Define environment variables to be able to include the INET and ESTNeT libraries:
export INET_ROOT="Path_to_your_local_INET_directory"
export ESTNET_ROOT="Path_to_your_local_ESTNeT_directory"
Example path:/C/Users/my_user/workspace_omnetpp/inet
The environment variables can also be set automatically. When you use the mingw console in Windows you can do that by the following commands:
cd ~
echo 'export INET_ROOT="Path_to_your_local_INET_directory"' >> .bash_profile
echo 'export ESTNET_ROOT="Path_to_your_local_ESTNeT_directory"' >> .bash_profile
Restart the MinGW Shell before running
- Run mingwenv.cmd in the OMNeT++ directory
- Go to simulations in the template project folder
./ <build config> <config file> [<config name>] [<Cmdenv|Qtenv>] [extra omnet args ...]
(Example:./ release omnetpp.ini
- Run mingwenv.cmd in the OMNeT++ directory
- Go to contactplan in the template project folder
- Run
./ <config file> <config name> <time limit with unit>
(Example:./ omnetpp.ini General 10000s
) - The contact plan will be written to
../simulations/results/contact_plan-<config name>-0.txt