UDP source NFM demod and Scope GUI changes and fixes
UDP source plugin changes and fixes
The key change is to maintain a fixed UDP payload size of 2048 bytes that was changing depending on the sample rate settings. This may cause discontinuity in the samples flow in the client application. The receiving application must make sure it acknowledges this block size. UDP may fragment the block but there will be a point when the last UDP block will fill up a complete block of 2048 bytes. So all blocks filling up to 2048 bytes must be received before the 2048 bytes block is passed to the rest of the application. In particular in GNUradio the UDP source block must be configured with a 2048 bytes payload size.
The UDP source utility buffer wrap around logic was fixed so there is no sample loss anymore.
In the GUI added the missing channel frequency display on the channel marker when the mouse is passed on the GUI.
Added a readme docimentation.
Scope GUI changes and fixes
Block incoming traces (trigger) while in memory mode. This avoids an annoying trace shift in history when a new trace is received. Block all trigger related GUI controls accordingly. Fixed the pre-trigger samples initialization when trace size changes. Do not apply trigger changes when sample rate changes as this is unnecessary if not even creating bugs. These fixes make the trace history stable.
Added the current displayed trace sample rate in the GUI.
NFM demod changes
Added a squelch gate control. The fixed 50ms squelch gate can now be varied from 10 to 500ms in 10ms steps. This avoids longer transients to open the squelch.
Revamped the GUI so that it takes even less screen space. Added a readme docimentation.