diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3e559718fc7..7b80aecdfa1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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## Fabric.js
+If you are still using Fabric.js v5 because you are maintaining a complex project you don't want to migrate, we made an effort to keep old documentation online.
+Please keep in mind the Fabric.js development team moved on to v6 and beyond and does not have time to keep updated 2 versions.
+All the resources of Fabric.js v5 are deployed [here](https://fabric5.fabricjs.com)] while (fabricjs.com)[https://fabricjs.com] focuses on v6 onward.
[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/fabricjs/fabric.js.svg?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/#!/kangax/fabric.js)
@@ -21,7 +25,7 @@
**Fabric.js** is a framework that makes it easy to work with HTML5 canvas element. It is an **interactive object model** on top of canvas element. It is also an **SVG-to-canvas parser**.
Using Fabric.js, you can create and populate objects on canvas; objects like simple geometrical shapes — rectangles, circles, ellipses, polygons, or more complex shapes consisting of hundreds or thousands of simple paths. You can then scale, move, and rotate these objects with the mouse; modify their properties — color, transparency, z-index, etc. You can also manipulate these objects altogether — grouping them with a simple mouse selection.
@@ -35,7 +39,7 @@ Fabric.js allows you to easily create simple shapes like rectangles, circles, tr
### Goals
- Unit tested (1150+ tests at the moment, 79%+ coverage)
-- Modular (~60 small ["classes", modules, mixins](http://fabricjs.com/docs/))
+- Modular (~60 small ["classes", modules, mixins](http://fabric5.fabricjs.com/docs/))
- Cross-browser
- [Fast](https://github.com/kangax/fabric.js/wiki/Focus-on-speed)
- Encapsulated in one object
@@ -53,7 +57,7 @@ Fabric.js allows you to easily create simple shapes like rectangles, circles, tr
- Edge (chromium based, all versions)
- IE11 and Edge legacy, not supported. Fabric up to 5.0 is written with ES5 in mind, but no specific tests are run for those browsers.
-You can [run automated unit tests](http://fabricjs.com/test/unit/) right in the browser.
+You can [run automated unit tests](http://fabric5.fabricjs.com/test/unit/) right in the browser.
### History
@@ -171,17 +175,17 @@ See testem docs for more info: https://github.com/testem/testem
### Demos
-- [Demos](http://fabricjs.com/demos/)
-- [Kitchensink demo](http://fabricjs.com/kitchensink)
-- [Benchmarks](http://fabricjs.com/benchmarks/)
+- [Demos](http://fabric5.fabricjs.com/demos/)
+- [Kitchensink demo](http://fabric5.fabricjs.com/kitchensink)
+- [Benchmarks](http://fabric5.fabricjs.com/benchmarks/)
[Who's using Fabric?](http://trends.builtwith.com/javascript/FabricJS)
### Documentation
-Documentation is always available at [http://fabricjs.com/docs/](http://fabricjs.com/docs/).
+Documentation is always available at [http://fabric5./docs/](http://fabric5.fabricjs.com/docs/).
-Also see [official 4-part intro series](http://fabricjs.com/articles), [presentation from BK.js](http://www.slideshare.net/kangax/fabricjs-building-acanvaslibrarybk) and [presentation from Falsy Values](http://www.slideshare.net/kangax/fabric-falsy-values-8067834) for an overview of fabric.js, how it works, and its features.
+Also see [official 4-part intro series](http://fabric5.fabricjs.com/articles), [presentation from BK.js](http://www.slideshare.net/kangax/fabricjs-building-acanvaslibrarybk) and [presentation from Falsy Values](http://www.slideshare.net/kangax/fabric-falsy-values-8067834) for an overview of fabric.js, how it works, and its features.
### Optional modules