The flipper can read and emulate RFID and NFC cards, making it useful for proximity-based systems.
- From the main menu, select NFC.
- This is where you can read, save, emulate, and write NFC cards.
- Place the Mifare Classic card (target card) on the back of the Flipper Zero, where the NFC antenna is located.
- In the NFC menu, select Read to start reading the card.
- If the card is readable, the Flipper Zero will display the details of the card, including the UID (Unique Identifier).
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Mifare Classic" %}
- Flipper Zero can read and save data from the following cards:
- MIFARE Classic 1K
- MIFARE Classic 4K
- MIFARE Classic Mini
- To read data stored in sectors, Flipper Zero needs to find:
- 32 keys for 16 sectors (MIFARE Classic 1K)
- 80 keys for 40 sectors (MIFARE Classic 4K)
- 10 keys for 5 sectors (MIFARE Classic Mini)
- Flipper Zero uses keys from the System dictionary to find these keys.
- You can add your keys to the User dictionary by navigating to:
- Main Menu -> NFC -> Extra Actions -> MIFARE Classic Keys.
If the keys are found in the dictionary the card can now be completley be emulated:
All keys are read
If not, all keys are found we can try to get the missing keys from the card reader, like described here: Perform the following steps:
- Read the NFC card and save it with your Flipper Zero.
- In "Main Menu -> NFC -> Saved -> Name of the saved card" select "Extract MF Keys" which will make the Flipper emulate this card for the MFKey32 attack.
- Tap your flipper around 10 times onto the corresponding reader of the card, which will collect nonces from the reader
- Use the MFKey32 app on your flipper or mobile phone(inside flipper app) to try to recover missing keys.
- read the NFC card again and hope the missing keys are now found
- if yes you can emulate the card now
Sectors needs to be unlocked
{% endtab %}{% tab title="NFC cards type V" %} Todo {% endtab %}
{% tab title="NFC cards type F" %} Todo {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
If all keys and sectors could be recovered, we can now use the flipper to emulate the card and perform the same action the card itself could do.