NOTE: Documentation is best viewed on github-pages
TIP: Checkout related projects of this suite
This is a collection of several bash tools using bash tools framework allowing to easily import bash script, log, display log messages, database manipulation, user interaction, version comparison, ...
List of tools:
- gitRenameBranch : easy rename git local branch, use options to push new branch and delete old branch
- cli : easy connection to docker container
- dbImport : Import db from aws dump or mysql into target db
- dbImportTable : Import remote db table from aws or mysql into target db
- dbQueryAllDatabases : Execute a query on multiple database in order to generate a report, query can be parallelized on multiple databases
- dbScriptAllDatabases : same as dbQueryAllDatabases but you can execute an arbitrary script on each database
- gitIsAncestor : show an error if commit is not an ancestor of branch
- gitIsBranch : show an error if branchName is not a known branch
- gitRenameBranch : rename git local branch, use options to push new branch and delete old branch
- waitForIt : useful in docker container to know if another container port is accessible
- waitForMysql : useful in docker container to know if mysql server is ready to receive queries
- ...
clone this repository and create configuration files in your home directory alternatively you can use the install script
git clone
cd bash-tools
The following structure will be created in your home directory
├── cliProfiles
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
├── dbImportDumps
├── dbImportProfiles
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
├── dbQueries
│ └── databaseSize.sql
├── dsn
│ └── default.local.env
│ └── default.remote.env
│ └── localhost-root.env
└── .env
Some tools need GNU parallel software, it allows running multiple processes in parallel. You can install it running
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y parallel
# remove parallel nagware
mkdir ~/.parallel
touch ~/.parallel/will-cite
Dependencies are automatically installed when used.
script will install the following libraries inside
script will install:
To avoid checking for libraries update and have an impact on performance, a file is created in vendor dir.
You can remove these files to force the update of the libraries, or just wait 24 hours that the timeout expires.
This repository uses pre-commit software to ensure every commits respects a set
of rules specified by the .pre-commit-config.yaml
file. It supposes pre-commit
software is installed in your environment.
You also have to execute the following command to enable it:
pre-commit install --hook-type pre-commit --hook-type pre-push
export FRAMEWORK_ROOT_DIR=/home/wsl/fchastanet/bash-tools/vendor/bash-tools-framework
export BASH_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR=/home/wsl/fchastanet/bash-tools
go run ./cmd/bash-compiler $(find "${BASH_TOOLS_ROOT_DIR}/src/_binaries" -name '*-binary.yaml' -print)
All the commands are unit tested, you can run the unit tests using the following command
./ -r src
Launch UT on different environments:
./ scrasnups/build:bash-tools-ubuntu-4.4 -r src -j 30
./ scrasnups/build:bash-tools-ubuntu-5.0 -r src -j 30
./ scrasnups/build:bash-tools-ubuntu-5.3 -r src -j 30
./ scrasnups/build:bash-tools-alpine-4.4 -r src -j 30
./ scrasnups/build:bash-tools-alpine-5.0 -r src -j 30
./ scrasnups/build:bash-tools-alpine-5.3 -r src -j 30
generated by running
The web page uses Docsify to generate a static web site.
It is recommended to install docsify-cli globally, which helps initializing and previewing the website locally.
npm i docsify-cli -g
Run the local server with docsify serve.
docsify serve pages
Navigate to http://localhost:3000/
Like so many projects, this effort has roots in many places.
I would like to thank particularly Bazyli Brzóska for his work on the project Bash Infinity. Framework part of this project is largely inspired by his work(some parts copied). You can see his blog too that is really interesting