Releases: farkon00/binarian
V0.9 Strings added, pyeval added, big std improvements
Change log:
- Help message added
- New parser
- Strings added
- Keywords changes
- Operations changed
- New std functions and variables
- Zip, len keyword removed
- Pyeval keyword added
- Caching parsed code added
- Int litterals for different bases added
And other small change
Full change log: V0.8...V0.9
V0.8 Type checking, new types, syntax updates and much more
- Type checking added
- Type annotstions for functions and variables added
- None and object types added
- {} and () swaped
- Integers and floats added
- Arithmetical and other int, float operations added
- Logical operators, if, elif, while now work with any type
- Some keywords now accept or retrun integers instead of other types
- Functions arguments now splited with commas
- Set keyword renamed to var and now uses =
- Convert keyword added
- Elif keyword added
- Continue and break keywords added
V0.7 Standart library added, setindex, zip keywords added, bug fixes
- Standart library added
- Setindex, zip keywords added
- Lists as integers format changed
- Refactoring done
- -no-std flag added
- Tests added
- Github Actions CI added
V0.6 For and while loops added, new exceptions
Loops added to not use recursion for turing completeness. And new exceptions system, that I wanted to add long ago.
- For loop added
- While loop added
- New exceptions added
- Way to call functions changed
- Output now allows spaces in tip
- Lists in debug output fixed
V0.5 Lists added, 4 new keywords added. 100% turing complete!
Language is now finally 100% turing complete!
- Lists added
- Index, len, append keywords added
- Drop keyword added
- Variables implomentation update
- Set keyword now can set functions
- Type checking updates
- If else bug fix in functions
V0.4 If else added, bracket parsing changes, bug fixes.
If else added, bracket parsing algorimth changed for better performance and easier implomentation of if, bug fixes.
ExcutionState class added to transfer data between functions and modules.
Execution time on finish added.
V0.3 Functions added, big refactoring done
Functions was added. Func, call, return keywords was done.
Big refactoring was done. Code splited in files.
V0.2.1 Code quality raised, renamed main file, error handeling fixes
In output was added SynataxError if not enough arguments was given. Code became better.
V0.2 Byte code changes
Now byte code have only values as args. And variables replace by values in byte code(Don`t forget that interpreter is JIT).
Bug fixes.
V0.1 First release
It`s frist release of main and high level versions of Binarian.