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Synapse Token Authenticator

PyPI - Version PyPI - Python Version

Synapse Token Authenticator is a synapse auth provider which allows for token authentication (and optional registration) using JWTs (Json Web Tokens) and OIDC.

Table of Contents


pip install synapse-token-authenticator


Here are the available configuration options:

  # provide only one of secret, keyfile
  secret: symetrical secret
  keyfile: path to asymetrical keyfile

  # Algorithm of the tokens, defaults to HS512 (optional)
  algorithm: HS512
  # Allow registration of new users, defaults to false (optional)
  allow_registration: false
  # Require tokens to have an expiry set, defaults to true (optional)
  require_expiry: true
  # Include trailing slash
  issuer: ""
  client_id: "<IDP client id>"
  client_secret: "<IDP client secret>"
  # Zitadel Organization ID, used for masking. (Optional)
  organization_id: 1234
  # Zitadel Project ID, used for validating the audience of the returned token.
  project_id: 5678
  # Limits access to specified clients. Allows any client if not set (optional)
  allowed_client_ids: ['2897827328738@project_name']
  # Allow registration of new users, defaults to false (optional)
  allow_registration: false
  # see ePaConfig section
  # see OAuthConfig section

It is recommended to have require_expiry set to true (default). As for allow_registration, it depends on usecase: If you only want to be able to log in existing users, leave it at false (default). If nonexistant users should be simply registered upon hitting the login endpoint, set it to true.


Parameter Type
jwt_validation JwtValidationConfig (optional)
introspection_validation IntrospectionValidationConfig (optional)
username_type One of 'fq_uid', 'localpart', 'user_id' (optional)
notify_on_registration NotifyOnRegistration (optional)
expose_metadata_resource Any (optional)
registration_enabled Bool (defaults to false)

At least one of jwt_validation or introspection_validation must be defined.

username_type specifies the role of identifier.user:

  • 'fq_uid' — must be fully qualified username, e.g. @alice:example.test
  • 'localpart' — must be localpart, e.g. alice
  • 'user_id' — could be localpart or fully qualified username
  • null — the username is ignored, it will be source from the token or introspection response

If notify_on_registration is set then notify_on_registration.url will be called when a new user is registered with this body:

    "localpart": "alice",
    "fully_qualified_uid": "@alice:example.test",
    "displayname": "Alice",

expose_metadata_resource must be an object with name field. The object will be exposed at /_famedly/login/{}.

jwt_validation and introspection_validation contain a bunch of *_path optional fields. Each of these, if specified will be used to source either localpart, user id, fully qualified user id, admin permission, or email from jwt claims and introspection response. They values are going to be compared for equality, if they differ, authentication would fail. Be careful with these, as it is possible to configure in such a way that authentication would always fail, or, if username_type is null, no user id data can be sourced, thus also leading to failure.


RFC 7519 - JSON Web Token (JWT)

Parameter Type
validator Validator (defaults to Exist)
require_expiry Bool (defaults to false)
localpart_path Path (optional)
user_id_path Path (optional)
fq_uid_path Path (optional)
displayname_path Path (optional)
admin_path Path (optional)
email_path Path (optional)
required_scopes Space separated string or a list of strings (optional)
jwk_set JWKSet or JWK (optional)
jwk_file String (optional)
jwks_endpoint String (optional)

Either jwk_set or jwk_file or jwks_endpoint must be specified.


RFC 7662 - OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection

Parameter Type
endpoint String
validator Validator (defaults to Exist)
auth HttpAuth (optional)
localpart_path Path (optional)
user_id_path Path (optional)
fq_uid_path Path (optional)
displayname_path Path (optional)
admin_path Path (optional)
email_path Path (optional)
required_scopes Space separated string or a list of strings (optional)

Keep in mind, that default validator will always pass. According to the spec, you probably want at least

type: in
path: 'active'
  type: equal
  value: true


['in', 'active', ['equal', true]]


Parameter Type
url String
auth HttpAuth (optional)
interrupt_on_error Bool (defaults to true)


A path is either a string or a list of strings. A path is used to get a value inside a nested dictionary/object.


  • 'foo' is an existing path in {'foo': 3}, resulting in value 3
  • ['foo'] is an existing path in {'foo': 3}, resulting in value 3
  • ['foo', 'bar'] is an existing path in {'foo': {'bar': 3}}, resulting in value 3


Parameter Type
username String
password String


Parameter Type
token String


Authentication options, always optional

Parameter Type
type 'basic' | 'bearer'

Possible options: BasicAuth, BearerAuth,


A validator is any of these types: Exist, Not, Equal, MatchesRegex, AnyOf, AllOf, In, ListAnyOf, ListAllOf

Each validator has type field


Validator that always returns true.


{'type': 'exist'}




Validator that inverses the result of the inner validator.

Parameter Type
validator Validator


{'type': 'not', 'validator': 'exist'}


['not', 'exist']


Validator that checks for equality with the specified constant.

Parameter Type
value Any


{'type': 'equal', 'value': 3}


['equal', 3]


Validator that checks if a value is a string and matches the specified regex.

Parameter Type Description
regex str Python regex syntax
full_match (optional, true by default) bool Full match or partial match


{'type': 'regex', 'regex': 'hello.'}


['regex', 'hello.', false]


Validator that checks if any of the inner validators pass.

Parameter Type
validators List of Validator


type: any_of
  - ['in', 'foo', ['equal', 3]]
  - ['in', 'bar' ['exist']]


['any_of', [['in', 'bar' ['exist']], ['in', 'foo', ['equal', 3]]]]


Validator that checks if all of the inner validators pass.

Parameter Type
validators List of Validator


type: all_of
  - ['exist']
  - ['in', 'foo', ['equal', 3]]


['all_of', [['exist'], ['in', 'foo', ['equal', 3]]]]


Validator that modifies the context for the inner validator, going inside a dict key. If the validated object is not a dict, or doesn't have specified path, validation fails.

Parameter Type
path Path
validator Validator (optional, defaults to Exist)


['in', ['foo', 'bar'], ['equal', 3]]


Validator that checks if the value is a list and all of its elements satisfy the specified validator.

Parameter Type
validator Validator


type: list_all_of
  type: regex
  regex: 'ab..'


['list_all_of', ['regex', 'ab..']]


Validator that checks if the value is a list and if any of its elements satisfy the specified validator.

Parameter Type
validator Validator


type: list_all_of
  type: equal
  value: 3


['list_any_of', ['equal', 3]]


| Parameter | Type | |----------------------------| | iss | String | | resource_id | String | | registration_enabled | Bool (defaults to false) | | expose_metadata_resource | Any (optional) | | validator | Validator (defaults to Exist) | | jwk_set | JWKSet or JWK (optional) | | jwk_file | String (optional) | | jwks_endpoint | String (optional) | | jwk_set | JWKSet or JWK (optional) | | enc_jwk_file | String (optional) | | enc_jwk | JWK (optional) | | displayname_path | Path (optional) | | localpart_path | Path (optional) |

Either jwk_set or jwk_file or jwks_endpoint must be specified and either enc_jwk or enc_jwk_file must be specified.

resource_id is an id for the synapse token authenticator. The same id must be present on the claim aud of the received token.

iss is the expected issuer of the token and this will be checked against the claim iss of the token.


JWT Authentication

First you have to generate a JWT with the correct claims. The sub claim is the localpart or full mxid of the user you want to log in as. Be sure that the algorithm and secret match those of the configuration. An example of the claims is as follows:

  "sub": "alice",
  "exp": 1516239022

Next you need to post this token to the /login endpoint of synapse. Be sure that the type is com.famedly.login.token and that identifier.user is, again, either the localpart or the full mxid. For example the post body could look as following:

  "type": "com.famedly.login.token",
  "identifier": {
    "type": "",
    "user": "alice"
  "token": "<jwt here>"

OIDC Authentication

First, the user needs to obtain an Access token and an ID token from the IDP:


Next, the client needs to use these tokens and construct a payload to the login endpoint:

  "type": "com.famedly.login.token.oidc",
  "identifier": {
    "type": "",
    "user": "alice" // The user's localpart, extracted from the localpart in the ID token returned by the IDP
  "token": "<opaque access here>" // The access token returned by the IDP

ePa Authentication

First the user needs to obtain an access token from the idp. This token need to be signed and later encrypted (JWE).

Next, the client needs to use these tokens and construct a payload to the login endpoint:

  "type": "com.famedly.login.token.epa",
  "identifier": {
    "type": "",
    "user": "alice" // The user's localpart, extracted from the localpart in the ID token returned by the IDP
  "token": "<jwe here>" // The access token returned by the IDP


The tests uses twisted's testing framework trial, with the development enviroment managed by hatch. Running the tests and generating a coverage report can be done like this:

hatch run cov


After tagging a new version, manually create a Github release based on the tag. This will publish the package on PyPI.


synapse-token-authenticator is distributed under the terms of the AGPL-3.0 license.