It is well known that both ionizing radiation and gravitation action of the star to the ``hot Jupiter'' leads to outflow of the atmosphere of the planet. The outflow stream gains angular momentum from the planet, after which it accumulates forming a disk or a torus. We estimated the efficiency of the planet migration mechanism as a result of the exchange of angular momentum with the torus, on the example of system HD209458. In the 4.5x10^9 years since the evaporation of the protoplanetary disk, the planet can migrate from orbit ~0.67 AU to its current orbit 0.045 AU.
This code is suitable for calculating the evolution of surface density in a disk under the influence of tidal forces from the planet and viscous forces. It is based on the Pringle model of geometrically thin viscous accretion disk.
Python with Numpy, Scipy, H5Py, Matplotlib. Latest Anaconda is OK.
E. P. Kurbatov, D. V. Bisikalo, I. F. Shaikhislamov. Migration of Hot Jupiters Induced by Atmosphere Outflow. Astronomy Reports, 2020, Vol. 64, No. 12, Pp. 1016–1025.
- doi: 10.1134/S1063772920120069
Е. П. Курбатов, Д. В. Бисикало, И. Ф. Шайхисламов, «Миграция горячих юпитеров под действием истечения атмосферы», 2020, Астрон. журн., том 97, № 12, с. 986–996. (In Russian)
- doi: 10.31857/S0004629920120063
Evgeny P. Kurbatov Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences / Moscow, Russia
Dmitry V. Bisikalo Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Moscow, Russia
Ildar F. Shaikhislamov Institute of Laser Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Novosibirsk, Russia