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gen-move-math and more_math

gen-move-math is a cli to generate missing functionalities for move, and more_math is the code generated with default options.

Go Reference

Movey Link

Following types are currently provided:

  • signed integer.
  • double width unsigned integer (u256 and u16).
  • decimal.
  • signed decimal.

Also provided some math functions for move's native unsigned integers:

  • addition with carry (never overflow or abort)
  • subtract with borrow (never underflow or abort)
  • multiplication with carry (never overflow or abort)
  • counting leading zeros
  • square root function calculating (y = floor(sqrt(x)))
  • log 2 calculating log_2 x

Install/Use Code Generator

To include the code in your move code, generate the code from the command line into your own package.

Please install go. After installation, simply run the below

go install
gen-move-math # other options

Or without downloading

go run # other options

See example-use.MD for a detailed instruction.

Signed Integer Math

Vast majority of application can go without signed integers, but occasionally, signed integer can solve some corner cases.

NOTE: there is really nothing wrong with represent the signed integer with a boolean and a unsigned integer.

The implementation contained here is 2's complement.

Double Width Unsigned

This is mostly about 256-bit unsigned int (but same methodology can be applied to 16 bit unsigned int too - and once we have 16 bit unsigned int, we can redo the same to get 32 bit unsigned int).

Right now the solution is use two u128, one for higher 128 bits, and one for lower 128 bits of the 256-bit unsigned int. The implementation for add and subtract is straightforward.

In move, the code aborts when overflow or underflow, so the check for those must be done before calculating.


If we can solve u128 multiplication with possible overflow, we can replicate the strategy for 256 bit unsigend int too.

Now, consider a u128 two u64s - one for higher bits and one for lower bits.

Below is similar code in rust - however, do note we need to check if the addition needs carry.

fn mul_with_overflow(x: u128, y: u128) -> (u128, u128) {
    const HIGHER_1S: u128 = ((1u128 << 64) - 1) << 64;
    const LOWER_1S: u128 = (1u128<< 64) - 1;
    let x_hi = (x & HIGHER_1S) >> 64;
    let x_lo = x & LOWER_1S;
    let y_hi = (y & HIGHER_1S) >> 64;
    let y_lo = y & LOWER_1S;

    let x_hi_y_lo = x_hi * y_lo;
    let x_lo_y_hi = x_lo * y_hi;

    let hi = x_hi * x_hi + (x_hi_y_lo >> 64) + (x_lo_y_hi >> 64);
    let lo = x_lo * y_lo + (x_hi_y_lo << 64) + (x_lo_y_hi << 64);

    (lo, hi)


It's trivia to calculate x divided by y if x <= y (which is either 0 or 1), and the remainder is either x or 0.

Now assuming x is greater than y:

  1. align x and y leading 1 by left shifting y.
  2. set remainder to x, if remainder is greater than the shifted y, subtract it from remainder, and add 1 shifted by the same size to the result.
  3. left shift the shifted y by 1.
  4. repeat until y is not shifted any more.
fn leading_zeros(x: u128) -> u8 {
    if x == 0 {
        return 128;
    let mut t = (1u128) << 127;
    let mut r = 0;
    loop {
        if x & t > 0 {
        t = t >> 1;
        r = r + 1;


fn div_mod(x: u128, y: u128) -> (u128, u128) {
    let nx = leading_zeros(x);
    let ny = leading_zeros(y);

    let mut shift = ny - nx;

    let mut current = y << shift;
    let mut remainder = x;
    let mut result = 0;

    loop {
        if remainder >= current {
            result += 1u128 << shift;
            remainder -= current;

        if shift == 0 {
        current = current >> 1;
        shift = shift - 1;
    (result, remainder)


Fixed decimals are quite straightforward, only two note:

  • need to use double size integers to avoid overflow
  • need to multiply the numerator by 10^decimal before performing the division.

Square Root

The method is produced from golang's Sqrt function for big.Int. The method is iterative:

$$ y = (x + x / y) / 2 $$

Log 2

Binary Logarithm algo is based on the method laid out here.