Releases: etiennestuder/gradle-rocker-plugin
Releases · etiennestuder/gradle-rocker-plugin
Add discardLogicWhitespace configuration option
Add discardLogicWhitespace configuration option.
Ignore empty directories when snapshotting template directory
Ignore empty directories when snapshotting template directory.
Avoidance of deprecated APIs
Usage of deprecated APIs avoided for newer versions of Gradle.
Incremental task turned off when Rocker hot reload enabled
Incremental task functionality turned off when Rocker's hot reload feature is enabled.
Removal of empty output directories
Made RockerCompile task remove empty output directories.
Improved DSL
Changed DSL to declare version as part of the extension and to nest all configurations in a block.
Improved compatibility with task avoidance
Internal refactoring to improve compatibility with task avoidance.
Compatibility with task avoidance
Made RockerCompile task support configuration avoidance.
Usage of lazy properties
Internal refactoring to improve lazy properties usage.
Usage of InputChanges for incremental work action
Internal refactoring to get rid of deprecated APIs that will be removed in Gradle 7.