Radio clock plugin
Radio clock plugin
Another contribution from Jon srcejon
that you may be able to experiment with depending on your location. This plugin can be used to receive the time and date as broadcast on Low Frequency (LF) by various transmitters that are tied to atomic clocks:
Details here
Other changes and fixes
- Add image zooming to APT demodulator. PR #941
- Add Star Tracker galactic line of sight plot. PR #938
- Improved packet demod performance. PR #935
- Scope GUI: refactor of amplitude scale and offset. Issue #937. This changes the amplitude range and offset settings drastically. Please check Amplitude adjustment and Offset adjustment
- Scope: allow complex float possibly unscaled input. Issue #929
- Fixed SWGModelFactory so that init() is invoked on complex objects. Fixes #899
- Fixed multiple streams input. Fixes #925
- Upgraded libairspy to v1.0.10