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FICCC CTBF Weekly Newsletter (4/13/2020 - 4/19/2020)

  • 查经主题/ Topic of Bible study: 饶恕与感恩 ; 路加 17:1-19; Star 带领

  • Zoom meeting starts at 7 pm on Friday:

      Topic: CTBF Fellowship
      Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
      Join Zoom Meeting
      Meeting ID: 620 081 704
      One tap mobile
      +16465189805,,620081704# US (New York)
      +16468769923,,620081704# US (New York)
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              +1 651 372 8299 US
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              +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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      Meeting ID: 620 081 704
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      Meeting ID: 620 081 704
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Previous Newsletter

Prayer meeting:

  • 祷告主题:为疫情祷告

  • Workday prayer meetings:

  • Saturday prayer meeting at 7 pm:

      Jing Yi is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
      Topic: CTBF Prayer meeting
      Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
      Join Zoom Meeting
      Meeting ID: 653 272 552
      One tap mobile
      +16468769923,,653272552# US (New York)
      +16699006833,,653272552# US (San Jose)
      Dial by your location
              +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
              +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
      Meeting ID: 653 272 552
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      Join by H.323 (US West) (US East) (China) (India Mumbai) (India Hyderabad) (EMEA) (Australia) (Hong Kong) (Brazil) (Canada) (Japan)
      Meeting ID: 653 272 552
      Join by Skype for Business


  • Missions/World

      1) Pray for FICCC’s Mission Committee as it meets in April: The Mission Committee at FICCC will be holding it twice-annual meeting this month. Pray for God to lead members of the committee as they seeks God’s will for how FICCC should support God’s work around the world. Especially ask that the Lord grant wisdom to discern which needs are priority and which can be left to later in light of the challenges that the current pandemic has brought. May our mission funds yield maximum fruit and bring glory to God.
      2) Pray for Lu Tsun-En as he helps with cornona virus relief, works on dissertation: Tsun-En has started a charity organization called WeCare with a professor that is buying face masks and donating them to cities in the US that need them and to Hong Kong. So far they have raised $US150,000 and their goal is to raise another US$90,000. Let’s pray that God provides funding for this good work. Also, Tsun-En is currently stuck writing the second chapter of his dissertation, when he should already be writing the third chapter. Please intercede on his behalf that the Lord would help him to make solid progress on his thesis.
      3) Coronavirus Pandemic:  The coronavirus pandemic may be the biggest worldwide crisis of our generation.  In our reaction to this crisis, may we follow the Lord's guidance to pray, "Thine kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven," and "Not my will, but Your's be done."  May we pray that God will bring good out of the suffering and that revival will break out as people consider their mortality.  In Psalm 41:1, King David writes, "Blessed are those who have regard for the weak; the Lord delivers them in times of trouble."  May the crisis motivate those who are blessed with strength to help the weak. Pray for researchers to find cures for disease, government leaders to make wise decisions to save lives and jobs, educators to help their students learn, the wealthy to be generous to the poor, and spiritual leaders to counsel the depressed and lead them to the Lord.
  • Church

      1. All Church ministries online: Continue to pray that Pastor Paul and Pastor Tang will learn to effectively preach online.  Pray that many people will use their extra time to participate in our online prayer meetings, Bible studies and fellowship meetings.  Pray for unchurched people to invite to participate in these online ministries.  
      2. Bible Read-a-thon: The current season of Bible Read-a-thon will come to an end on April 30.  Pray that many will be able to finish reading all the chapters before the deadline.  Pray that many people, including some new people, will join our Bible Read-a-thon.
      3. Please pray for the new nominated board members: Jocelyn Bilbert, a current Cornell Senior, who is nominated to English Ministry Deacon. Victor Chen , a current Cornell Sophomore , is nominated to Youth Deacon. Dae Guang Chung Kim, a current Cornell Junior, is nominated to Secretary Deacon, May God give them wisdom and strength in severing him and bless them with their studies, working and family.
      4. 4/26 Church Annual Meeting: Continue to pray for the preparation for the 4/26 annual meeting which involves collecting, compiling and editing annual reports; drafting and sending e-mail meeting notice to members; and preparing ballots. Pray also for the preparation of the combined worship service. Pray for wisdom for members who are still considering whether to accept the nomination to be a board member.  Pray for wisdom in how to run the membership meeting online.
      5. Registration for Seminary Extension online Class on Bible Ethics: This year  Dr Peter Chow, the former president of CES, will teach the online class on Bible Ethics from June 6 to June 10  It’s a great opportunity to learn from an experienced teacher and gain great insights on Christian life  that most people find it difficult to study by self. Pray that many church members will decide to take the class and register early.
      6. Worship Service: Pray for the two worship services this coming Sunday by online.  Let us worship with a joyful heart and lift up our voices to glorify God.
      a. Speaker: Rev. Stephen Chan will preach on “Teleology and Suffering in the Bible” from Luke 13:1-9 in Chinese Service, and Pastor Paul will preach in English service.  Please pray for their sermons preparations. Let us also pray for our readiness to hear God’s Word and to respond to it. 
  • Individuals

      1. Students Who Are Graduating in May: Many students in our church are graduating in May.  Many of them have to complete major thesis or project, and at the same time start looking for jobs or applying for graduate schools.  Pray for the strength and guidance they need from God.
      2. Summer and Future Plan: Quite a few church members are still waiting for God’s guidance for their summer plan or future plan for a longer term. Some are applying for schools or summer programs, some are applying for summer jobs or internship, and some graduating students are looking for permanent jobs.  Let us support them with caring, encouragement, and prayer.