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Collection of Windows dotfiles. Built with Windows, WSL, and GlazeWM.

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This dotfile serves as a guide to setup a development environment and keyboard-driven workflow. Configurations are based on Windows 10 with Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL) Ubuntu and Visual Studio Code. If you happen to be a WSL, VS Code and Vim user, I hope this dotfile is useful to you.

Workflow demonstration gif

Table of Content

  1. Apps and Packages
  2. Workflow
  3. References

Apps and Packages


Apps Description
WSL To run Linux within Windows
Windows Terminal Preview To run WSL
Visual Studio Code To write and debug code
Git To synchronize git credentials
Glaze WM To navigate through applications
Brave Browser To browse internet


💻 Web Development

Packages Description
fnm To install and change versions of nodejs and npm
mysql-server To run mysql server

🌐 Languages

Packages Description
build-essential To compile C and C++ programs
sdkman To install and change versions of java and javac
python3 To compile python programs
go To compile go programs
rust To compile rust programs

🛠️ Build Tools

Packages Description
python3-pip To build python packages
zip To de/compress files
unzip To de/compress files
gzip To de/compress files
bzip2 To de/compress files

🤖 Command Line Interface (Optional)

Packages Description
zsh To enter command lines
zap-zsh To manage zsh plugins
fzf To browse list of files and command lines
exa To display colors and icons on file directories

Visual Studio Code

🌐 Languages

Extensions Description
C/C++ To enable C and C++
Code Runner To compile C and C++ programs
Java Extension Pack To enable and debug java programs
Python To enable and debug python programs
Go To enable and debug go programs
rust-analyzer To enable and debug rust programs

🌿 Quality Of Life

Extensions Description
Prettier To format code
Live Preview To view static website
Postman To test api
Git Lens To view git changes
Lunarkeymap Quick and easy Vim and Which Key config
Vim To enable vim keybindings
Which Keys To bind more shortcuts


Based on all of my configurations

📟 Applications

Requires: GlazeWM

  • Alt + 2 to go to browser
  • Alt + 3 to go to code editor
  • Alt + 4 to go to terminal
  • Alt + h/j/k/l to move focus between applications
  • Alt + shift + q to quit an application
  • Alt + shift + e to exit Glaze WM

🌐 Browser

Requires: Vimium Chrome Extension

  • j and k to scroll page
  • J and K to cycle tabs
  • H and L to go back or next
  • o to search or enter link
  • f to select element, follow-up with desired letters
  • t to open new tab
  • x to close tab
  • X to open closed tabs

🖥️ Terminal

Requires: zsh, zap-zsh, zap-zsh-vim, fzf

  • esc and i to switch vim modes
  • j and k to cycle through previous commands
  • type fzf to fuzzyfind command lines or directories

👨‍💻 Visual Studio Code

Requires: Lunarkeymap, Vim and Which Key

  • ctrl+e to open file explorer
  • in file explorer j and k to go up and down
  • in file explorer a to create new file and A to create new folder
  • in file explorer l or enter to expand folder
  • in file explorer enter to open file
  • ctrl + h/j/k/l to navigate between panes
  • ctrl+space to view all shortcuts, follow-up with desired letters


  1. ThePrimeagen - My Developer Workflow - How I use i3, tmux, and vim
  2. chris@machine - VSCode with embedded Neovim
  3. Joaquin Varela - THE BEST VIM CONFIG FOR VSCODE | configure vscode like vim
  4. chris@machine - Zap - A minimal zsh plugin manager
  5. chris@machine - Manage your dotfiles across multiple machines with GNU Stow and Git