This is the User documentation of the Sirius-based ERS Diagram Editor, and the ERS Activity Diagram View.
It describes the main features that this tool provides, and aims to help you to use it.
First of all download and extract Rodin 3.4.0 :
The ERS Diagram Editor is based on Sirius. So, you need to install Sirius for the editor to work.
The first step to install Sirius is to get its update site link.
Since Rodin is currently based on Eclipse Oxygen (as of Rodin 3.4.0), you will need to install the latest Sirius version for Eclipse Oxygen.
Currently it is that one :
(All Sirius update sites can be seen here :
Open Rodin, then :
- Help > Install New Software ...
- Click on the button "Add ..."
- on the "Add Repository" Dialog, type "Sirius update SIte" as the name and Sirius update site source (e.g. : as the Location.
- Click on Ok
Now, install Sirius.
- Open the "Sirius" category
- Select all elements BUT uncheck the ones marked as "(Experimental)" (see image bellow)
- Click on "Next"
Rodin will now look for dependencies and install Sirius. This can take several minutes.
Once the operation in finished, click on "Next", accept the license agreement, then click on "Finish".
Sirius will be installed.
You will need to restart Rodin once the process is finished (a Dialog will open to notify you).
Note on that part : I created a "test" update site, containing the various plugins, but you should probably check it before release. View it more like a "pre-release" build. Also, please update this documentation accordingly.
To install the atomicity decomposition plugin, download or clone the latest ERS Project from here :
If you've chosen to download it, you'll need to extract the archive.
Now in Rodin :
- Help > Install New Software ...
- Click on the button "Add ..."
- on the "Add Repository" Dialog, type "AtomicityDecomposition Local Copy" as the name and select the "ac.soton.eventb.atomicitydecomposition.testUpdateSite" folder as the Location (Click on the "Local..." button then browse to the folder location).
- Click on Ok
Now install the AtomicityDecomposition feature, by checking it and pressing next.
Accept the licence (which is, for now, empty).
A confirmation dialog telling you that this software is unsigned may appear. Click on "install anyway".
When asked, restart Rodin.
The installation of the AtomicityDecomposition should now be complete. You can now start to use it.
The next sections of this guide explain how to create an ERS Diagram, as well as the main features of the plugin.
This part explains how to open the ERS Diagram Editor.
First of all, you need to create a Rodin Project, and create a Machine in it. To do so :
- New > EventB Project > Name it, then click "Finish".
- Right Click on your Project > New > EventB Component > Name your Machine > Finish
Open Event-B Perspective :
- Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Other ... > Event-B > Open
Then, create a FlowDiagram in your Machine :
- Right Click on your Machine > Add FlowDiagram > Give it a Name > Ok
The new FlowDiagram should now show in your machine.
Then, you'll need to go into Sirius Perspective
Open Sirius Perspective :
- Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Other ... > Sirius > Open
Then convert your project as a Modelling Project :
- Right Click on your Project > Configure > Convert to Modelling Project
Then, you need to create a representation for your FlowDiagram :
- "Show the contents" of the m1.bum file (by clicking on the arrow next to it)
- "Show the contents" of the Machine in it You should now see your FlowDiagram.
- Now create a Representation for it : Right Click on it > New Representation > Other ...
A Dialog should now open. As we want to create an ERS Diagram Representation of our FlowDiagram, select "ERS Diagram" then click on "Finish".
The ERS Diagram should now open. From here you will be able to edit the diagram via the Creation Tool located on the right of the Editor.
Now that you've opened the editor, you can now add Leaves, Constructors, and create links between them.
All those operations can be done via the menu on the left.
To add a Leaf, simply click on the "Leaf" tool, then click on the diagram.
You can then rename the Leaf by selecting the Leaf (by clicking on it), then clicking once on its name.
To add a Constructor, click on the desired tool, then click on the diagram.
The Constructor is the added on the diagram.
If the constructor has a parameter, a dialog will open to allow you to enter the parameter's information.
The "Create links" tool allows you to create links between elements of the Diagram.
As its name implies, this tool allows to link a Constructor (All, And, Loop, ...) with a Leaf.
With this tool you can link a Leaf or a constructor to a FlowDiagram.
To use it, click on the tool. You can then click on the FlowDiagram which will be the source of the connection, and then on the element (Leaf or Constructor) which will be its target.
The connection will then be created.
To add refinements to a Leaf, right click on it, then click on "Add Refinement".
A new FlowDiagram is then created as the decomposition of the Leaf (decompose attribute of the Leaf in the model).
After creating some elements on the diagram, you will probably want to rearrange the ERS diagram.
This can be done easily by calling a re-layout on the Diagram. To do so :
- Right Click on the diagram
- Layout
- Click on "Arrange All"
You can use this tool at any time to reorganize the Diagram.
Note that Sirius allows to pin elements on the diagram. Pinned elements are not considered when the diagram is "re-layouted". Elements can be pinned in two ways :
- If you manually move an element, it is automatically pinned.
- You can also Right click on an element > Layout > Pin element
Pinned elements can mess-up the automatic layout of the diagram, since pinned elements are not considered in the automatic layout. To avoid this, you may want to unpin elements. To do so :
- Right click on the pinned element
- Layout
- Click on "unpin selected elements"
The Diagram can then be re-layouted correctly.
The Editor provides multiple properties views, that allows you to modify properties of any selected diagram element.
To open the properties tab, do the following :
- Window > Show View > Properties
Once the Properties view is open, you can use it to see and modify properties of any selected element.
When you select a FlowDiagram with the properties view open you can see its properties.
The Editor provides two properties tabs for FlowDiagram elements.
- The Parameter View
- The Refinements View
This view allows you to see the parameters of the currently selected FlowDiagram.
For the root FlowDiagram, this tab also allows you to create new parameters, and to delete and modify existing ones.
You can also use the "up" and "down" arrows buttons to reorder parameters (works on any FlowDiagram).
New parameters can be created only for the root FlowDiagram (the one that is a direct child of the Machine you created it in).
To create a new parameter :
- Select the root FlowDiagram
- Click on the button "Add a parameter" A Dialog will open to allow you to type the parameter properties.
- When you validate, the parameter will be created.
Note that the newly created parameter in automatically added to any FlowDiagram in the Diagram. i.e. : Any created parameter will be known by the whole diagram when you create it.
To delete a parameter, simply click on the red cross next to it in the Parameters Properties.
A confirmation Dialog will be shown.
The parameter will then be deleted from the root FlowDiagram and from all the FlowDiagram elements in the diagram.
You can modify the order to which parameters are shown by using the arrows in the parameter Properties view.
Note that this reordering is only done on the selected FlowDiagram. This means that you will have to do this reordering manually for every FlowDiagram element in which you want the reordering to be done.
This reordering simply modifies the order of the parameters in the selected FlowDiagram parameter's list.
The Refinements View allows you to see and reorder refinements of a FlowDiagram.
This tool is especially useful if you want to modify the order of Leaves and Constructors in the diagram.
To modify the order, open the Refinements properties tab, then select the element to be reordered, and use the "up" and "down" yellow arrows buttons to reorder it.
You can then re-layout the diagram (Layout > Arrange all), it will be redrawn using the new order.
A FlowDiagram must have at least one child (refinement) whose "ref" properties is true for the model to be valid.
To modify this property, the easiest way is to use the dedicated Properties tab.
To use it :
- Select a Child (Leaf or Constructor)
- Open the properties view
- In it, open the "Child properties" tab
- Use the checkbox to set the "ref" value of the selected Child
You can modify the order of children of a Constructor by using the "Links view" Properties tab.
To open it :
- Select a Constructor (Xor, And, ...)
- Open the properties view
- In it, open the "Links View" tab
- Use the yellow arrow to reorder the children of the constructor
- Re-layout (Layout > Arrange all) the diagram, the diagram will be redrawn using the new order.
You can modify a parametrized Constructor parameter's properties by using the dedicated Properties view.
To do so :
- Select a parametrized Constructor (All, Par, Some, ...)
- Open the properties view
- In it, open the "Parameter View" tab
- Use the text fields to modify the parameter's properties.
The parameter will be updated automatically in the whole diagram hierarchy (including children FlowDiagram of the updated Constructor).
The editor provides a command to open any FlowDiagram is a separate diagram.
Let suppose for example that you have an ERS Diagram like this one :
And let's suppose that you are interested in refining the add_curr_path Event.
You can do so directly in the "main" Diagram, but you can also open the specific refinement that you want to develop, in a separate Diagram.
Let's, in our example open the decomposition of add_path_curr in a separate diagram.
To do so :
- Right click on the FlowDiagram node
- Click on "Open in a separate ERS Diagram" A new ERS Diagram will be created and opened. (If one already exists for that FlowDiagram, it is simply opened).
The diagram opens. You can now layout it using the arrange all command : Right click on the diagram > Layout > Arrange All
The sub diagram is now open in a separate diagram. Any change that you do in this window will be applied on the model, and thus will be visible on the "initial" diagram (the one which represents the whole model).
The ERS Editor also provides a way to view an ERS Diagram in an activity diagram-like representation.
To open this view for any FlowDiagram :
- Right click on a FlowDiagram element (or in the background of an ERS Diagram)
- Click on "Open Activity View"
Once the Activity Diagram View is open, you can then layout the diagram using the "Layout > Arrange All" command.
When first opened, The Activity Diagram View shows only the abstract refinement level : decompositions of Leaves are hidden by default.
This can be configured via various commands which will be detailed in the next section.
The Activity View Diagram provides an Activity Diagram-like representation of an ERS Diagram model. This section details the main features of this diagram.
This command allows you to open the ERS Diagram that corresponds to an Activity Diagram View.
That way, you can easily navigate between the Activity View and the ERS Diagram Editor of a FlowDiagram element.
To use it :
- Right click on a FlowDiagram element (or on the background of the Activity Diagram View)
- Click on "Open Related ERS Diagram"
The related ERS Diagram will open. (If one does not already exists for the selected FlowDiagram, it will be created).
This command allows you to display decompositions of a Leaf (if those are currently hidden).
To use it :
- Right click on a Leaf
- Click on "Show Decompositions"
The decomposition are drawn. Re-layout the diagram. To do so :
- Layout > Arrange All
The decompositions are now shown correctly.
The counterpart of the "Show decompositions". It allows to hide the decompositions of a Leaf.
To use it :
- Right click on a Leaf
- Click on "Hide Decompositions"
The decompositions are now hidden. Re-layout the diagram. To do so :
- Layout > Arrange All
The diagram is now shown with the selected Leaf's decompositions hidden.
This command allows you to open a decomposition of a Leaf in a separate Activity Diagram View.
This command can be useful if you want to focus on a specific part of the diagram.
To use it :
- Right click on a decomposition of a Leaf (the light-green zone
- Click on "Open in a separate Activity View Diagram"
The Activity Diagram View is then opened.
This command is quite similar to the "Open in a separate Activity View Diagram" command. The only difference is that it is available on a Leaf instead of a FlowDiagram element.
It allows you to open decompositions of a Leaf in a separate Activity Diagram.
To use it :
- Right click on a Leaf which has decompositions (the command won't show if the Leaf has none)
- Click on "Open Decompositions in a Separate Activity Diagram"
The selected Leaf's decomposition(s) will then open in a separated Diagram.
This command allows you to select the level of decomposition that you want to be shown on the diagram.
To use it :
- Right Click on the background of an Activity Diagram View
- Click on "Show Decomposition up to a certain level"
A Dialog then opens, to ask you which decomposition level you want.
The level 0 is considered to be the "abstract level" or the "root level". i.e. : Only the direct children of the root FlowDiagram are shown.
The level 1 shows the direct decompositions of "root level" elements.
The level 2 shows decompositions of level 1 elements, and so on.
Select the desired decomposition level.
Then Click on "Ok".
The decomposition level is drawn.
The diagram now needs to be re-layout. To do so :
- Layout > Arrange All
The diagram is then correctly shown with the wanted decomposition level.
Note that for large diagrams, you might need to re-layout the diagram more than once in order to organize it correctly.