@fairfleet/geotab / FuelUsedSearch
The object used to specify the arguments when searching for a FuelUsed.
• deviceSearch: DeviceSearch
Gets or sets filter by the DeviceSearch options. Providing a device ID will search for any FuelUsed data that are assigned to that Device. Providing the Groups will search for FuelUsed data for that have Devices in that group. Available DeviceSearch options are: IdGroups
• fromDate: Date
Gets or sets the from date, which is used to search for FuelUsed records recorded on or after this date.
• id: string
Gets or sets search for an entry based on the specific Id.
• toDate: Date
Gets or sets the to date, which is used to search for FuelUsed records recorded on or before this date.
• version: number
Gets or sets the row version of the search criteria.