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Rupali Behera edited this page Dec 4, 2017 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the fabric8-pipeline-library wiki!

1. How are the pipelines for any Job/PR configured ?

This is a manual step once basically we import github orgs; then the jenkins github org folder plugin automatically imports any repository, branch and PR's that has a Jenkinsfile and creates a Job correspondingly.

In the below image you can see an example for adding github organization.

repository_discovery branch_discovery

2. How do we test the pipeline code ?

For eg. you modified getBranch() method in Utils.grrovy

from Jenkins console UI create a pipeline Job and add this below snippet pointing to your fork and branch where you pushed your code.

def dummy
      git ''
      def flow = new io.fabric8.Utils()
      def rs = flow.getBranch()
      echo "${rs}"

3. Where do you test your pipeline code ?

Pipelines can be tested on the local installation of fabric8 jenkins or OSIO jenkins, as this library is meant for deploying inside fabric8(OSIO). As the fabric8 jenkins comes with all the plugins required by the pipeline library to run.

4. If you want to rebuild your PR pipeline Job ?

You can start the build again by doing an empty with the following command git commit -m 'fix(ci): dummy commit' --allow-empty and then squash this commit later or ping folks on the fabric8-cd channel for help.

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