A library for low level access to the GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi. These pins can be used to control outputs (LEDs, motors, valves, pumps) or read inputs (sensors).
Using composer:
composer require piphp/gpio
php composer.phar require piphp/gpio
use PiPHP\GPIO\Pin\PinInterface;
// Create a GPIO object
$gpio = new GPIO();
// Retrieve pin 18 and configure it as an output pin
$pin = $gpio->getOutputPin(18);
// Set the value of the pin high (turn it on)
use PiPHP\GPIO\Pin\InputPinInterface;
// Create a GPIO object
$gpio = new GPIO();
// Retrieve pin 18 and configure it as an input pin
$pin = $gpio->getInputPin(18);
// Configure interrupts for both rising and falling edges
// Create an interrupt watcher
$interruptWatcher = $gpio->createWatcher();
// Register a callback to be triggered on pin interrupts with a 500 millisecond debounce delay
$interruptWatcher->register($pin, function (InputPinInterface $pin, $value) {
echo 'Pin ' . $pin->getNumber() . ' changed to: ' . $value . PHP_EOL;
// Returning false will make the watcher return false immediately
return true;
}, 500);
// Watch for interrupts, timeout after 5000ms (5 seconds)
while ($interruptWatcher->watch(5000));
SitePoint published a tutorial about powering Raspberry Pi projects with PHP which used this library and shows a push button example with a wiring diagram.
PiPHP maintains a resource directory for PHP programming on the Raspberry Pi.