Status | In Progress |
- Contact your account manager to setup special promo_ids. Each promo MUST have "_aprXX_" somewhere in the string.
- Add the apr_calculator script from the assests folder to your site.
- Expects "#affirm-apr-calculator-input" id assigned to a text input element
<input id="affirm-apr-calculator-input" type="text"...>
- Expects APR selectors to have two things: 1) name set to "interest" 2) value set to "apr%%"
e.g. <input name="interest" value="apr10" ...>
- Expects two arguments: 1) Public API key 2) Promos Object
const promoOptions = {
apr10: ["promo_set_alaonly_12r_apr10_product", "promo_set_alaonly_24r_apr10_product", "promo_set_alaonly_48r_apr10_product"],
apr20: ["promo_set_alaonly_12r_apr20_product", "promo_set_alaonly_24r_apr20_product", "promo_set_alaonly_48r_apr20_product"],
apr30: ["promo_set_alaonly_12r_apr30_product", "promo_set_alaonly_24r_apr30_product", "promo_set_alaonly_48r_apr30_product"]
let example = AffirmAprCalculator("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", promoOptions)
function foo() {
// do something with the AffirmAprCalculator object
apikey: String,
data: Object {
amount: String,
elements: Array,
promosIds: Object,
receivedData: Array,
urls: Array
0: div.term,
1: div.term,
2: div.term,
3: ...div.term
apr10: ["promo_apr10_1", ...],
apr20: ["promo_apr20_1", ...],
apr30: ["promo_apr30_1", ...]
0: {
gid: "apr10",
apr: "10",
term: "12",
perMonth: "132.01",
total: "1584.00"
1: ...
0: "",
1: ...
- add automatic data binding to term elements upon element creation
- enable user to pass custom regexp for input format
- enable user to pass custom HTML term element
- create simple html markup to display example setup