I've Fully Reverse Engineered the Following Values from Instagram Android / Google Attestation Services:
- Playstore Integrity (https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/attestation/create_android_playintegrity/)
- app_scoped_device_id
- Android Keystore (https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/attestation/create_android_keystore/)
- app_scoped_device_id
- key_hash
- SafetyNet
- safetynet_token
- safetynet_response
- Instagram Signatures
- encrypted_password
- caa_core_data_encrypted
- INTERNAL__latency_qpl_instance_id
- x-ig-attest-params
- Any Other Value
- Lowlevel Requests
- MQTT Requests
- logging_client_events Requests
- Bloks Auto Updater
- Systematically Disassemble, Deobfuscate, and extract the newest bloks_versioning_id upon every update
I've fully reversed Instagram Android and am selling my unflagged Account Creator, with all features above integrated, contact me for info: Telegram