Code developments under license GPL-3.0
A web application in order to manage the reservation of the machines and the manager of a university fablab
- Python 3
- Node JS
$ cd facmanager
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . ./venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ mkdir config
$ # add a secret key in config/secretkey.txt example of generator
$ edit config/secretkey.txt
$ cp facmanager/ facmanager/
$ # modify facmanager/ to your need
$ edit facmanager/
$ python migrate
$ cd facmanager/frontend
$ npm install
$ cp .env.local.example .env.local
$ # edit .env.local to your need
$ edit .env.local
You must provide a src/pages/LegalNotice.vue file. This file must contain the legal notice for your site. It is a HTML file with <template>
as root node.
You must provide a src/pages/HomeTop.vue file. This file must contain informations you want to show on the Home page. It is a HTML file with <template>
as root node.
$ # in frontend folder
$ npm run build
You have two choice. Create a new superuser or login with alternative login backend such as CAS and setting it to superuser.
Create a super user
$ python createsuperuser
Set a user to superuser
$ python shell
>>> from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
>>> User = get_user_model()
>>> u = User.objects.get(username="THEUSERNAME")
>>> u.is_superuser=True
>>> u.is_staff=True
>>> exit()
Exemple of startup script
. /var/resa/facmanager/venv/bin/activate
cd /var/resa/facmanager
gunicorn facmanager.wsgi:application --bind=
Then use a reverse proxy to serve the web app such as Nginx or Apache
Dont forget to serve the static directory /path/to/facmanager/static/