are preparing to move back into their old house in Michigan. Pray that some renovation work they are currently having done would be completed prior to their arrival. Pray also that God would grant wisdom to know how to take care of moving furniture back upstairs from the basement, since they will be under quarantine once they arrive and therefore church friends won’t be able to help.
      2) Pray for Lu Tsun-En’s theological study and dissertation writing:  Tsun-En works with Ambassadors for Christ, and is also studying for a Ph.D. in theology from Westminster Seminary. Pray that God would help Tsun-En find time to continue writing his dissertation, even with a busy ministry schedule, and that God would use his study to better equip him for ministry.
      the hearts of the students to Christ.
  • Church

      	1. Church Reopening: Due to the recent changes regarding COVID-19, the local government's policies, and Cornell University's requirements, our church board has decided to continue online worships and update related equipment. The church board will decide when to open our church for worship on 9/12 based on Cornell's situation. Please pray for the church's reopening. 
      	2. Chinese Congregation Coworkers’ Meeting: The Chinese Congregation coworkers have a scheduled bi-monthly meeting at 1:30 PM online this coming Sunday. The most important issue is how to prepare  for welcoming and helping new students in the Pandemic and  how to organize the Fall EV Meeting. Pray that God will guide the proceeding of this bi-monthly meeting with His Spirit, and that this will be a time of wise and effective planning and blessed fellowship.
      	3. Evergreen Fellowship Monthly Meeting Online This Saturday: Evergreen will have their monthly meeting online this Saturday, 7/25, from 10 AM to noon, Pray for a good attendance and a good fellowship time.
      	4. Our Spiritual Readiness: Every year, from mid-August to late October is always the busiest time for our church, and especially for the coworkers. As we will enter into the month of August, let us pray for our spiritual readiness.  Pray that every coworker will stay close to God and maintain good discipline in daily life, and that we pursue strong unity by standing together and supporting one another.
      	5. Worship Service: Pray for the worship services this coming Sunday.  Let us come with a joyful heart and lift up our voices to glorify God.
      	a. Speaker:  Bro. Yafei Wang from Corning will preach in the Chinese Worship service on “To meet the resurrected Lord” from Luke 24:13-35. Pastor Paul will continue to preach on  Psalm  23  in English congregation. Please pray for their sermon preparations. Let us also pray for our readiness to hear God’s Word and to respond to it.
  • Individuals

      1. Sister Houchun Liu: Please pray for sister Houchun Liu, a former member of our church, who was recently admitted to hospital. Houchun will have a 10-day brain radiotherapy treatment and is waiting for the results of lung puncture diagnosis. Please pray for her and her family to have peace in our Lord and pray for her doctors to find effective treatments for her conditions. 
      2. Lordship of Christ in Every Family: Let us pray that God will truly be revered and exalted in every family, and while family members might at times find it difficult to submit to each other they will be reminded to humble and soften their hearts before God. Pray that as people submit themselves to God’s sovereignty it enables the Spirit of God to pour down more of God’s love into their own hearts and into their family relationship.
      3. People Who Are Struggling: Some people within our church family have been struggling with various issues and/or feeling down for a while. Sometimes, words of encouragement from friends can help a lot.  Sometimes, much more intercessory prayers on their behalf are needed.  Let us raise our holy hands to intercede for people we know are struggling.