Hive deserializer for various Aws log formats.
Download the latest release from [here]( directly) on your Hive client.
Inside your script or from the Hive interactive shell you should add first the jar and then create the table specifying the row format.
add jar /home/hadoop/aws-logs-serde-0.1.jar;
create table s3_accesslogs(
bucketowner string,
bucketname string,
rdatetime string,
rip string,
requester string,
requestid string,
operation string,
rkey string,
requesturi string,
httpstatus int ,
errorcode string,
bytessent int ,
objsize int ,
totaltime int ,
turnaroundtime int ,
referer string,
useragent string,
versionid string
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'com.amazonaws.hive.serdes.s3.S3LogDeserializer'
LOCATION 's3://<yours3bucket>/<yourprefixifany>/';