Headers like the one above are made by using the # symbol. The more ## symbols that you use the smaller the font.
Then to add text just type in the markdown file.
In order to make something italics you can use the * or _ before and after the statement
In order to make something bold you can use two asterisks ** or two underscores __ .
If you want to strikethrough something you can use two tildas ~~ before and after the statement.
- In order to make a bullet you can use the asterisk *
- The dashed line also works (-)
- as does the plus sign (+)
- First point
- Second point
Tables | are | cool |
fun things | go in | them |
like your | lab | reports |
Make sure that you have the Markdown Table Editor package. To start a table you use the vertical line. Type your column headers in between and hit enter. Then in preview a table should appear and use can use the table editor to make the rest of your table and make it look nice.