- asp.net vnext integration sample application with a custom force.com app
- This application uses asp.net vnext beta 7
- Heroku Build pack https://github.com/heroku/dotnet-buildpack
- This application is posted under Apache License.
- This application uses source code from https://github.com/developerforce/Force.com-Toolkit-for-NET
- This application was developed on a mac. If interested in developing asp.net on mac, please refer to following article http://blogs.msdn.com/b/webdev/archive/2014/08/12/develop-asp-net-vnext-applications-on-a-mac.aspx
Following are the steps to get this application working on heroku
- Need to first install salesforce application using following url
This force.com application consists of 4 objects
- Position - Used to track Positions. Position with status "Open - Approved" will show up on asp.net vnext application
- Candidate - Used to track Candidates.
- Job Application - Used for tracking Job Applications. Each candidate can apply for multiple positions.
- Review - Used track reviews for Candidate. )
- Create connected app "rapp" under Setup | Create | Apps | Connected Apps. Use information under API section in next step.
- Download the source from this git repo on to your local machine https://github.com/fahadaz/Force-dotNet-RecuritingApp
- Open ~/applicaltion folder/src/config.json and add values from previous step and save
"AppSettings": {
"SiteTitle": "rapp",
- Use heroku build pack https://github.com/heroku/dotnet-buildpack to create a new heroku application and deploy the code.
Thats it!