ansible playbooks to set up raspberry pi device
- download
- configure addtional settings by pressing crtl + shift + x
- enabled Wifi and set SSID, Password and Country
- enable SSH and select via Public-Key and copy your SSH public key into the field (required for ansible deployement as well)
- click save and continue to burn image for distribution Debian or Ubuntu on your SSD card
- insert SSD card into your raspberry pi
- search for your raspberry pi device in local network via nmap
- nmap -sn (ip address depends on your NAT)
- download putty (
- go to SSH Auth and select your private key for SSH connection
- connect via putty SSH to your raspberry pi via found ip from nmap command
- install pip if not exists
- curl -o
- sudo python3 -> install global
- python3 -m pip install ansible
- update device (, set hosts with ansible_ssh_private_key_file location (ssh key used for headless setup)
- use .pem key format as reference for private key
- git pull
- verify connectivity via -> ansible all -i devices -u pi -m ping
- ansible-playbook -i devices simple.yaml